Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1327 Returning the favor

Ling Ruoxue's arrival surprised Su Zhe.

But then he thought about it, and he knew that Ling Ruoxue came over so suddenly, and there must be something for him to help.

But now, Su Zhe's guess was correct. Ling Ruoxue did come to him for help with something, and it was a matter of life and death. No wonder she came in such a hurry.

After hearing what happened to Ling Ruoxue, he realized that Ling Ruoxue came here for her great-grandfather.

This old man has esophageal cancer, which is still in the advanced stage. This is a very painful thing, and considering that Ling Ruoxue's great-grandfather is too old, he can't have any surgery at all, which is equivalent to waiting to die.

Moreover, this old man not only only had three months to live, but also had to spend the last part of his life in pain in a hospital bed.

In the advanced stage of esophageal cancer, it is very difficult to swallow. Even semi-liquid food cannot be eaten. In the end, even water and saliva cannot be swallowed, and chest pain or back pain will continue.

As for Ling Ruoxue's great-grandfather, his condition was undoubtedly at its most serious. No wonder she came to see Su Zhe.

When everyone was helpless, the only person Ling Ruoxue could think of was Su Zhe.

For her, Su Zhe is the only hope.

After Su Zhe thought for a while, he said, "So, do you want me to go over and help your great-grandpa treat his illness?"

Ling Ruoxue said expectantly: "I know this is very troublesome for you, but I really have no choice. I don't ask you to cure Grandpa's disease, but I hope you can relieve his pain so that he doesn't have to suffer so much. "

Now Ling Ruoxue's great-grandfather. He has reached the point where he is terminally ill. No one could hope for a cure. I just hope that he can be more peaceful in his last moments and not have to suffer so much.

After Su Zhe thought for a while, he said, "I can help your great-grandpa treat his illness, but I can't guarantee what I can do."

Ling Ruoxue was his friend, and when Su Zhe was arrested at the police station, Ling Ruoxue's father, Ling Yizhen, came in person. He must repay this favor.

That being the case. Su Zhe will definitely help with this favor, just consider it as repaying the favor.

However, Su Zhe cannot guarantee that he can cure Ling Ruoxue's great-grandfather. After all, he has never treated advanced esophageal cancer.

He has no experience in this area, so he can't guarantee anything now.

This is to avoid giving the other party too much hope. In the end, he can't do anything, leaving the other party with a huge gap and disappointment.

so. Su Zhe's current IQ will not make any promises.

Of course, he is quite confident in his divine power. Because he has experienced so many things for such a long time, the divine power has not let him down.

Therefore, Su Zhe still believed in his divine power and would not let him down. At least it could be done to reduce Ling Ruoxue's great-grandfather's pain a little.

If nothing else goes wrong, his healing power can cure Ling Ruoxue's great-grandfather, but he doesn't want to talk so much now to avoid any accidents.

Ling Ruoxue said gratefully: "Thank you, as long as you can reduce my great-grandfather's pain a little so that he doesn't have to suffer so much."

Ling Ruoxue was very touched that Su Zhe could agree.

Because he could not agree, so that he would not get into trouble, but he did not do so, but directly agreed. It was for the sake of friendship that he was allowed to make this decision. of.

Afterwards, Su Zhe asked: "Then where is your great-grandfather?"

Since he has decided to help Ling Ruoxue, it would be better to treat Ling Ruoxue's great-grandfather as soon as possible to avoid long nights and dreams.

After all, Ling Ruoxue's great-grandfather must be terminally ill now. His condition must be very serious, and the longer it goes on, the more dangerous it will be.

Therefore, Su Zhe hoped that he could be treated as soon as possible, even if it made him suffer less pain, it would be a good thing.

"My great-grandfather is currently undergoing treatment in Kyoto. Because he is currently inconvenient and cannot come here, I hope you can go to Kyoto with me." Ling Ruoxue said apologetically.

Because if possible, Ling Ruoxue certainly didn't want to trouble Su Zhe so much.

But there is no way now. Her great-grandfather is very ill and cannot travel long distances here. The bumps on the road can easily lead to accidents.

Therefore, Ling Ruoxue could only hope that Su Zhe would go to Kyoto.

Su Zhe said: "Okay, then I will go to Kyoto with you and book a ticket for tomorrow. You can rest here for a day and we will fly there tomorrow."

He had already decided to treat Ling Ruoxue's great-grandfather, so there was nothing wrong with going to Kyoto.

And Su Zhe could also understand that someone like Ling Ruoxue's great-grandfather, who was already so seriously ill, could no longer move around casually. An accident would definitely happen if he was not careful.

Not only would Ling Ruoxue's great-grandfather not be able to be cured, but he would have an accident on the road, which would be bad and he would feel bad about it.

Therefore, in order to avoid this happening, it was inevitable for him to go to Kyoto.

But today is already this time, so it is inconvenient to go there. I can only book a flight ticket for tomorrow and fly to Kyoto tomorrow.

"Okay, thank you." Ling Ruoxue said gratefully immediately.

"It's okay. You don't have to worry so much. I believe everything will be fine." Su Zhe comforted her.

At this time, An Xin had prepared lunch and was calling him and Ling Ruoxue over to eat.

"Let's go eat first." Su Zhe took Ling Ruoxue over.

Perhaps because she was worried about her great-grandfather's condition, Ling Ruoxue was a little absent-minded at the dinner table, looking preoccupied, and she had no appetite.

She only ate a few times before she couldn't eat anymore.

This is human nature. Ling Ruoxue and her great-grandfather must have a very good relationship.

Human beings are not like grass and trees, and how can they be ruthless? Now that the old man is sick, it is normal for her to worry about him.

At this time, Su Zhe also knew that comfort was useless. Ling Ruoxue would continue to worry until the old man's illness was cured.

If she wanted to make Ling Ruoxue feel better, there was only one way, which was to cure her great-grandfather's disease so that the old man wouldn't have to suffer so much. This would definitely make her feel better.

Therefore, he did not say any more words of comfort.

Su Zhe knew that Ling Ruoxue was here in a hurry and must have been in a hurry on the way. She must be very tired now.

Therefore, after the meal, he arranged a room for Ling Ruoxue so that she could rest for a while.

As for other things, we can only leave it to tomorrow. (To be continued...)

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