Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1369 I lied to you

Su Zhe came here in a hurry, only to realize that it was just a false alarm.

Of course, a false alarm is better than a tragedy coming true.

Therefore, he can finally breathe a sigh of relief, and he can now let go of what he was holding on to.

Of course, this incident also started because of Su Zhe. It was all a joke he made at the time that turned it into what it is today. So in the final analysis, it was him who caused it.

If Su Zhe hadn't joked with Su Xin at that time, Su Xin wouldn't be scared like this now.

No wonder he just used his healing power to detect Su Xin's body, but he didn't find anything wrong with Su Xin's body.

At first, Su Zhe thought that the healing power had lost its effect and could not detect Su Xin's physical condition. Now he realized that it was not that the healing power had lost its effect.

It's because Su Xin is fine at all. His current physical condition is good, so the healing power can naturally not detect any problems.

Now that Su Zhe's doubts were finally solved, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The reason why Su Xin is so "weak" now, as if he is about to die, is actually because he frightened himself. In fact, he is completely fine now.

Su Xin now thinks that he is really not going to die soon. If this person scares him, he will get sick even if he is not sick, just like Su Xin's current situation.

Fu Yanjie and the pony-tailed woman didn't know what was going on, so they all thought Su Xin was about to die and were very nervous.

After Su Zhe found out that it was an accident, he still looked like he was dying when he saw Su Xin. He could hardly hold back his laughter.

But in the end, he tried his best to hold back his laughter, because he didn't want Su Xin to know about it so soon, and he also wanted to prank Su Xin.

Therefore, Su Zhe deliberately pretended to be sad and said: "There is no cure. There is no way to save the side effects of this potion."

After being sentenced to death by Su Zhe. But Su Xin said very weakly: "I think I can save him a little more. Can you not give up so early?"

Su Zhe still had a sad expression on his face: "There is nothing we can do anymore. Didn't I already tell you that at that time? Why are you still so careless?

Now I'm fine, my life is on the line. "

His acting skills are not good and his expressions are a bit exaggerated. If you pay a little attention, you can guess that he is acting.

But Fu Yanjie and the others were too nervous and were not in the mood to notice Su Zhe's expression. Naturally, they would not say anything to him because he was acting. It is a deep belief.

After Su Xin was sentenced to death, Fu Yanjie and the others felt very heavy, especially the ponytail woman, who felt very guilty.

However, Mr. Ling, who followed Su Zhe, did not completely believe it in his heart.

Because Mr. Ling knew that the healing potion Su Zhe gave him at Ling's house should be the same healing potion as Su Xin.

If the treatment potion had such side effects, then Su Zhe should have told Mr. Ling in advance when he was at the Ling family.

But he didn't say anything about the side effects of the healing potion. This has already made Mr. Ling a little suspicious.

Moreover, Su Xin's current appearance didn't look like he was about to die, which made Mr. Ling even more suspicious.

the most important is. Su Zhe's expression of suppressing a smile was noticed by Mr. Ling. No one else noticed it, but Mr. Ling saw it.

Therefore, this made Mr. Ling begin to understand. He knew that Su Zhe was acting now. Deliberately trying to scare Su Xin.

Although Mr. Ling understood what was going on, he did not expose Su Zhe's thoughts. Instead, I watched from the side with the mentality of watching a show.

Su Xin has begun to despair. He grabbed Su Zhe's hand and said tremblingly: "I'm about to die now. Can I ask you a favor before I go to sleep?"

Su Zhe said in a sad tone: "You say it."

Su Xin said his last wish intermittently, "My parents only have one son, me. If I die, they will be helpless. Can you take care of them for the rest of their lives, and Xiao Nan, you Tell her not to be too sad and not to be a widow for me. If she meets a good man, let her get married!"

The people next to me sounded a little bit unbearable.

But what surprised everyone was that Su Zhe did not agree, but refused directly: "I can't agree to you."

Su Xin couldn't help but feel a little desperate: "Why?"

Su Zhe almost couldn't help laughing: "Because your parents are yours, so you should take care of them. What I want to tell you is that you are fine now. The potion I gave you is not good at all." There is no such side effect, I lied to you all this, haha..."

After he finished speaking, he jumped away in a hurry, and then finally couldn't help laughing wildly. He laughed so much that he could hardly stand up straight. He could no longer pretend.

At first, Su Xin didn't react yet, he was still immersed in sadness and couldn't extricate himself.

It wasn't until Su Zhe laughed for a while that he realized that he had been tricked. This made him jump up immediately and run after Su Zhe: "You bastard, you dare to lie to me, let me catch you." If so, you will know how powerful it is.”

How could Su Zhe be caught by Su Xin? As he ran, he said, "Come on! Catch me if you can!"

"Are you trying to make me laugh to death? Even though nothing happened, you still want to act like you're about to die, and you still solemnly explain your funeral arrangements to me."

Su Xin became so angry that he chased Su Zhe even more. He even shouted at Su Zhe: "You are not careful in making friends! Why did I know you as my friend? Stop right there."

This sudden change made Fu Yanjie and the others a little stunned, and they didn't react for a long time.

One second ago, it was a separation between life and death, and everyone was immersed in sadness, but the next second, it turned into Su Zhe and Su Xin playing tricks.

This change was so fast that no one could react.

At this moment, Mr. Ling explained: "Actually, the potion has no side effects and will not shorten one's lifespan. This is just a joke by Su Zhe."

In fact, Ling Lao already understood what was going on, but he didn't say it before, so he just let Su Zhe continue playing.

Through Mr. Ling's explanation, Fu Yanjie and the others understood that this was just a false alarm and that people's worries were in vain.

Before, Fu Yanjie and the others were just concerned and confused, so they didn't think about it for a while. But now that things have passed, they can figure it out as soon as they think about it.

This understanding made everyone speechless.

Because they knew that they had all been tricked by Su Zhe, they couldn't help but laugh. (To be continued)

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