Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1343 Soul Burial

readx; In the room, Su Zhe and Mr. Ling chatted for a while.

But after that, Mr. Ling suddenly said seriously: "You should know that the world has begun to change, or you should have seen a lot of strange things!"

Su Zhe nodded. If Mr. Ling was referring to people infected with death energy and infected beasts, he had indeed seen them many times.

Mr. Ling continued: "Now there are people and beasts all over the world who have mutated, are very powerful, and have crazy hatred for humans, and will actively harm humans. Of course, all countries in the world have corresponding ways to deal with it, and naturally our country does not. Exceptions will be made.”

Su Zhe also had some understanding of these situations, after all, he had seen them many times with his own eyes.

It's just that he doesn't know how bad the situation is yet, nor does he know how the country will handle it.

Su Zhe knew that when Mr. Ling mentioned this matter now, he definitely wasn't just talking about it casually. He must have some kind of purpose.

Seeing that Su Zhe didn't react much, Mr. Ling continued: "These mutated humans and beasts have posed a great threat to mankind, so countries around the world have established specialized organizations. It is responsible for dealing with such incidents, and our country also has similar organizations."

"For example, in Guanzhou City where you live, there is such an organization that is responsible for the safety of surrounding cities. It is responsible for eliminating these mutated people and beasts and protecting people's personal safety."

"So, I solemnly ask you now, are you interested in joining this organization?"

Sure enough, as Su Zhe guessed, Mr. Ling's words did have some purpose.

After thinking for a while, he asked: "If I join this organization, what are the obligations or restrictions?"

Su Zhe is most concerned about this. If there are too many restrictions after joining the organization, then he will not be willing to do so. He does not want his freedom to be restricted too much.

Mr. Ling was not surprised, because every member had joined before. They are all more concerned about such issues.

After all, the members who can join this organization are all people with certain abilities, and these people are arrogant and do not want to be subject to various restrictions.

Therefore, Mr. Ling just smiled and said: "There will basically be no restrictions. Members are still very free, and the tasks are to eliminate mutated people and beasts. There will be no other tasks for you. If you are not satisfied,

You can exit at any time. No conditions are required. "

Su Zhe paid special attention to this last point, because in this case, there would basically not be too many restrictions.

If he can serve the country and even protect his fellow countrymen as long as his freedom is not restricted, then he will be very happy.

Mr. Ling asked again: "Do you want to join now?"

This time, after Su Zhe got the answer he wanted, he made a decision: "I am willing to join."

Su Zhe can agree. Mr. Ling was very happy. He laughed and said: "Very good, the name of this organization is Soul Burial. I will apply for you to join, and you will be a part of Soul Burial from now on."

"Buried Soul? A very strange name." Su Zhe said.

This soul burial must be an institution specially established by the country to eliminate mutated people and beasts, that is, those infected with death energy and infected beasts.

It's just that he doesn't know why this organization is called Soul Burial. What does this name represent, which makes people a little curious.

Mr. Ling didn't know what the meaning of soul burial was. He could only say vaguely: "Ahem, Captain Soul Burial came up with this name. If you have any doubts, just ask her then. You should have met the captain."

Finally, Mr. Ling revealed another piece of news: "Speaking of which, your friends Su Xin and Fu Yanjie are both members of Soul Burial."

This news obviously surprised Su Zhe: "Are they all members of Soul Burial?"

Mr. Ling nodded and then said: "But don't blame them. The members of Soul Burial have the obligation to keep secrets and cannot disclose information to others casually. Moreover, they all think that you are an ordinary person, so they don't want you to get involved. .”

Su Zhe didn't mean to blame Su Xin and Fu Yanjie. After all, he had many secrets of his own that he didn't reveal to them.

Moreover, Soul Burial still had the obligation to keep it secret, so we couldn't blame Su Xin and Fu Yanjie for not telling him.

Su Zhe just felt surprised. This was something he had never thought about.

Before this, he only regarded Su Xin and Fu Yanjie as ordinary people, so there was no way to connect them.

However, now Su Zhe finally figured out some things.

For example, Su Xin and Fu Yanjie's usual weird behavior, such as why they would run out in a hurry after receiving a call.

Now that Su Zhe thought about it, Suxin and the others must have received the task of burying the soul at that time, so they should have completed the task of burying the soul.

Thinking about it this way, many things can be explained.

During this period, both Su Xin and Fu Yanjie were so busy that they didn't even have time to get together. They must have many important tasks to do now.

Su Zhe was still very curious about this mysterious Burial Soul: "Can I know more about the Burial Soul? For example, who are the members?"

Mr. Ling nodded and began to explain the origin of soul burial to Su Zhe in detail: "In recent years, as warriors, you should be able to feel that a kind of energy suddenly appeared in this world, which is what warriors call the vitality of heaven and earth. This It can further enhance the strength of warriors, and many warriors have broken through their own limitations at this time and become more powerful warriors."

"At the same time, there is an energy in this world that is different from the vitality of heaven and earth. It can cause mutations in humans and animals, making their strength grow by leaps and bounds. At the same time, it is also extremely hostile to normal humans and will often attack humans, causing a lot of harm to society. Big threat.”

Su Zhe nodded, he also knew a lot about these things.

After all, he has encountered mutated people and animals many times, but he calls them people infected with death energy.

Therefore, Su Zhe can understand what Mr. Ling said and can easily accept these secrets.

Mr. Ling continued: "The Soul Burial is a special organization established to eliminate and hunt down these mutated people and beasts. As for ordinary crimes, the members of the Burial Soul can be ignored or ignored."

"The main members are warriors and strange people from all over the world. Members who join Soul Burial can still live their previous lives without letting their identities be exposed, so most people don't know Soul Burial. and the existence of its members.”

If Mr. Ling hadn't said anything, Su Zhe wouldn't actually know about the existence of Soul Burial.

He just speculated that the country should have similar institutions to deal with these emergencies. (To be continued)

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