Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1319 Tasting tea in the cafe

c_t;When Kang Jinglong introduced him, Su Zhe didn't say a word. Read the full text of the latest chapter

No matter how extravagant Kang Jinglong's words were, he just remained silent and listened quietly.

It was not until Kang Jinglong finished speaking that Su Zhe began to say: "Whether or not the value of this place will appreciate in the future, this is a matter of the future. In short, given the geography here, it is not worth the price now."

"Although this place has been renovated, it is decorated like a gym after all. It does not meet my conditions for opening a martial arts gym, so it still needs to be renovated."

Although 190 million is not much to him, he can easily get it now.

But it doesn't mean that Su Zhe is willing to be ripped off and spend all this unjust money, so if he can lower the price, he will try his best to lower the price.

And the price Kang Jinglong mentioned now is a bit high compared to the geographical location here reads;.

Finally, Su Zhe said: "If the owner really wants to sell, let him offer a fair price."

Hearing what Su Zhe said, Kang Jinglong couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Judging from Su Zhe's attitude, Kang Jinglong knew that he was very determined. If he still insisted on keeping the price unchanged, then this order would definitely be hopeless.

And Kang Jinglong also knew very well that what Su Zhe said was correct.

The shops here are indeed not worth 16,000 yuan per square meter. The price is indeed a bit high.

Kang Jinglong is not willing to lose such a big list like this. He will definitely try his best to keep this list.

Therefore, he said to Su Zhe: "Mr. Su, let's do this! I'll call the owner and ask if the price can be negotiated and lowered. [ ]"

Su Zhe nodded and said, "It's best this way. Just fight! I want to look around."

After that, he walked away, leaving room for Kang Jinglong to call the owner.

The conditions of this store. It still satisfies Su Zhe's requirements, and with an area of ​​12,000 square meters on two floors, it is also very suitable for opening a large martial arts gym.

So, if the price can be lowered a little. He is willing to buy it.

Now look at Kang Jinglong’s phone call.

Does it have any effect?

Otherwise, it would all be empty talk. Su Zhe would not be willing to buy it even though he knew the price was high.

Not long. Kang Jinglong ended the call and came to find Su Zhe.

And judging from the smile on his face, this should be possible, which is why he smiled so happily.

After all, if today's transaction fails, the person who will be most disappointed is Kang Jinglong. Su Zhe will only waste a little time at most, and Kang Jinglong will just watch the generous commission slip away from his eyes.

Therefore, Kang Jinglong was more concerned about this matter than Su Zhe.

After Kang Jinglong came over, he briefly explained the content of the call: "Mr. Su. I have already talked with the owner. He said that the price can be negotiated, but the owner hopes to talk to Mr. Su in person. This communication will be much more convenient. You Is it okay to watch?”

It would indeed be much more convenient if we could directly negotiate with the owner, so Su Zhe nodded and said, "Okay, no problem, but when can the owner come out to meet?"

Kang Jinglong said hurriedly: "You can do it now. Because the owner is in the cafe nearby. If Mr. Su has no problem, we can go over and meet the owner now."

"Okay, let's go find the owner now." Su Zhe nodded. Let Kang Jinglong lead the way.

The cafe Kang Jinglong was talking about happened to be passed by when Su Zhe came. It was not far from here, so they didn't go to the underground garage to pick up the car and just walked there.

After arriving at the cafe. Only then did he realize that this cafe was opened by the owner, so he came here to find the owner.

The owner is a middle-aged man, slightly chubby, wearing a pair of rimless glasses, and looks kind and gentle.

When Su Zhe arrived, the man was sitting in the corner, reading a book.

But what is interesting is that this man is drinking tea in a cafe, and he also has a complete set of tea-making tools, which makes him look a little out of place.

When the middle-aged man saw Su Zhe and Kang Jinglong approaching, he put down the book in his hand and stood up to greet them. He first introduced himself as He Wensong.

He Wensong saw that Su Zhe was somewhat interested in his tea set, so he explained aloud: "Although I opened a cafe, my favorite thing is to drink tea. I don't have much interest in coffee. I drink tea here every day." Reading is quite leisurely."

This cafe is opened by He Wensong himself, so of course he can do whatever he wants and do whatever he wants.

Su Zhe smiled and said, "Mr. He, your life is really comfortable."

He Wensong also smiled and said: "A person's life is only a few decades. If you can make yourself comfortable, then of course you should try your best to do it."

Su Zhe also thinks that He Wensong's attitude towards life is very good.

A person like He Wensong will definitely not be short of money. The fixed assets he owns alone are a huge amount.

Since he doesn't need to worry about money, of course he wants to make his life more comfortable. And people of his age, with his current status, naturally lose the hard work of his youth.

Now He Wensong can just do what he likes, and there is no need to worry about other things.

Once this person sees through it, his life will naturally become more comfortable and comfortable.

Therefore, Su Zhe also agreed with He Wensong's attitude towards life. As long as he lived comfortably, why should he care about other people's opinions.

Besides, this cafe is opened by He Wensong. He doesn't need anyone else's approval to do anything he wants here. He can do whatever he wants.

Let alone enjoying tea here, as long as He Wensong is willing to barbecue in this cafe, who can stop him.

He Wensong turned to the left and said, "Come on, Mr. Su, please sit down."

Su Zhe nodded and sat down with Kang Jinglong, and He Wensong then sat opposite them.

He Wensong didn't seem to be worried about the store's sales at all, but slowly started to make tea. He poured out all the tea leaves and prepared to make a new pot.

He is very particular about making and pouring tea, and he does every step very carefully.

Before making tea, He Wensong would scald the kettle with boiling water. Seeing that Su Zhe was a little curious, he explained: "First scald it with boiling water. This can remove the odor in the pot, and the hot pot will also help evaporate it." The smell of tea.”

Su Zhe shook his head slightly and said, "This tea ceremony culture is really profound and profound. I'm afraid a rough guy like me will never be able to learn it."

He Wensong smiled softly and then said: "Mr. Su, you are really good at joking. My method of making tea is not worthy of publicity." (To be continued.)

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