Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1320 250 million

He Wensong didn't seem to be in a hurry at all, and didn't seem to care about the store's affairs.

Ever since Su Zhe sat down, He Wensong's conversation has been centered around the tea ceremony culture. He did not talk about other topics, let alone the store's problems.

Su Zhe also behaved very calmly, as if he was very interested in the tea ceremony taught by He Wensong.

Occasionally, he would ask some questions about the tea ceremony and seek answers from He Wensong.

The attitude of these two people is a bit confusing.

Su Zhe and He Wensong met here obviously for store transactions.

Fortunately, the two of them didn't mention the store at all. It seemed that they had forgotten about it. In this regard, the two of them still had a very tacit understanding.

However, Su Zhe and He Wensong were not in a hurry, but Kang Jinglong next to them was so anxious that he was almost sweating.

Kang Jinglong didn't want to drink tea in this cafe, but he really wanted to complete this list as soon as possible, so as not to have long nights and dreams, and the upcoming commission would slip away from his eyes.

But now Su Zhe and He Wensong, as the parties involved, did not mention this matter, which made Kang Jinglong not know how to stir up the topic.

More than twenty minutes later, Su Zhe and He Wensong were still chatting about something, but not about the store.

In the end, Kang Jinglong couldn't bear it anymore and said, "Mr. Su≥∧, Mr. He, do you think we should discuss the price?"

He Wensong looked like he suddenly understood and said, "Look at my mind. When I talk about tea, I forget other things. It's my fault."

As for He Wensong, he really forgot about it. Or I didn’t say it on purpose. Then only he himself knows.

In response, Su Zhe just smiled lightly and was noncommittal.

Kang Jinglong took the initiative to lower the price to He Wensong: "Mr. He, Mr. Su really wants the two-story store. He is very sincere and hopes you can lower the price a little. In this case, everyone will be happy."

He Wensong did not respond directly. Instead, he asked another question: "Mr. Su, I'm actually quite curious. I heard that you are planning to open a martial arts gym. I don't know if this is your first martial arts gym or if you are planning to open a branch. But I guess this isn’t the first branch!”

The reason why He Wensong thinks so is:

It was because he felt that Su Zhe wanted to buy such a big place from the beginning, so it shouldn't be the first martial arts gym.

After all, if you were just trying it out for the first time, you wouldn't buy such a big place.

so. He Wensong is more inclined to the latter possibility, that is, Su Zhe has already opened a martial arts gym. And now we are preparing to open one more branch library.

Su Zhe nodded and replied: "This is the branch I am planning to open. I have already opened a martial arts gym before."

He Wensong seemed to be very curious about this: "Then you don't know the name of your martial arts school?"

Su Zhe believed that there was nothing to hide. If everything went well today, the branch of the Supreme Martial Arts Hall would be opened here in the future, so there was no need to hide this now. He said it directly: "The Supreme Martial Arts Hall."

Hearing this, He Wensong was a little surprised and hurriedly asked: "This is the Supreme Martial Arts School in Yanyun City, and the head coach is Master Shao Zhanshao?"

"Indeed, Mr. He, do you know Uncle Shao?" Su Zhe was also a little surprised, because he didn't expect that He Wensong would also know Shao Zhan, which was quite surprising.

He Wensong smiled and said: "Master Shao and I have just met! But Master Shao has a great reputation, and there are many people who know him."

Su Zhe nodded, Shao Zhan was indeed very famous in martial arts.

At this time, Kang Jinglong added in time: "It turns out that Mr. Su and Mr. He still have this relationship, so today's matter will be easier to discuss."

He Wensong began to relax: "The price is indeed negotiable. For Master Shao's sake, I can lower it a little, but it won't be too much. At least I can't lose too much."

The next thing is much simpler. Now that it comes to this, the two begin the bargaining process.

The elegance of the tea tasting just now disappeared all of a sudden when it came to money.

After more than half an hour of bargaining, Su Zhe and He Wensong finally reached a consensus and negotiated a price that satisfied both parties.

Before Su Zhe met He Wensong, the area of ​​the two-story store was 12,000 square meters. The original transfer price was 190 million, which is equivalent to a unit price of nearly 16,000 yuan per square meter. .

Now after negotiation between the two parties, the price per square meter is 14,000 yuan, which is a huge discount.

However, He Wensong also put forward many conditions. First of all, not only the two floors are transferred, but the third floor must also be purchased together. Moreover, after the transaction is completed, all the money must be paid in full within a short period of time without any arrears.

If Su Zhe cannot satisfy any of the requirements, then this transaction will not be considered a success.

Su Zhe agreed very readily.

The third floor was originally decorated according to the layout of a supermarket, although it was not decorated like a gym like the first and second floors.

But because this third floor is just a supermarket frame, and the specific decoration has not yet been decided, it can still be transformed into a martial arts gym, and the project is not too big.

The combined area of ​​these three floors is 18,000 square meters, and the total price now is not 190 million, but 250 million.

For Su Zhe, this area is not too big, and there is no problem in buying the third floor. Maybe the martial arts gym will not need to be expanded in the future, and more students can be admitted.

So this is not a problem. He can still accept this condition.

As for He Wensong's request to pay all the money in one lump sum, this is not a big problem.

After spending 980 million yuan to buy Villa No. 1, Su Zhe now has 7.7 billion yuan in cash left in his account, which is funds that he can easily mobilize and spend.

And this transaction is only 250 million. For him, it is no problem to pay it off in one lump sum.

If all the procedures can be completed today, then Su Zhe can pay the money directly to He Wensong, which is possible.

The four words "wealthy and wealthy" refer to people like Su Zhe, and they are perfectly suitable to describe him.

Therefore, he had no objection to the conditions proposed by He Wensong. This was a condition that he could fully accept.

Therefore, this transaction is considered a success at this point.

Next, as long as Su Zhe and He Wensong sign the agreement, they can go directly to handle the relevant transfer procedures.

And these things are just trivial matters. (To be continued...)

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