Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1326 An unexpected person

After Fu Yanjie left the bar because of something, Su Zhe also left shortly after.

Although Fu Yanjie's mobile phone was the same as Su Xin's, which made him a little confused, he didn't think much about it.

Because this is just a small thing, you don't need to worry too much about it.

After the trip to the bar, Su Zhe felt that there was no place to go, so he drove back directly.

When he returned to Rosewood Villa, parked the car in the garage, and returned to Villa No. 1, he saw an unexpected person.

A weak-looking woman was sitting in the living room, chatting with An Xin.

Because An Xin's position was directly opposite the gate, she discovered it immediately after Su Zhe came back.

Then, the weak woman turned around. When she saw Su Zhe, her eyes couldn't help flashing a hint of surprise.

It turned out that the woman chatting with An Xin was Ling Ruoxue, whom she hadn't seen for a long time.

Even before Su Zhe moved to Guanzhou City, he had not seen Ling Ruoxue for a long time when he was in Yanyun City.

It seems that because Ling Ruoxue's elder is sick, she has to go there often to take care of her elders, so she can't come to participate in every gathering or outing.

After arriving in Guanzhou City, Su Zhe and Ling Ruoxue had no chance to meet each other.

When he stayed in Villa No. 1, he also invited Ling Ruoxue to come here for a party, but she couldn't come.

Therefore, Su Zhe did not expect that Ling Ruoxue would suddenly come here after half a month, which surprised him very much.

After An Xin saw Su Zhe, she said: "Su Zhe, Ruoxue has been here for a long time. It's just that I can't get through when I call you, and the phone is always turned off."

When Su Zhe heard An Xin's words, he immediately took out his phone and saw that the screen was already black. He pressed the power button. The screen only flickered for a moment before going dark again.

It turned out that his cell phone was out of battery and turned off automatically, so An Xin tried to call him but couldn't.

Ling Ruoxue said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I came here without telling you. It was me who was abrupt."

Su Zhe smiled and said,

Said: "It's nothing unobtrusive. We are all very happy that you can come, but I think you have something important to come here today!"

Ling Ruoxue had some worry on her face. This can be easily seen, and when she saw Su Zhe coming back just now, she was quite surprised.

First, Ling Ruoxue had not seen Su Zhe for a long time, and now she would be a little surprised when they met on the first day of the new year. Second, Ling Ruoxue should have wanted to see Su Zhe for something, so she was so surprised when she saw him.

And these two possibilities. All exist.

Judging from all the circumstances, Ling Ruoxue must have something urgent and wanted to ask Su Zhe for help, so she suddenly came here.

Ling Ruoxue nodded. Said: "Well! I have something I want to ask you for help with."

After An Xin poured Su Zhe a cup of tea, she said, "You guys chat first while I go into the kitchen."

Afterwards, An Xin walked into the kitchen and started preparing lunch, a rare visit for Ling Ruoxue. Naturally, An Xin couldn't entertain her casually.

After An Xin left, in the living room. Only Su Zhe and Ling Ruoxue were left.

Su Zhe sat across from Ling Ruoxue and said, "Tell me! There is something you need my help with. If I can help, I will definitely help."

"I know this is troublesome for you, but I really have no choice but to do this." Ling Ruoxue's tone was hesitant. Maybe she didn't want to disturb Su Zhe's life.

Su Zhe said softly: "It's okay, we are friends, and we should help each other."

Ling Ruoxue began to tell Su Zhe, and her tone became more and more sad: "Thank you, because my great-grandfather is sick. It is advanced esophageal cancer. Because my great-grandfather is old and in poor health, he cannot have surgery. Doctor I have already said that even in the best case scenario, my great-grandfather will not survive more than three months."

By the end, Ling Ruoxue's eyes had begun to turn red. If she hadn't been forced to hold back, she might have shed tears.

It turned out that Ling Ruoxue's great-grandfather had esophageal cancer, and it was still in the late stage. No wonder she often went there to stay with him.

Ling Ruoxue's great-grandfather and Mr. Yu were of the same generation. Even if they were less than a hundred years old, they were not much different.

For people at this age, time is basically running out, and now they have esophageal cancer, which will accelerate the pace of death.

And now doctors have judged that Ling Ruoxue's great-grandfather will basically not survive more than three months.

Maybe Ling Ruoxue really had no other choice, and she didn't want to see her great-grandfather die in pain like this.

That's why Ling Ruoxue came here to find Su Zhe now.

This is because Ling Ruoxue's congenital heart disease was cured by Su Zhe in the past, and the method used was very simple. She felt no pain at all. She just drank some colorless and odorless medicine and she was completely cured.

Ling Ruoxue was also diagnosed by the doctor at that time, and she only had three months left to live at most. She also fainted several times on the road and almost couldn't be saved.

In this situation, it was Su Zhe who rescued Ling Ruoxue so that she could live a normal life and no longer have to suffer from the disease.

At that time, the doctors who treated Ling Ruoxue said that this was an impossible miracle after they knew that she was completely recovered.

But the facts are right in front of us, and people have no choice but to believe them.

Therefore, in Ling Ruoxue's heart, Su Zhe was no less than a miracle doctor. Perhaps he was a miracle doctor himself, and it was he who gave her the chance to be reborn.

Therefore, when she was desperate, Ling Ruoxue first thought of Su Zhe. Perhaps the only person in the world who could save her great-grandfather was Su Zhe.

In fact, if possible, Ling Ruoxue didn't want to come over and disturb Su Zhe's life, but she was really desperate, and she didn't want to see her great-grandfather in pain day by day.

So after hesitating, she finally came.

Although Ling Ruoxue didn't know if Su Zhe could cure her great-grandfather, she decided to come over and give it a try. Maybe another miracle would happen.

Because in her heart, Su Zhe is a miracle doctor, and maybe he has a way to cure her great-grandpa.

Even if Su Zhe couldn't cure his grandfather's illness, it would be a good thing if it could reduce his pain a little.

Therefore, Ling Ruoxue came over in a hurry. Only when she got here did she know that Su Zhe had gone out, and his cell phone was turned off, so he could no longer be contacted.

At this moment, she remembered that she had spoken to Su Zhe before coming.

But now he rushed over so recklessly, Ling Ruoxue knew that this was very rude and would disturb the other party.

But Ling Ruoxue was also too impatient, so she didn't think too much and came directly. (To be continued)

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