Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1382 The Sad Sky City

readx; Because the baby wanted to play with Yangyang, Su Zhe drove directly to his home.

After arriving, the baby opened the car door by himself and ran directly in.

Originally, Su Zhe was going to follow him in, but as soon as he got out of the car, he was attracted by the sound of a violin and stopped in his tracks.

Ever since he moved to Villa No. 1, he would occasionally hear someone playing the violin, and it was all coming from the neighboring Villa No. 2.

This violin sound is gentle and melodious. This touching and beautiful melody, as well as the beautiful melody that touches the heart, are deeply attractive to people, and people can't help but stay where they are and listen.

Although Su Zhe had heard the sound of the violin many times, he had never seen the violinist.

After so long, he only knew that the other party was a girl. Every time she played the violin, she would stand quietly by the window.

Just like this time, Su Zhe also saw the other party, but the distance was too far and there were some obstacles, so he only saw a blurry figure and could not take a closer look.

This time, Su Zhe recognized the music. It was "Castle in the Sky" and was composed by musician Joe Hisaishi.

"Castle in the Sky" is famous all over the world for its beautiful melody that makes people cry and its heart-stirring melodies. It was later adapted into many versions and became a popular film and television song.

Therefore, even Su Zhe, who did not understand music, could still hear this famous song.

No matter what tune this girl plays on the violin, it always makes people feel lonely and makes the listeners feel sad. This seems to express her emotions and the true feelings in her heart.

This also made Su Zhe very curious about this. He didn't know what kind of person could have such a pessimistic mood.

Although he has never seen the other party's face, judging from various aspects, the other party should be young.

And why is a girl in her prime of life so sad? The violin she played. They all make people feel sad, and there never seems to be any light songs.

Perhaps this violinist has a sad memory that she cannot get over.

so. The emotions she expressed through the violin were all pessimistic, which made people feel a little distressed.

Su Zhe had never seen her, and he had never seen her come out of the room. It seemed that she would always just stay in the room. Never came out.

If there is a chance, he will also want to get to know the other party, but this opportunity may not come around.

Although he knows that the sound of the piano is sad and will always make the listener feel sad, every time he hears the sound of the piano, he can't help but stop and listen quietly, as if he is feeling it with the violinist. to that pessimistic mood.

Every time the sound of the piano stopped, Su Zhe couldn't come back to his senses for a long time, as if he was still stuck in the beautiful sound of the piano. Can't help myself.

After the sound of the piano stopped, he was still there. It was not until the baby called him that he came back to his senses.

When Su Zhe looked at the window, the sad figure was no longer there.

In fact, he couldn't help but feel a little regretful in his heart. It seemed that the sad violin sound made him a little sentimental.

But Su Zhe didn't think much about it and walked in. Played with the baby's pistachio.

At home, Yangyang is practicing boxing in the front yard, and every move is very standard.

Although Yangyang is not in Yanyun City now and cannot go to the Supreme Martial Arts Hall for training. But Yangyang did not give up training.

Yangyang still insists on exercising and practicing boxing every day, and never misses a day. He will not let himself relax for some reason.

Apart from resting and studying every day, Yangyang spends most of his time practicing boxing. There is very little time for entertainment, or boxing practice is Yangyang's best form of entertainment.

When Su Zhe saw that Yang Yang was so keen on practicing boxing, he was very supportive of it and would provide Yang Yang with the best conditions.

Of course, in order to avoid overdoing Yang Yang and injuring your body.

Su Zhe also made a timetable for Yangyang, when to rest, when to study, when to practice boxing, and also left sufficient time for entertainment.

Only when you use your time rationally can you be most effective, rather than doing it blindly.

After Su Zhe and Bao Bao came in, she immediately ran inside.

The baby has been here so many times and has become extremely familiar with it, so this place is like her home.

Soon, the baby ran out again, and she was holding a ball in her hand.

The baby held the ball and came to Yangyang's side, and asked in a low voice: "Brother Yangyang, can you play with the ball with the baby?"

Yangyang agreed to the baby's request immediately.

When Su Zhe saw that Bao Bao and Yang Yang were already playing, he went in with confidence.

Both Baobao and Yangyang are very sensible and will not run out on their own without the approval of adults.

What's more, there are little snow dragons and the others watching here, so they don't have to worry about Baobao and Yangyang sneaking out without anyone knowing, so Su Zhe doesn't have to watch here.

After returning home, Su Zhe first said hello to An Xin.

Although An Xin already knew that he would be back today, she didn't know what time he would be back.

Therefore, Su Zhe's sudden arrival still surprised An Xin.

If it weren't for the delay due to the soul burial matter, Su Zhe would have arrived home at noon, and he wouldn't have waited until near dusk to get home.

At this time, An Xin was cooking in the kitchen.

He went in and took a look and found that they were all his favorite dishes.

An Xin must have specially prepared these dishes because Su Zhe came back, which moved him a little.

In fact, Su Zhe didn't know that because An Xin didn't know when Su Zhe would come back and he never said it, An Xin cooked a lot of his favorite dishes at noon.

As a result, An Xin waited all day and he didn't come home.

And now, when An Xin was preparing dinner, she cooked Su Zhe's favorite dishes.

After leaving the kitchen, Su Zhe looked at the date and realized that today was the 25th.

There were only a few days left. In order to ensure that the plan he designed could be carried out smoothly and on time, he returned to his room and secretly made a phone call.

While making the phone call, Su Zhe kept looking outside to prevent others from hearing the content of the call, making it mysterious.

After the call ended, he was able to rest assured that so far, everything had gone very smoothly.

What Su Zhe has to do now is to pretend as if nothing has happened and wait until that day comes.

He was looking forward to this day very much, but he was also a little nervous because he was worried that he would not achieve the results he wanted. (To be continued.)

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