Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1375 Burying the Lord

readx; Finally, Yan Xi entered all Su Zhe’s information into the Soul Burial System.

Then, she asked again: "Have you decided on your code name for Soul Burial now?"

After being asked by Yan Xi, Su Zhe remembered that the members of Soul Burial would also have code names here, and generally they would not be called by their real names.

For example, Fu Yanjie's code name in Soul Burial is Xinglang, while Su Xin's code name in Soul Burial is Long Aotian. As for Yan Xi and Bingdish, they are just code names, not their real names.

Of course, this is just to protect the members and try not to expose the members' identities in reality, so Soul Burial requires replacement numbers.

This is not a hard and fast rule for soul burial, it only depends on the members' own wishes.

If Soul Burial members want to use their real names, that's okay, and Soul Burial will not stop them, as long as the members want to.

But almost no Soul Burial members will use their real names. Most members will come up with a code name for themselves.

This can be given any code name in Soul Burial, as long as it is simple and easy to remember.

Even the most bizarre code names can be used, and they don't necessarily have to be linked to one's own abilities. For example, Su Xin gave himself the name Long Aotian, which has nothing to do with his abilities.

Su Zhe naturally wanted to give himself a code name. He didn't want his real life to be affected in any way because of his status as a member of Soul Burial.

Of course, he would not be as weird as Su Xin and give himself a vulgar code name. It would be more suitable for him to be normal.

After just thinking about it for a while, he had already made up his mind: "My codename will be Zun Zun."

This is just a code name. Su Zhe believes that there is no need to think too long. He can just pick a quilt at random and there is no need to think too much about it.

After hearing this code name, Yan Xi entered it into the system and asked, "Buried Lord, does it mean Soul Buried Supreme?"

Su Zhe smiled and said: "It depends on how you understand it. This is just a code name. If you want to become the Supreme, of course you have to rely on your own strength, not a code name."

"Then I look forward to you becoming the Supreme."


Yan Xi finished. She clapped her hands and said, "Okay. Now it's settled. From now on, your code name in Soul Burial will be Burial Zun, and your file will also be named Burial Zun."

Su Zhe noticed that his identity card suddenly flashed, and then the words "Buried Lord" popped up. After that, he disappeared again.

The Soul Burial's identity card is connected to the Soul Burial Master system, so if there are any changes in the main system, the identity card will be updated at any time.

ID tags are made of chips and have unique identity authentication. The anti-counterfeiting technology is very high, so they generally cannot be copied.

The most important thing is that this identity card contains a lot of information about the members. If you want to enter the Soul Burial base, you also need this identity card to verify, otherwise there will be no way to get in.

After all these things are done. Yan Xi took Su Zhe to another room.

After entering, Su Zhe discovered that there were many masks in this room. There were all kinds of masks here.

Obviously, these masks are used by Soul Burial members to hide their true appearance. Yan Xi and others, for example, always wear masks.

Generally, when performing tasks, members will not take off their masks, they will always wear them.

"You pick here first. I'll go out first. After picking, you can just take it out." Yan Xi said.

Su Zhe nodded, and then he began to choose a mask. And Yan Xi also left the room.

There are a lot of masks in this room. In addition to masks, there are also face shields. These are all available for members to choose. It only depends on personal preferences. Soul Burial will not interfere.

There are too many masks. On the contrary, it makes it difficult to choose, and I don’t know which one is better.

At first, Su Zhe tried several models, but none of them satisfied him, so he could only continue to choose. It was better to wear the mask on his face, which was more suitable.

Moreover, when you put on a mask, you are also fighting. If the mask does not fit you, your fighting status will also be affected.

Therefore, Su Zhe's requirements for masks are still relatively high.

Finally, he saw a mask in the corner, and he was attracted by it at a glance.

It was a mask made of black prisms. Under the light, it looked a bit dreamy, and he fell in love with it the first time he saw it.

Su Zhe walked over and took the black prism mask in his hand. After observing it for a while, he put it on his face without hesitation.

This black prism mask is covered with a layer of special material, which makes him feel comfortable without feeling uncomfortable when wearing it. It seems that this mask has been carefully designed and the details are handled very well, so it suits him so well.

Moreover, this mask does not affect his breathing or speaking, so the feeling of wearing a mask is quite natural.

There happened to be a mirror in this room, so Su Zhe walked over.

What appeared in the mirror was a somewhat dreamy masked man. His face was almost covered by the black prism mask, with only the lower part of the right side of his face exposed.

This black prism has a reflective effect, so it makes Su Zhe's face look even more blurry, making it even more difficult to see clearly.

If he were not particularly familiar with Su Zhe, almost no one would be able to recognize him now that he was wearing this prism mask.

Therefore, this mask satisfied him and almost met his needs.

Moreover, this black prism mask makes Su Zhe more mysterious and charming. Looking at it this way, he seems to be a messenger in the darkness, as if he can dominate the dark world.

However, Su Zhe felt like he had seen this black prism mask before somewhere. It seemed that he had seen someone wearing a similar mask before, and it always felt inexplicably familiar.

But at this moment, he couldn't remember anyone wearing it.

At first, Su Zhe thought about it for a long time, but still couldn't remember it.

So, he simply stopped thinking about it.

He murmured: "Anyway, Yan Xi has already said that the masks here are all optional, so even if someone outside has the same mask as this one, it shouldn't matter. I want this."

The most important thing, the black prism mask, made Su Zhe very excited. After he picked it up, he was unwilling to put it down again.

And the design on it was completely in line with his aesthetics, which made it even harder for him to let go.

Su Zhe was very reluctant to give up this mask. If he had a choice, he would never put it down.

Therefore, he finally chose this mask composed of black prisms, and this will be his face in Soul Burial from now on. (To be continued.)

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