Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1374 The meaning of soul burial

As the captain of Soul Burial, Yan Xi was very dedicated. She explained a lot of things to Su Zhe.

"Warriors are divided into six realms based on their own strength: ordinary, soldier, school, general, commander, and king." Yan Xi continued: "People with supernatural powers, alienated people, and alienated beasts are also divided in this way."

After that, Yan Xi said solemnly: "The current fleeing Lei Ba is rated as mid-level general, which is close to the late general level. He has not become an alienated person for a long time, only a few months, but The strength has improved rapidly, and if it is allowed to continue to develop, the consequences will be disastrous."

Su Zhe nodded, he also designated Lei Ba as an extremely dangerous person.

And he knew a lot about Lei Ba. He had already been in contact with Lei Ba before he was infected by the death energy.

At that time, Lei Ba took advantage of his superiority to do evil things. Later, he was taught a lesson by Su Zhe and ran away in embarrassment.

After becoming infected with the death energy and possessing strong strength, it becomes even more lawless. Currently, twelve people have died in its hands, and this has been confirmed, and the unknown victims are even more unknown. There are many.

If Su Zhe had known that Lei Ba would do such evil things, at that time, he would have directly eliminated this evil person.

However, even if I regret it now, it is too late.

If he faced Lei Ba in his prime, Su Zhe didn't know if he could defeat Lei Ba in a single fight.

Without actually getting started, he himself was not sure.

If divided according to the realm of warriors, then based on Su Zhe's current physique. It is also close to the late general level.

If we just talk about physical fitness. The physiques of Lei Ba and Su Zhe may be almost the same. Even Lei Ba's physique was higher than his.

The most important thing is that Lei Ba's steel body is also very powerful, which makes it even more powerful.

However, Su Zhe possesses the Divine Power Fist, which has a great restraint effect on those infected with death energy.

Therefore, if the two fight, it is hard to say who will win or lose.

Yan Xi reminded: "Now the main target of Soul Burial is Lei Ba, but if you encounter Lei Ba, please don't act rashly. Because its strength is too terrifying. With the cooperation of Bingdisk and I, it is only Just barely gained the upper hand."

"I see.

" Su Zhe replied.

In fact, Su Zhe had already used the Eye of True Sight on Yan Xi. In her normal state, Yan Xi's physique was 240 points, which was lower than him.

But in addition to being a warrior, Yan Xi is also a person with supernatural powers.

If Yan Xi uses the power of fire, she doesn't know how much her strength will increase, so Su Zhe cannot judge Yan Xi's strength based on her current physique.

least. Only after Yan Xi uses the power of fire can his true eyes reveal his true strength.

And if Su Zhe's perception is not wrong. Yan Xi's strength will definitely not be weaker than him, or even stronger.

After all, Yan Xi is the captain of Soul Burial, and his own strength is naturally extraordinary, so having such strength does not surprise him.

And Yan Xi is already so powerful, but even she has to join forces with Ice Disc to barely suppress Lei Ba, and her advantage is not that big.

This is enough to show how terrifying Lei Ba's strength is.

That's why Yan Xi asked Su Zhe to be careful and try not to act alone.

Although Su Zhe agreed on the surface, in his heart, he had another idea.

If he were to meet Lei Ba, he would not be able to stand still and would definitely rush forward as soon as possible and fight to the death with Lei Ba, even if it would put himself in a dangerous situation.

When Su Zhe thought about what Lei Ba had done, he wanted to cut him into pieces, but how could he endure it?

Of course, Yan Xi must join forces with Bingdishi to defeat Lei Ba, but it doesn't mean that he also needs to join forces with others.

Although Yan Xi may be stronger than Su Zhe, his advantage will be even greater when fighting a person infected with death energy or a beast infected with death energy, and his winning rate will be higher than that of Yan Xi.

Because of his own divine power, he has a restraining effect on those infected with death energy.

If Su Zhe uses his divine power in battle, his damage to those infected with death energy will be doubled, which will increase his winning rate.

Therefore, he is more confident than Yan Xi.

Of course, Su Zhe would not refuse if he could join forces with others, because in this case, the winning rate would be even greater.

If Su Zhe can join forces with Yan Xi or Bingdish, then Lei Ba won't be a worry at all.

Yan Xi suddenly said: "Also, if you want to become the captain of Soul Burial, you can. As long as you defeat me, you can be the captain."

It seems that Yan Xi wants to test Su Zhe's fighting ability, that's why she says this now.

"I'm very interested in defeating you, but I'm not interested in the position of captain. It's too troublesome." Su Zhe's tone was also a little eager to try.

He is a person who doesn't like trouble. The simpler, the better.

Otherwise, Su Zhe would not have handed over the management of Changhua Pharmaceutical, Yadai Group, and Su Chong's Home to others. He himself did not want to get involved in these matters.

The same is true for the position of Soul Burial Captain. Although taking the position of captain may have many benefits, such as having more and greater privileges than ordinary members, he still doesn't want to do it.

Even if Su Zhe could defeat Yan Xi, he never thought of sitting in this position.

After all, Captain Soul Burial must have to deal with more things than ordinary members, so this made him uninterested.

However, Su Zhe was very interested in challenging Yan Xi. After all, he still had aggressive genes.

As a warrior, he certainly hopes to challenge powerful opponents, so that he can gain something from it and improve himself.

Yan Xi raised her eyebrows and was very interested: "Then I'll wait for you to challenge me."

It's just that there is no such opportunity today, because after today's battle, Yan Xi's state is close to weak and unable to exert her own strength.

Therefore, today is naturally not suitable for discussion.

"Okay, do you have any other questions?" Yan Xi said.

"I have one last question, can I ask it?" Su Zhe said.

"Okay." Yan Xi's answer was simple and clear.

"Why is Soul Burial called Soul Burial?" This is also a question Su Zhe is very curious about.

When he was in Kyoto, Mr. Ling said that the name "Buried Soul" was the captain's idea, which was also given by Yan Xi.

Therefore, he now takes this opportunity to get the meaning of the name Buried Soul from Yan Xi.

"Don't you think this name is cool?" Yan Xi asked.

"Is it that simple?"

"That's right! It's that simple, otherwise what would you think?"

Su Zhe was a little speechless. It turned out that the name Soul Burial was such a joke. He thought it had some special meaning before. (To be continued...)

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