Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1379 The Skill of the Gun God

After three failed assembly attempts, Su Xin was too embarrassed to continue.

Of course, Su Xin chose to give up only after he realized that he could not succeed.

Even if there is only a slight chance of success, Su Xin will continue to try.

Facing Su Zhe's contemptuous eyes, Su Xin hurriedly changed the subject: "Come on, come on, let's play real shooting."

After that, Su Xin went to get another pistol. Because the pistol he had brought before had been dismantled for him, and he had no way to assemble it again, he had no choice but to bring another pistol.

Su Xin first adjusted the target to a distance of twenty-five meters, then turned to Su Zhe and said, "Let me show you the skills of the Gunslinger. Don't worship me too much!"

Then, without hesitation, he directly aimed at the target and started shooting.

Moreover, Su Xin continued without stopping and fired ten shots straight away.

After the fight, Su Xin blew the barrel of the gun, and then said confidently: "This time there are not 100 rings, but 95 rings."

But Su Zhe knew that ideals are beautiful, but reality is cruel. With his current eyesight, he could clearly see the 25-meter target. Su Xin's results this time were unsatisfactory.

Soon, under Su Xin's control, the shooting target moved closer.

Su Zhe was indeed right. Su Xin's shooting accuracy really needed to be improved.

Because Su Xin's number of shots on target was zero, which meant that he fired ten bullets, but none of them hit the target. All of them missed the target.

Before he failed, he said that he was a master of guns and confidently said that even if his score was not 100 rings. There are also ninety-five rings. The results are out. This result is even worse than that of a novice.

This time, Su Xin finally felt a little embarrassed. He touched his head and said, "Maybe I made a mistake and didn't perform well. My results were very good in the past. I'll do it again."

So, Su Xin reloaded the bullet. Decided to try it again.

This time, he spent more time aiming at the target, and instead of firing ten rounds in a row like last time, he fired one bullet and then aimed again.

This time Su Xin seems to be in good shape.

However, Su Zhe next to him shook his head when he saw this, because his shooting results were still not ideal.

The target was moved by Su Xin again, and this time not all ten shots missed the target, at least one hit. Although it only hit two rings, at least not all of them missed the target this time. So there is still progress.

Of course, it is also possible that the blind cat of Su Xin encountered a dead mouse and hit it by luck.

"There is still progress, very good." Su Xin first praised himself, and then found a reason for himself: "It must be that I accidentally injured my hand when I was fighting the alienated cat today, so it's so big now." It's not up to standard, otherwise, I would definitely be able to hit it with every shot."

Su Zhe was too lazy to listen to what Su Xin said because he always had a lot of fallacies.

And he didn't want to watch Su Xin play tricks anymore, because every time Su Xin always boasted about himself, if something happened again.

The most important thing is that Su Zhe is here now, not just to watch Su Xin play, he is here to experience the feeling of shooting for himself.

Su Zhe, whose hands were already itchy, pushed Su Xin to the side, moved the target back to its original place, then carefully checked the gun and bullets, and began to aim at the target.

Su Zhe also fired ten bullets. This was his first time firing a real gun.

Although he likes guns very much, he rarely even played with toy guns in the past because there was no time or opportunity for him to play with them.

Today he finally had the opportunity to play with a gun, and it was a real gun, which made him a little excited.

Su Zhe could feel the recoil caused by the pistol, but this recoil basically had no effect on him.

After the first bullet was fired, he knew it missed the target. The bullet did not hit the target, but it was very close to the target. As long as it moved a little further, it could hit the target.

Su Zhe was not discouraged, but adjusted his breathing, recalled the previous angle, and then adjusted his shooting angle based on the trajectory of the bullet just now.

Then, he fired his second serve.

The bullet finally hit the target in the distance, which cheered him up. Although it didn't hit the bullseye, it still surprised him.

At least this shows that he has made progress and his adjustment angle is not wrong.

Therefore, Su Zhe slowly adjusted the shooting angle according to his own method, and the accuracy became higher and higher.

After firing ten bullets, Su Xin took the initiative to move the target back to check his shooting results.

Su Zhe fired a total of ten bullets, one of which missed the target. The remaining nine bullets all hit the target. Two bullets hit the second ring. Most of the other bullets hit the fifth or sixth ring. The best result was the eighth ring. The total score is forty-seven rings.

Ten bullets hit forty-seven rings, which is an unqualified shooting result.

But it was Su Zhe's first time shooting, so this result was already very good. It was at least countless times better than Su Xin's result of firing 20 bullets and only hitting one and two rings.

After seeing the target, he felt that he had not had enough fun and wanted to continue playing.

So Su Zhe moved the target back to its original place, reloaded the bullet, and continued shooting, while Su Xin was beside him and continued shooting.

As he fired more and more bullets, he became more and more proficient with the gun in his hand.

Su Zhe's shooting score is improving rapidly. The second shooting score has reached sixty-five points, which is eighteen points more than the first time.

In the third time, his shooting score had reached the 70th ring, and it improved by five rings again.

Soon, Su Zhe's shooting score continued to improve, reaching eighty, eighty-five, and even ninety.

This speed of progress made Su Xin almost envious, because his best shooting result today was only twenty rings.

Moreover, most of Su Xin's scores are around the tenth ring, and the only score of twenty rings may be just a blind cat encountering a dead mouse.

However, Su Xin always insisted that his poor shooting performance was due to his injured hand.

But Su Zhe knew very well that Su Xin's injury was on his chest and had been healed with a healing potion. There was no problem with his hands at all, so his shooting performance could not be blamed on his hands.

However, he didn't expose Su Xin, and just let Su Xin go on and save some face for Su Xin.

Later, Su Zhe's shooting accuracy became higher and higher.

On a target 25 meters away, he can now achieve a score of ninety-five rings, and once even achieved a score of one hundred rings. (To be continued...)

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