Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1380 Special Weapons

Su Zhe and Su Xin stayed in the shooting training room for a long time.

The two of them had consumed countless bullets, and the one who had fired the most bullets was Su Zhe.

Later, the twenty-five-meter target was no longer enough to satisfy him, because basically, he could hit the target with perfect accuracy, and he could also accurately hit the ten-ring bull's-eye.

Therefore, the target distance gradually increased, and finally it was raised to thirty-five meters away, and it changed from a fixed target to a moving target.

Even with a constantly moving target and ten rounds of bullets, Su Zhe can guarantee a shooting score of ninety-five, and he shoots quickly instead of aiming slowly.

This kind of achievement can be said to be a rapid progress. Compared with the beginning, it has improved a lot.

Su Xin's results were unsatisfactory. He fired at least a thousand rounds today, but his best result was only twenty-five rings.

In response, Su Zhe just said one thing to Su Xin: "Are you worthy of these bullets?"

Previously, Su Xin said that he did not carry a gun because his strength did not require the use of a gun, and he was also worried that Jiang Xiaonan would see the pistol and would not be able to explain.

But after this shooting training, Su Zhe knew that this was not the main reason. Su Xin didn't carry a gun. There was another reason, and that was that his hit rate was too low.

With his hit rate like this, carrying a gun is of no use.

If Su Xin uses a gun when chasing the alienated person, it won't matter if he can't hit the alienated person, but he will most likely hit his teammates or himself. That's it.

Therefore, after the shooting, Su Zhe strongly supported Su Xin not carrying a gun, just to be on the safe side.

When leaving the shooting training room, Su Xin was still explaining to himself: "My hand is really injured. You see, my hand is still shaking and I have no strength at all, so I couldn't hit the target."

Su Zhe was too lazy to listen to Su Xin's explanation. He put the pistol back in the gun storage.

Although he liked the pistol very much, he had no intention of taking it outside because he had it with him. It was of no use to him.

This pistol is extremely powerful for ordinary people.

But for someone as powerful as Su Zhe,

But there is no threat, if he takes this pistol to kill the Qi-infected person. For example, people like Lei Ba are basically useless and cannot effectively attack the enemy.

Therefore, if he wants to deal with those infected with death energy, he still has to rely on his own strength.

This ordinary pistol was of no help to him in actual combat.

Some relatively powerful light weapons are somewhat effective. But it is inconvenient to carry, not to mention some heavy weapons.

When will the Death Qi infected person and Death Qi infected beast appear? It's hard to say where it will appear. Sometimes it will suddenly appear nearby.

Su Zhe had no way to confirm the time and location of the death-qi-infected person, so he naturally had no way to prepare weapons first.

He can't always carry a heavy machine gun and run around with him.

It is estimated that if Su Zhe did this, he would definitely become the target of onlookers on the street.

so. Weapons like this gun, for him. It's basically useless and has little power. Can't help, the weapon is powerful and inconvenient to carry.

Therefore, Su Zhe basically had no intention of bringing a gun out.

Of course, he would come here occasionally to shoot and have some fun.

In fact, most of Soul Burial's combatants, such as Yan Xi, have the same idea as Su Zhe and will not carry guns. For them, guns are a burden most of the time. , basically it doesn’t work.

Therefore, although most human combatants are qualified to hold guns, they rarely carry guns with them.

Only a small number of relatively weak combatants would carry some weapons with them to enhance their combat effectiveness.

However, it is said that the country now has an institution that specializes in researching special weapons for Soul Burial members in order to improve the survival probability of combatants and enhance the combat effectiveness of members, but the final results have not yet been released.

If such a special weapon could be developed and put into effect, the Soul Burial members would have a greater chance of winning when facing dangerous targets like those infected with death energy.

Of course, it is still unclear whether the final results will be released.

After coming out of the gun store, Su Zhe saw that it was getting late and was ready to leave, but Su Xin also wanted to leave.

As for Fu Yanjie, he had already left Soul Burial a long time ago because his bar was still working hard and he wanted to go back and watch.

Therefore, when Su Zhe and Su Xin were training shooting, Fu Yanjie had already left.

When leaving Soul Burial, Su Zhe and Su Xin left through a special passage.

This special passage is located in a relatively remote part of the subway station. Most people will not come here, or they will not notice it at all, so it is very confidential.

At least so far, no one has broken in or accidentally walked here.

Not to mention that there are special guards outside the special passage, who are watched 24 hours a day. In addition, there are several checkpoints in the special passage. You must enter the correct fingerprint and password before you can enter the Soul Burial.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, no one would discover Soul Burial's base here.

Su Zhe and Su Xin left Burial Soul, and when they were in a deserted place, they took off their masks.

Then they passed through the subway station hall and left the subway station.

At this time, Su Xin had to go back to his place of work to deal with some things.

Because today's pursuit of Lei Ba was too urgent, Su Xin didn't even have time to ask for leave, so he just chased him out.

Therefore, Su Xin now has to go back to the company to explain and handle some work.

Therefore, he has no way to leave with Su Zhe now.

After Su Zhe came out of the subway station, he drove his car and prepared to go back.

Originally, his car was parked in the airport parking lot, because when he went to Kyoto, he left the car at Guanzhou Airport for convenience.

But after he came back from Kyoto today, he settled this matter. He was riding in Mr. Ling's car.

Later, on the way to the soul burial, Su Zhe remembered that his car was still in the airport parking lot and had not been driven back yet.

After Yan Xi found out about this, he asked someone to help him drive the car to the subway station, so that when he went back, he would not have to take a car to the airport and then drive the car back.

Therefore, he can drive back directly now without having to make another trip. (To be continued)

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