Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1367 Life is coming soon

After Su Xin was injured by the alienated cat, he became extremely weak.

And even if he is sent to the hospital, there may not be a way to cure Su Xin.

After all, the toxins on Su Xin's body are not ordinary toxins, but the toxins of alienated beasts. This toxin is extremely poisonous, and there is currently no good way to detoxify it.

Therefore, there is basically no way to save people who are contaminated with toxins.

And Su Xin is in such a situation now. The cat poison has invaded his whole body and the poisoning is deep, which makes it even more difficult to treat.

Soon, it became difficult for Su Xin to breathe, and he felt like he was about to suffocate.

As a good friend of Su Xin, Fu Yanjie felt extremely regretful at this moment.

He believed that he had harmed Su Xin. If he had reacted earlier, Su Xin might not have been caught by the alien cat and would not have been poisoned.

Of course, the responsibility for this matter does not lie with Fu Yanjie. After all, no one could have expected this situation.

Moreover, when performing tasks, everyone has been mentally prepared, knowing that this process is full of dangers, and they can be injured or even killed at any time.

Therefore, Fu Yanjie cannot be blamed. The situation was so urgent and he could not have reacted so quickly.

After all, the cry of the alienated cat really affects a person's state, so Su Xin was hurt.

But Fu Yanjie was still very upset and kept blaming himself in his heart.

And because he was too panicked and concerned, he had begun to lose his sense of proportion, so his thinking also slowed down.

If it weren't for the ponytail woman's reminder, Fu Yanjie wouldn't have thought of Su Xin. Also carrying life-saving potions.

Now this potion is the only hope to cure Su Xin. If even potions don't work. That Su Xin basically wouldn't survive.

Because Fu Yanjie's hands were trembling and he couldn't take out the potion after taking it many times, so the pony-tailed woman could only go over and help him get it out.

The pony-tailed woman took out the potion from Su Xin's pocket.

Seeing that Su Xin's situation was so urgent, she immediately opened the bottle cap and poured the entire bottle of potion directly into Su Xin's mouth.

Because the ponytail woman thought that Su Xin was so poisoned now and the wound was so serious. Naturally, you need to drink more potion to be effective.

Sure enough, after Su Xin drank the entire bottle of potion, his complexion began to improve and he no longer looked dark.

Originally, after he was poisoned, his skin color had darkened all over his body, but now it has begun to fade and returned to his normal skin color.

The bone-deep wounds on his chest were also healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This situation can be called a miracle. A small bottle of potion can be so magical.

If you haven't seen it with your own eyes. Who would believe the effect of this potion, since it can achieve this effect.

Although the pony-tailed woman had heard of this potion, she had never seen Su Xin use it with her own eyes.

So now that she saw this situation, she was very shocked.

In the blink of an eye, the wound on Su Xin's chest had basically healed, leaving only some shallow scars.

The skin color of his whole body has also returned to normal skin color. It is obvious that the toxins in his body have now been rescued by the potion.

It stands to reason that under such circumstances, Su Xin is already fine.

But not only did he get better, he seemed to be getting weaker, and his eyes were full of horror.

At this time, Su Xin said weakly again: "Captain, you are going to kill me."

After hearing this, the pony-tailed woman couldn't help but feel a little confused. She couldn't figure out why Su Xin said that she had killed him now that he had obviously been rescued.

Su Xin was still heartbroken and could hardly speak clearly.

However, judging from his face and breath, it seems that there is nothing wrong with him, at most it is just a bit too much physical exertion.

But in Su Xin's mouth, he seemed to be dying.

The ponytail woman frowned and asked Fu Yanjie, "What's going on?"

Fu Yanjie couldn't help but smile bitterly. He didn't expect that things would turn out like this in the end. It was all his fault that he didn't remind the captain. He said: "This potion was given to Su Xin by a friend. Although the therapeutic effect is very good, it can cure the disease." It has the effect of bringing the dead back to life, but it has serious side effects.”

Only then did the ponytail woman realize what was going on: "There are also side effects? What are the side effects?"

Fu Yanjie loudly explained the ponytail woman's doubts: "This potion will shorten people's lifespan. If you take too much, you will probably die."

After hearing this, the pony-tailed woman finally understood the whole thing. It turned out that this potion had such side effects. No wonder Su Xin looked like he was about to die.

But what made her feel strange was that Su Xin didn't look like he was about to die. The side effects didn't seem that serious, but Su Xin looked like he was dying, which made her have to believe this. Side effects.

The ponytail woman asked again: "Is there anything I can do now?"

Now that things have happened, we must find a way to solve it now. The pony-tailed woman cannot watch her teammates die, so she must find a way.

At this time, Su Xin took out a mobile phone with trembling hands: "Captain, please call me and notify someone to come over."

At this time, Su Xin really looked like he was about to die, which made people a little worried.

"Are you calling your wife Jiang Xiaonan?" the ponytail woman asked.

She thought that if Su Xin wanted to call at this time, he should call his wife. It was the most normal thing to talk to his lover before passing away.

However, the pony-tailed woman thought wrong this time, and Su Xin said: "I'm not calling Xiaonan, I'm calling Su Zhe to see if he can come over now."

This made the ponytail woman a little confused. She didn't expect that since Su Xin didn't want to call his wife, this was a bit unreasonable.

Su Xin explained in a low voice: "This potion was given to me by Su Zhe. Maybe he has a way."

"But Su Zhe is in Kyoto now. I don't know if he can come back in time." The thought that Su Zhe had gone to Kyoto and should not be back yet made Fu Yanjie frown and become even more anxious.

"It seems that I am destined to die here today. Everything is destined." Su Xin sighed dejectedly.

As he spoke, his voice became smaller and smaller, as if the side effects of the potion had begun to take effect, and he was already dying.

Although the pony-tailed woman knew that Su Zhe was in Kyoto now, he might not be able to come back in time.

But she still didn't give up and called Su Zhe. Maybe there would be a way, but it wasn't certain. (To be continued...)

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