Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1368 Cold on the outside and warm on the inside

At this time, Su Zhe had already arrived at the airport in Guanzhou City.

At the airport in Guanzhou City, a special car has already come to pick them up. This was arranged by Mr. Ling before he came.

So, Su Zhe, Mr. Ling, and Yan Yue got on the special car and left the airport.

Now Mr. Ling is going to take Su Zhe to Soul Burial's base so that he can truly join Soul Burial and become one of its members.

Just when he was driving halfway, Su Zhe's cell phone rang. He took it out and saw that the caller ID showed Su Xin.

When he saw the call from Su Xin, he thought to himself: "What a coincidence. Could it be that Su Xin knew I was coming back today, so he called me."

Su Zhe thought about it, but he quickly answered the phone.

But what surprised him was that the person on the other end of the phone was not Su Xin, but a female voice, and it felt familiar, but he was sure that the other person was not Jiang Xiaonan.

"Who are you?" Su Zhe couldn't help but ask.

The other party asked anxiously: "Are you Su Zhe? I am Su Xin's friend. I want to ask where you are now?"

Seeing that the other party's tone was so urgent, Su Zhe frowned and felt a little worried: "I'm Su Zhe, what can I do for you?"

Calling him at this time, and the other party was not Su Xin himself, which made him worried that something might happen to Su Xin.

The other party said: "Something happened to Su Xin, can you come here now?"

After Su Zhe heard what happened to Su Xin, he couldn't help but become a little anxious: "Wherever you are now, I will go there right away."

The other party reported Su Zhe's address and asked him to come over quickly, and then hung up the phone.

From what Su Zhe said just now. And the nervous look on his face now. They all let Mr. Ling know that something had happened. He asked: "What happened?"

Su Zhe told Mr. Ling about this: "Now I can't go to Burial Soul. I want to save Su Xin."

Mr. Ling nodded, then asked Yan Yue to drive over to this address, and asked him to drive as fast as possible.

Yan Yue nodded and immediately increased the speed of the car.

And the suburbs,

The pony-tailed woman put down her cell phone and said to Yan Jie and the others: "The call has been made. Su Zhe is back just in time. He has arrived now."

It turns out that the call Su Zhe received just now was from the ponytail woman.

Fu Yanjie hurriedly said to Su Xin, "Did you hear that? Su Zhe is coming over. You will be fine."

At this time, Su Xin was extremely "weak", and his tone was full of bitterness: "I don't know if I can hold on until Su Zhe comes over. I may not be able to hold on anymore. I can feel that my life is declining." Loss, maybe I can’t hold on much longer.”

Fu Yanjie said anxiously: "Stop talking nonsense, you can definitely do it. Don't give up."

The pony-tailed woman was also there to comfort Su Xin and encourage him. So that he can keep going.

Although Bingdish didn't say anything, he just stood aside, as if he didn't care.

But in her eyes, you can also see worry and anxiety. In fact, she is also concerned about Su Xin's situation and doesn't want anything to happen to him.

It's just that she's not good at expressing herself, so she just stood by and waited silently.

From this point of view, Bingdish's heart is not as cold as her expression. She is also a person who is cold on the outside and warm on the heart.

At this moment, everyone felt that time had become seconds like years, and they were extremely looking forward to Su Zhe's early arrival, because this was the only hope for Su Xin to be rescued.

With Yan Yue racing like crazy, Su Zhe and the others quickly arrived at the outskirts and quickly found where the pony-tailed woman and the others were.

As soon as he arrived here, Su Zhe saw Su Xin lying on the ground, and Fu Yanjie was holding his head up. The ponytail woman and the ice dish were also beside him.

Moreover, there was black blood on Su Xin's body and on the ground, which made him panic.

Before the car stopped, Su Zhe jumped out of the car and hurried to Su Xin's side.

"What's going on? What happened to Su Xin?" Su Zhe squatted next to Su Xin and asked hurriedly.

Su Xin said intermittently with a half-cough sound: "You are finally here, I am almost dying."

Seeing that Su Xin's situation was so urgent, Su Zhe didn't care anymore. He hurriedly grabbed Su Xin's hand and at the same time input his healing power to carefully check Su Xin's physical condition.

Through the power of healing, Su Zhe quickly got the results, but he was even more confused.

Because Su Xin's physical condition was pretty good at this time and there were no problems. At most, Su Xin was just a little weak due to excessive physical exertion.

Apart from that, Su Xin has no other health problems. Apart from being a little exhausted, he can be said to be very healthy.

This is what Su Zhe is confused about. There is nothing wrong with Su Xin's body, so why is he still looking like he is about to die? Could it be that the healing power has lost its effect, so no problem can be detected.

At this time, Fu Yanjie next to him took the place of Su Xin and told everything about what had just happened.

After hearing the whole story, Su Zhe couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out to be a false alarm that made him nervous in vain.

From beginning to end, this was just a joke on his part.

I remember when Su Zhe gave the healing potion to Su Xin, Su Xin saw that the healing potion was so effective and thought that the potion might have side effects.

So, he followed the trend and made a joke, deceiving Suxin that the healing potion has side effects and will shorten the user's life. If too much is used at one time, he may die.

At that time, Su Zhe just said it casually, but he didn't expect that Su Xin believed it and had no doubt at all.

Later, he saw that Su Xin believed that this side effect had no bad effects, so he did not explain it anymore, and then let it go.

I didn't expect that Su Xin would remember it until now, and I still believe it deeply.

But now Su Xin was injured by the alienated cat and was contaminated with a deadly poison. In desperation, the captain gave him a healing potion or drank the whole bottle, which seriously harmed him. .

You must know that even if he is injured, Su Xin rarely uses healing potions. One is because the potion is precious, and the other is because he is worried about the side effects of the potion.

Therefore, Su Xin would not use healing potions unless it was absolutely necessary.

Even if he had to use healing potion, he would only use a small amount each time, so as of today, there is still more than 100 ml of healing potion left in the bottle.

Now, the captain poured more than 100 ml of healing potion into Su Xin's mouth at once.

At this moment, his heart felt like it was cooling down, and when he thought about the side effects of the treatment potion, he felt like he was going to die.

In fact, this was all Su Xin's frightening. The healing potion had no side effects at all. (To be continued...)

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