Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1341 Unintentional insertion of willows and willows into the shadow

After Su Zhe took out the glass bottle, he pulled out the stopper.

After he opened the glass bottle, he poured some of the healing potion inside into the cup. The amount of the healing potion was about fifty milliliters.

Afterwards, Su Zhe shook it gently so that the warm water and the healing potion could be thoroughly mixed together.

After finishing, he brought the water cup to Mr. Ling and said, "Mr. Ling, this potion is useful for your illness. If you drink this potion now, you will feel much better."

Mr. Ling took the cup and without any hesitation, he drank all the water in the cup without even a drop left.

Soon, Mr. Ling felt that his body began to change. He first felt that his whole body was filled with warm air.

The heat in his body made him feel very comfortable, as if all his cells were beginning to get excited, and the previous feeling of powerlessness in his body had now disappeared.

Just for a while, Mr. Ling felt as if he had returned to the time when he was not sick, and he felt that his illness was completely cured.

After a while, Su Zhe checked Mr. Ling's body again.

After drinking the healing potion, more than half of the cancer cells in Mr. Ling's body have disappeared, which is why there are such obvious changes.

After checking Elder Ling's physical condition, Su Zhe handed the glass bottle containing the healing potion into Elder Ling's hands and said, "Mr. Ling, after you get up every day, pour out ten milliliters of the potion in this bottle. Mix it with warm water, and then drink it. After drinking this potion, your illness will probably get better."

Although Mr. Ling's illness has not been completely cured yet, and the cancer cells have not been completely eliminated.

However, Su Zhe believed that as long as he drank all the potion in the glass bottle, Mr. Ling's illness would be completely cured. Completely restored to health.

Then Mr. Ling will no longer have to suffer from the disease, and he will no longer have to bear the pain day and night.

Follow his instructions and drink ten milliliters of healing potion every day. It is estimated that Mr. Ling's illness will be cured in a few days.

This time. It won't take long, and during this period of time, Mr. Ling's mental outlook will be in a good state.

Mr. Ling solemnly put away the potion that Su Zhe gave him.

Because Mr. Ling knew very well that this potion was the key to his continued survival.

It can be said to be a priceless treasure.

Although Mr. Ling has seen through life and death. I will no longer be afraid of death, but as long as I can continue to live, who will not be willing to do so and who will not cherish it? The same goes for Mr. Ling.

Just like what Mr. Ling said before. He also wanted to watch the moment when Ling Ruoxue got married. This was his last wish.

But it has not been completed yet. Only by continuing to live can this wish be fulfilled.

Mr. Ling personally experienced Su Zhe's medical treatment. Not to mention how shocked he was. If he hadn't felt the relief in his body, he would have thought it was a dream.

Originally, Mr. Ling thought that Su Zhe's medical skills were very good, but he did not expect Su Zhe's treatment method. It's so simple.

Su Zhe just felt the pulse, and if he prepared a cup of medicine, Mr. Ling's illness would be cured by almost half.

Next, just take the medicine on time. It is estimated that it won't take long for Mr. Ling to fully recover.

Mr. Ling has never experienced such a magical thing at his age, so he will naturally be shocked.

After a long time, Mr. Ling calmed down his surprise a little.

After feeling much better. Mr. Ling was also interested in listening to Su Zhe: "Su Zhe, aren't you curious about why I know you? Why do I know your identity?"

In fact, it was a long time ago, when Su Zhe didn't know Mr. Ling. Mr. Ling had already thought about finding a suitable opportunity to communicate with him.

It's just that there has never been a suitable time, and Mr. Ling later became ill again, so the matter naturally dropped.

Unexpectedly, Ling Ruoxue would take the initiative to invite Su Zhe to treat Elder Ling. This was something that Elder Ling did not expect.

So, sometimes things are just such a coincidence.

As the saying goes, flowers planted intentionally will not bloom, but willows planted unintentionally will provide shade. This sentence is very similar to the current situation.

Su Zhe smiled and said, "If Mr. Ling is willing to say something, I'm all ears."

Of course he would be curious. Although he already had some guesses in his mind, he still wanted to get more information from Mr. Ling.

Lest you make random guesses and end up making more mistakes.

Mr. Ling now seems to want to use this opportunity to reveal some secrets to Su Zhe.

Of course, Su Zhe would not refuse this. It would be beneficial to know more secrets.

"Actually, when Changhua Pharmaceutical launched Xingshen Pills and Mepilin, the country had already begun to pay attention, and they also knew that you were the largest shareholder. However, although Xingshen Pills and Mepilin were very effective, their impact was still not big. So there isn't much attention." Mr. Ling began to explain.

Only then did Su Zhe know that it was because of Changhua Pharmaceutical that the country noticed him.

It is true that Xingshen Pills and Mepilin are better than similar drugs on the market, and similar foreign drugs are still far behind compared to these two drugs.

Since an ordinary small pharmaceutical factory produces such good drugs, it will naturally attract the attention of some upper-level leaders.

However, he thought that at the beginning, not many people paid attention to Changhua Pharmaceutical, and its level was not too high. After all, at that time, Changhua Pharmaceutical only relied on Xingshen tablets and Mepilin, and its influence and popularity were Not even high.

After Mr. Ling paused for a while, he continued: "It wasn't until Changhua Pharmaceutical launched Thiefoling that it officially attracted attention, because this drug caused such a stir and shocked many people. The domestic pharmaceutical industry has taken a breath of fresh air. "

"This is also why Changhua Pharmaceutical's various taxes will be reduced. This is the country's support and encouragement for you. I hope you can continue to work hard."

"Later, Changhua Pharmaceutical launched Blue Spirit Medicine, and now there is also Joint Spirit. These medicines have great therapeutic effects. The pharmaceutical industry around the world was shocked by them. No one would have thought that our country can also Such drugs are launched one after another, and this time I am finally proud,"

"The state has seen the potential of Changhua Pharmaceutical and believes that it can grow into a truly world-class enterprise with the ability to compete with foreign pharmaceutical giants, so its support will become stronger and stronger."

"Of course, in addition to pride, the country will naturally investigate all information about Changhua Pharmaceutical, including all shareholders, out of consideration. Naturally, you will not be an exception, and you are also the key person to pay attention to."

"It turns out that Mr. Ling found out about me through this method."

Now, Su Zhe finally knew why Mr. Ling knew him in the first place. (To be continued)

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