Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1342 Tax Evasion

?? After Mr. Ling’s explanation, Su Zhe realized that there was such a relationship.

Mr. Ling continued: "Actually, we also have a specialized organization to analyze these drugs. Almost all the ingredients have been analyzed, but the strange thing is that there is one ingredient that cannot be analyzed."

"According to experts, this unanalyzable ingredient is the reason why these drugs have such good effects. Without this unknown ingredient, the effect of these drugs will not only be greatly reduced, but also have serious side effects."

"At first, we didn't know what the ingredient was. Later, we began to understand that you would regularly provide a potion to Changhua Pharmaceutical. This potion must be the main ingredient of the medicine."

Su Zhe shrugged, he was not surprised.

There is nothing surprising about analyzing the ingredients of medicines or knowing about the existence of potions.

Because the treatment potion he provided to Changhua Pharmaceutical was not well kept confidential, so it was naturally impossible to hide it from the state agencies.

Therefore, as long as state agencies are willing to investigate, they will naturally know.

Finally, Mr. Ling praised Su Zhe: "Fortunately, you did not disappoint us. Not only do you make the Chinese people proud, but your drug pricing has always been lower than similar drugs."

Because the drugs launched by Changhua Pharmaceutical have much better therapeutic effects than similar drugs.

Even if the prices of these drugs were several times higher, there would still be many people rushing to get them, but Su Zhe did not do this. He still insisted on selling them at a relatively low retail price.

Perhaps it was because of this that Mr. Ling admired Su Zhe so much.

Mr. Ling said sincerely: "I hope you can continue to do this. We will all be proud of you."

If it were someone else who said this, Su Zhe wouldn't feel anything at all.

But what Mr. Ling said to him made him very excited. He promised: "Mr. Ling, don't worry, I won't let you down."

This is Su Zhe's promise to Mr. Ling, and it is also the belief he has always adhered to.

Although the country is now in peace and prosperity. But there are still many people who cannot afford treatment, so the low-priced drugs launched by Changhua Pharmaceutical are of great help to them.

Mr. Ling nodded, he believed what Su Zhe said. I also believe in Su Zhe’s quality.

Suddenly, Mr. Ling changed the subject and said, "Did you know? In fact, you have already committed a crime."

These words made Su Zhe a little confused. He didn't know what crime he had committed. And the country discovered it.

Mr. Ling suddenly talked about the tax issue: "Your tax evasion has reached a very large amount. It has reached a very large amount. It is a serious act."

Su Zhe would not admit this, so he quickly explained: "Well, Changhua Pharmaceutical has always strictly abided by tax regulations, and there is absolutely no tax evasion."

Mr. Ling said this again: "I'm not talking about Changhua Pharmaceutical, I'm talking about you personally."

This made Su Zhe even more confused. If it was an individual, then he would have no chance to pay taxes.

He looked confused. After Mr. Ling laughed for a while, he figured it out for him: "You have provided potions to Changhua Pharmaceutical many times and collected a large amount of funds, but you have never paid taxes."

After being told directly by Mr. Ling, Su Zhe understood what was going on, and now he didn't know how to explain it.

He has already received over tens of billions of dollars from Changhua Pharmaceuticals just by providing healing potions, and indeed he has never paid taxes.

On the one hand, Su Zhe was negligent, and on the other hand, he had no way to pay taxes.

Because he didn't know how to explain the source of the potion and how to pay the tax. How much you pay is a question.

Now that Mr. Ling said this, he didn't know how to explain it.

Mr. Ling laughed again. It seemed that he was in a very happy mood now. Then he looked at Su Zhe who had a depressed face. Ling Laocai said: "Actually, you don't have to worry too much, because this matter has not yet been finalized. It has not yet been discussed in what name you will pay taxes and what you will pay. We will notify you separately at that time." .”

Say this. Su Zhe felt relieved.

Because what Mr. Ling meant was that the country would not hold him accountable for tax evasion.

Even if the discussion comes to a conclusion, the most it will do is make Su Zhe pay back taxes, and no other criminal liability will be pursued.

This was nothing to him, and it naturally made him feel much more relaxed.

It seems that Mr. Ling also likes to play tricks on people. He first made the matter so serious and frightened you, and then finally told you that it was okay.

Although Ling is old, he is still very funny and humorous.

The exchange and chat between Su Zhe and Mr. Ling was very pleasant. The two of them got along very well, which refreshed his impression of Mr. Ling.

In the past, he thought that old leaders like Mr. Ling should be more rigid and serious, but after chatting with Mr. Ling today, he realized that he was wrong.

Mr. Ling is still very open-minded and likes to make some jokes. Even when chatting with young people, there are still many topics to talk about.

Therefore, Su Zhe and Mr. Ling are talking happily now, and they are getting more and more excited as they chat.

During the conversation, he learned a lot about Mr. Ling that he didn't know before, which gave him a better understanding of the world.

The world is not as simple as ordinary people believe, nor is it as complex as ordinary people think.

If there are no people who really enter this circle, after all, they will not be able to truly see through the essence of this world.

Sometimes ignorance does not mean a bad thing, and knowing too much is not a good thing either.

However, what made Su Zhe a little helpless was that when chatting, Mr. Ling always mentioned Ling Ruoxue intentionally or unintentionally and kept introducing her advantages. Mr. Ling seemed to want to bring him and Ling Ruoxue together.

This is normal, after all, Su Zhe is young and promising, his career is rising steadily, he also has miraculous medical skills, and most importantly, his quality is not bad.

Putting all these conditions together, he is a very suitable husband.

According to Mr. Ling's idea, if he doesn't act quickly now, Su Zhe will easily be noticed by other old guys.

If other old guys knew Su Zhe and had granddaughters at home who were not yet married, they would definitely want to sell them to Su Zhe.

It is Mr. Ling's habit to strike first and gain the upper hand. If he doesn't do it now, he will wait until later.

If someone else gets there first, that would be very depressing.

However, Su Zhe had no such thoughts. He had no special feelings for Ling Ruoxue, he just regarded her as a good friend, at least for now.

So when Mr. Ling hinted intentionally or unintentionally, he could only change the topic or pretend to be confused. (To be continued.) Haoruoshuba, the home of reading! Unique URL:

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