Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1328 2 cuties

After Ling Ruoxue returned to the room, Su Zhe told An Xin about Ling Ruoxue.

And he also told An Xin that he would go to Kyoto tomorrow to treat Ling Ruoxue's great-grandfather.

As for when Su Zhe will come back, the time has not been determined yet. After all, he has not seen Ling Ruoxue's great-grandfather yet, and he doesn't know if it will take too much time.

He asked An Xin to take more precautions when he was away and not to be careless.

Moreover, Su Zhe asked An Xin to take the little snow dragon and the others out if they wanted to take Yang Yang out. At least if the little snow dragon and the others were around, they would be able to withstand danger.

In this case, it can also make him feel more at ease.

After that, he went back to his room and booked two tickets online, and they were the earliest flights tomorrow.

Since Ling Ruoxue is so worried now, she will definitely hope to get to Kyoto as soon as possible.

So Su Zhe booked the earliest flight now so that she could go to Kyoto earlier and make her worry less.

After doing these things, he returned to the basement and started today's practice.

Ever since Su Zhe used older ginseng to refine the Third Transformation Marrow Cleansing Pill, its medicinal power has been greatly enhanced.

And his cultivation efficiency also improved along with it, and his strength increased greatly every day.

Now, Su Zhe's physical fitness has reached 285 points, and his strength has improved by leaps and bounds compared to before.

Now that he has practiced physical training, every move he makes is filled with great power.

If there is a huge boulder in front of him, Su Zhe is confident that he can break it with his own strength.

Of course, this requires him to use his skill to do it. Otherwise. The boulder will only be knocked away by his power. rather than being crushed.

In the afternoon, when the alarm clock on his cell phone started ringing, Su Zhe stopped practicing.

At this time, it was time for the baby to get out of school. He had promised the baby in the morning, and it was not safe outside recently, so now he was going to school to pick up the baby.

But starting tomorrow. Su Zhe can't pick up the baby.

Because he is going to Kyoto with Ling Ruoxue tomorrow,

Treating her great-grandfather, of course, there was no way to pick up the baby to and from school.

We can only continue to pick him up like this until he comes back from Kyoto.

And now Su Zhe has to go and tell Yan Yuyan and the others that this is something that must be done.

Of course, there is no rush at this moment. He can also pick up the baby first and then tell them that he will not be able to pick up the baby tomorrow.

Su Zhe left the basement and was about to go back to the room to change clothes when he found that Ling Ruoxue had already left the room. He was chatting with An Xin in the living room.

Judging from Ling Ruoxue's face. She probably didn't have a good rest in the afternoon, her face was still so haggard, which made people feel that her body was even more weak.

But he had no good solution now. Before Ling Ruoxue's great-grandfather was cured, no matter how he comforted her, she would inevitably be worried.

"You guys chat, I'll pick up the baby." After Su Zhe changed his clothes, he said to An Xin and Ling Ruoxue, then put on his shoes and went to the underground garage to drive.

After arriving at the garage, he prepared to pick a car and went out.

Soon, Su Zhe came to Baobao's school.

Today was the same as before. The baby was still accompanied by Mengmeng. As soon as they saw Su Zhe, they immediately ran over and called her brother together.

When Su Zhe was called brother by two cuties in unison, it still made him feel sweet.

Who wouldn't like such a cute and beautiful little girl, and he himself loves children.

After meeting Su Zhe, Mengmeng immediately asked the question she was most concerned about: "Brother Su Zhe, Mengmeng ate a lot of food last night. Mom and dad said that Mengmeng is so good. Look, Mengmeng." If you haven’t grown taller, are you taller than the baby?”

Not to be outdone, the baby immediately said: "Huh, the baby also ate a very big meal last night, more than Mengmeng. My brother saw it, so the baby must be taller than Mengmeng."

Listening to these children's funny words, Su Zhe couldn't help but feel better. He smiled and said: "You are all the same height, but you must eat on time and not be picky about food. Only in this way can you continue to grow taller and stay in good health." Great."

He didn't expect that what he said unintentionally would be remembered by Bao Bao and Mengmeng, and they still remember it to this day.

But this is also a good thing. In this case, these two little princesses will no longer be picky eaters.

Soon, Mengmeng's mother came over. When Mengmeng saw her, she ran over immediately. Of course, she did not forget to say goodbye to Su Zhe: "Mom is here. Mengmeng is looking for her mother. Brother Su Zhe, goodbye." .”

As soon as Mengmeng ran to her mother, she immediately asked: "Mom, when will you give Mengmeng a big brother?"

It seems that the baby has a brother like Su Zhe, which makes Mengmeng very envious, so until now she is thinking about asking her mother to give birth to a big brother, so that she will have a big brother and she will not be envious of the baby.

After hearing this, Mengmeng's mother could only smile at Su Zhe, but the smile was a little awkward and she didn't know how to explain it to her baby.

Su Zhe just smiled. Fortunately, the baby never asked such questions, which saved him a lot of trouble.

Of course, sometimes these questions are also very interesting. While they are annoying, they can also make adults feel much happier.

When going back, the baby still wanted to go to Su Zhe's house and play with Yangyang.

But this is normal, because only Aunt Wang is at Baobao's house, and Yan Yuyan and the others have not returned yet.

So if the baby comes home, she will inevitably feel bored and lonely.

It would be different if he went to Su Zhe's house. At least Yangyang would play with the baby, so the two of them would have company.

Therefore, the baby wants to go to his home to play every day and does not want to go back

Su Zhe naturally won't mind. If the baby wants to go, he will be very happy.

Therefore, he sent the baby directly to his home, and then sent the baby back home at night at most.

After returning home, Su Zhe let the baby go to Yangyang to play, while he returned to the basement to continue practicing.

During dinner, he told Ling Ruoxue about booking the flight tickets, so as to prevent her from not knowing about it and making another reservation.

After dinner, Su Zhe sent the baby back to Yan Yuyan's home.

And he told Yan Yuyan and the others that he was going to Kyoto tomorrow.

Moreover, Su Zhe also sent two Tibetan lions, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai, together.

He asked Xiaohei and the others to stay with Yan Yuyan and the others, so that they could also protect the baby and the others. (To be continued...)

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