Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1373 Superpowers

Su Zhe obtained knowledge and information from Yan Xi that he did not know before.

After talking, he realized that some of the research results of Soul Burial were the same as his guess.

Various signs indicate that the source of growth in strength of Death Qi-infected people and Death Qi-infected beasts is likely to come from humans.

Therefore, they, who originally hate humans, will choose to attack humans in order to increase their strength.

Just like Lei Ba, its strength will increase every time it kills, and the improvement is not small, making it more and more difficult to hunt.

Therefore, Lei Ba should be able to gain strength from humans, which is why it is so keen on killing people.

In a short period of time, there were already more than a dozen victims.

Therefore, humans are in a hostile relationship with these death-qi-infected people and death-qi-infected beasts, and they can never live in peace.

Yan Xi began to speak again: "In addition to dark energy, there is also a mysterious energy in this world, which we call supernatural power."

"This kind of superpower allows humans to gain certain abilities, or power. We call such humans people with superpowers, and some people call them superpowers."

"Those who have acquired special abilities have different powers. They have various abilities. For example, I can master the fire element, while the ice disc has the ice element, and Su Xin can become gigantic. It’s all different.”

After Yan Xi waited for Su Zhe to digest this information, he continued: "Judging from the ratio of people who have acquired supernatural powers, the chance of warriors acquiring supernatural powers is much greater than that of ordinary people. The ratio is about three to one."

For example, Yan Xi and Bing Dishe were both warriors before they obtained superpowers. Its strength is not low. Later, after gaining superpowers. The strength has greatly increased.

But Su Xin and Fu Yanjie were different. Before they got superpowers, they were just ordinary humans. It was only after they got superpowers that they became combatants.

Warriors with strong physiques have a much greater chance of acquiring supernatural powers than ordinary people, at least this is the result of Soul Burial's current investigation.

Then, Yan Xi explained the composition of Soul Burial to Su Zhe: "The members of Soul Burial are divided into two types. One is the logistics staff, who are mainly responsible for research and handling some chores, and the other is the combat personnel, such as We, you are also combatants now, and combatants are responsible for destroying alienated people and alienated beasts, fighting on the front line.


After Su Zhe understood this information, he asked again: "By the way, how did you find the alienated people and alienated beasts?"

This was the thing he was most curious about. Would love to have my doubts clarified.

The reason Su Zhe was able to discover the Death Qi-infected people and Death Qi-infected beasts was because divine power could sense the existence of Death Qi.

As long as the death energy is nearby. Then the divine power in his body will react. As long as the death energy is stronger and the closer he is, the fluctuations in the divine power will be greater.

But Su Zhe didn't know how Yan Xi and the others searched for those infected with the death energy.

"We rely on this to confirm the existence of alienated people and alienated beasts." Yan Xi took out a communicator from his body.

"In many places, we have deployed some detectors that can be used to capture the existence of dark energy, which is what you call death energy. This information will be fed back to Burying Soul, and then sent to this communicator. On the Internet, any Soul Burial member nearby will receive an alarm, so this communicator is not only a machine for members to communicate, but also a way to find alienated people."

At this time, Su Zhe finally understood that it turned out that Zombie Soul relied on some kind of detector to detect the death energy, and this communicator was the way Zombie Soul released tasks.

No wonder Su Xin and Fu Yanjie used the same mobile phone and set out as soon as possible after receiving the alarm. It turned out that they had received the task of burying souls, and alienated people and alienated beasts were near them.

This kind of detector, which specializes in capturing dead energy, has advantages and disadvantages compared to Su Zhe's divine induction.

The biggest advantage of this kind of detector is that it has a wide range. As long as the detector is located, it can capture the presence of death at any time. However, the range that Su Zhe can sense is not very large, so this limitation is not small.

However, the disadvantages of this kind of detector are also very obvious, because it takes a long time to search, and sometimes by the time the feedback is returned to the Soul Burial members, the alienated people and alienated beasts have already escaped.

But Su Zhe's divine power induction is different. As long as he is nearby, he can sense it immediately.

Therefore, this is the comparison between the detector and Su Zhe. They have advantages and disadvantages.

However, organizations like Soul Burial still need this kind of detector to better perform their tasks.

After all, not every member can sense the presence of death like Su Zhe.

After Yan Xi solved Su Zhe's doubts, he took out a communicator, input his information, connected it to the Soul Burial System, and then handed it over to him.

This communicator is owned by every member of Soul Burial. It is the main tool for communication between members, and it is also a tool for Soul Burial to release tasks.

After Su Zhe got the communicator, he found that the appearance was no different from an ordinary mobile phone. Even the appearance was almost the same.

However, he could clearly feel that the quality of this communicator was very different from ordinary mobile phones. The quality was many times better, so it would not be easily damaged.

Although Su Zhe possesses divine power, this communicator still has many uses for him.

For example, he needs to rely on this communicator to communicate with other Soul Burial members.

And if the alienated people and alienated beasts are located beyond the range of Su Zhe's divine power, then he can rely on this communicator to hunt down the alienated people and alienated beasts.

Therefore, this communicator is of great use to him and can be used in many places.

After getting the communicator, after thinking about it, Su Zhe took out his mobile phone, took out the phone card, and put it into the Soul Burial communicator.

Although this soul-burial communicator can still be used even without a phone card, he doesn't want to carry two mobile phones with him. This is too troublesome.

Therefore, Su Zhe installed the phone card into the Soul Burying communicator. As for the original mobile phone, he will not use it in the future. He can just use the Soul Burying communicator directly. In this case, it will be more convenient, at least not So cumbersome.

Anyway, this communicator is basically the same as a mobile phone. The communicator has all the functions that a mobile phone should have.

However, communicators still have functions that ordinary mobile phones do not have.

Moreover, the operation method of the communicator is basically the same as that of an ordinary mobile phone, with just a few more functions.

Therefore, if it is used daily, it is basically the same as a mobile phone and there will be no difference. (To be continued...)

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