Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1372 Soul Burial Base

Originally, Su Zhe thought that the location of a mysterious institution like Soul Burial should be extremely secretive.

Before coming to Soul Burial, he originally thought that Soul Burial's base would be somewhere deep in the mountains and old forests, but after arriving, he realized that he was wrong.

Because the car Su Zhe and the others took drove directly back to the city and also arrived at Guanzhou Subway Station.

After getting off the bus, he thought that Soul Burial's base was not in Guanzhou City. Yan Xi and the others brought him here to take the subway and then leave.

However, he later realized that he was wrong.

After getting off the bus, Yan Xi led the way and entered the subway station directly.

Under the leadership of Yan Xi, Su Zhe and the others came to a special passage, which was guarded by someone.

Passengers at the subway station are not allowed to enter, and even subway station employees are not allowed to enter this special passage.

Yan Xi took out an identity card from her body and verified it with the guard before she was able to enter.

There is also a door in the special passage. After entering the password and verifying the fingerprint, the door is opened only after double verification.

After walking through the passage, there is an elevator at the corner. It also requires fingerprint and password verification before you can take the elevator.

After Yan Xi and the others took the elevator to the underground, Su Zhe discovered that there was another world inside. The place was so vast that no one outside probably knew there was such a place here.

Only now did Su Zhe know that this was Burial Soul's base in Guanzhou City. The location here was really surprising.

But precisely because it was unexpected, no one wanted to break the legendary Soul Burial. to be here.

Once here, Yan Xi took Su Zhe to go through the formalities. He needed to enter his file information into Soul Burial's database first, so that he could be considered a member of Soul Burial.

Because he was introduced by Mr. Ling, he participated in the soul burial procedures. Passed easily.

After completing the formalities, Su Zhe was given an identity card and the passwords for various access cards in the base, and his fingerprints were also entered into the Soul Burial System.

From this moment on, he was a member of Burial Soul and a fighting member.

Yan Xi suddenly said seriously: "Now there are things I want you to know. I hope you won't mind."

Hearing this, Su Zhe also corrected his attitude: "What do you mean?"

"Actually, Soul Burial has already started paying attention to you before you joined, so I took the lead and started investigating your information a long time ago. Including your life experience and what you have experienced."

"This is something that every member of Soul Burial will experience. We must confirm that there is no problem with your identity before we can let you join Soul Burial. After all, Soul Burial is not an ordinary organization, and the approval of all aspects is very strict. of."

Su Zhe nodded and said, "I know this, I can understand it."

Actually this is the case. He already knew it.

Because when he was in Kyoto, Mr. Ling had already told Su Zhe that this was the first condition for joining Soul Burial. Only when your identity and all information are correct can you be eligible to join Soul Burial.

Although being investigated made him a little unhappy, he could still understand it.

Just like joining the army, there are also conditions. Not only must the physical condition meet the standards. You also have to pass the political review before you can join the army.

The burial of souls is even stricter than that of the army. Not just anyone can join, even if you have the strength. But if you don't meet the review requirements, you will still not be a candidate for Soul Burial.

Therefore, Su Zhe can understand such behavior, and every member will be investigated, and he is not the only one who needs to be investigated.

If you think about it carefully, this is actually nothing. Anyway, he has nothing to hide.

Soul Burial's review is mainly to confirm whether the members are likely to rebel, and whether their strength can meet the requirements.

Yan Xi said: "As long as you understand, do you have any other questions about Soul Burial?"

"I want to know more about the mutated people and animals, can you tell me?"

Although Su Zhe already knew some things from Mr. Ling when he was in Kyoto, Mr. Ling only mentioned many things in one sentence without explaining them in detail, so he still didn't know much about many things, especially about Things like the mutated humans and beasts were what he wanted to know most.

Yan Xi nodded and smiled: "Actually, even if you don't ask, I will tell you, because the main task of Soul Burial now is to deal with these mutated people and beasts, so this is the information that Soul Burial members need to master most. "

"These mutated people and beasts are collectively called alienated people and mutated beasts. Of course, they can also be called mutated beasts. The reason why mutations occur is because a kind of energy suddenly appears in this world, which we call It’s dark energy, and it’s this dark energy that mutates some people and animals.”

"The strength of alienated humans and alienated beasts increases very quickly, and their abilities are changeable. They also have an instinctive hatred for humans and often attack humans. This is also the reason why Soul Burial was established, to eliminate these alienated humans and alienated beasts. beast."

After Yan Xi first introduced alienated people and alienated beasts, he said, "You should have some insights into alienated people and alienated beasts. Can you tell me your opinion?"

"I don't know much, and I don't know if it's correct, but let's talk about it now!" Su Zhe paused for a while, sorted out his thoughts, and then continued.

"The dark energy you are talking about, I call it death energy. I divide it into death energy infected people and death energy infected beasts. After being infected by death energy, although they will gain powerful power and their strength will increase by leaps and bounds, their sanity will not be the same." They will also be gradually controlled and eventually become a walking zombie."

"And I think that whether they are Death Qi-infected people or Death Qi-infected beasts, they can gain strength by killing people. This is also the reason why their strength can improve so quickly, and it can also be used to explain why they attack Human beings, of course this is just my guess and has not been confirmed, so it does not need to be taken seriously.”

This is the conclusion that Su Zhe came to after many times of contact with people infected with death energy. In some aspects, it is still consistent with the soul burial, but the name used is different.

"Death Qi? Death Qi infected people, and Death Qi infected beasts, this is quite appropriate." Yan Xi smiled and continued: "Actually, your guess is probably right."

"Because after various verifications, it is indeed possible for these alienated people and alienated beasts to gain power by killing people. Research experts believe that humans may have some kind of substance that is needed by these alienated people and is also the source of their power, so they are Will attack humans crazily."

It turns out that the view of soul burial is the same as that of Su Zhe. (To be continued)

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