Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1383 Portable Detector

At night, in Su Zhe's room.

After dinner, he stayed in his room without leaving the room.

On the table in front of Su Zhe, there was a silver box. The surface of the box was made of metal, but this silver box was very familiar.

In fact, this silver box was given to him by Soul Burial, and it is also one of the necessary items for Soul Burial members.

Su Zhe had seen similar boxes in Su Xin before, which were basically the same. Besides Su Xin, he had also seen such boxes in Ren Liran.

Ren Liran also owned this kind of silver box, which made him think that Ren Liran was probably also a member of Soul Burial, so Ren Liran owned this kind of silver box.

Even if Ren Liran is not a member of Soul Burial, he should be a member of a similar organization.

After all, Mr. Ling said that the agency that specializes in dealing with alienated people and alienated beasts is not just Soul Burial, but there are other similar agencies.

Therefore, Ren Liran is likely to be a member of a similar organization, so he owns this box.

The main function of this metal box is to detect the presence of alienated humans and alienated beasts.

Although in many cities, there are large detectors for detecting alienated humans and beasts, the area where they can be detected is very large.

But after all, there are some places that this detector cannot cover.

Therefore, this kind of portable detector is needed at this time, which can be used by Soul Burial members to detect alienated people and alienated beasts.

The advantage of this portable detector is that it can be moved at any time and is not difficult to carry.

And the large detector is after detecting the existence of alienated people and alienated beasts. It is sent to the Soul Burial System. After analysis by the Soul Burial System. Then send it to the communicator of nearby members.

During this process, there was bound to be some hesitation, which caused some trouble for the members to hunt down the alienated people and the alienated beasts.

This portable detector allows members to quickly detect alienated humans and alienated beasts, with faster detection speed and more accurate positioning.

So, the role of this portable detector. Still very big.

Therefore, there is only one combatant per Soul Burial.

I usually keep it with me to prevent any accidents.

For example, Su Xin would always keep this silver box with him if allowed, so that he could use it if necessary.

Su Zhe opened the silver box. The instruments inside were not complicated and only took up about one-third of the space. The other space could allow members to put some things. Such as weapons and the like.

The operation was very simple and he just tried it for a while. You have already mastered the basic usage.

After there was a screen on it, Su Zhe pressed start and the screen automatically lit up.

After that, he tried the detection function again. Not long after, the result came out. There were no aliens or alienated beasts around.

During detection, the green light will keep flashing. If aliens and alienated beasts are detected, the red light will light up and an alarm will sound.

After testing, Su Zhe found that the detection range of this portable detector was much larger than the range that his divine power could sense.

But for him, this portable detector is still of no use.

Although the portable detector is easy to operate, no matter how convenient the operation is, it cannot be compared to the speed and speed of his divine induction.

Therefore, when hunting down alienated people and alienated beasts, Su Zhe still relies on his own divine power, which is more useful.

Of course, this portable detector is not useless, it still has many functions.

For example, when he is resting, a portable detector can be used for prevention. As long as alienated people and alienated beasts appear around, the detector can remind him and make him ready to fight at any time.

And if placed at home, it can be regarded as an alarm system, of course, specifically for alienated people and alienated beasts.

In this case, An Xin and the others will be more secure at home.

As long as the alarm sounds, An Xin can notify Su Zhe first, and there will be time for them to hide first. In this case, it will indeed be much safer.

Therefore, after Su Zhe turned on the detector, he did not turn it off again and kept it detecting.

At least this way, you can still be on guard when you rest at night.

After Su Zhe tested the portable detector for a long time, he waited until the novelty wore off, then put the silver box next to him, and then walked out of the room.

After arriving on the first floor, he found that the floor was empty.

Later, Su Zhe heard the baby's laughter coming from the front yard, and he walked over.

In the front yard, Bao Bao and Yang Yang were happily chasing each other, while An Xin was sitting on the hanging chair not far away, watching them play.

After Su Zhe told An Xin, he took the baby out and wanted to send the baby home.

After arriving at Yan Yuyan's home, before he could knock on the door, he heard the baby shouting inside: "The baby is back, little black and white, come and open the door."

Soon, Su Zhe heard the sound of running, and not long after, the door was opened.

The person standing inside was Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai. I don’t know whether it was Xiao Hei or Xiao Bai who opened the door just now.

After returning home, the baby heard Xiao Hei's body and then rode it in. This was the game she played the most at home.

Ever since Su Zhe sent Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai here, the baby has been very happy because she has more playmates.

The reason why Su Zhe is here now is that in addition to sending the baby back, he also wants to meet Yan Yuyan.

Because he estimated that the divine power in Yan Yuyan's body was almost unable to suppress the death energy.

Therefore, it was time for Su Zhe to replenish Yan Yuyan's divine power, lest the death energy in her body get out of control.

If such a situation occurs, it will be difficult to remedy.

In the living room, Aunt Wang was the only one watching TV. Neither Yan Yuyan nor Shen Chuxia was seen.

He learned from Aunt Wang that Yan Yuyan and Shen Chuxia were in the room now and did not show up, so he walked towards Yan Yuyan's room.

Standing outside Yan Yuyan's door, Su Zhe knocked gently and received a quick response: "Come in, the door is unlocked."

The door was indeed unlocked, and he opened it with a slight twist.

Yan Yuyan was seen sitting at the desk, the computer screen was on, and she was holding a document and a signature pen in her hand.

After Yan Yuyan listened to Su Zhe's advice, she took the unfinished work home as much as possible to do it.

In this way, you can avoid working overtime in the company too late and making it unsafe when you come back.

Therefore, Su Zhe's words can still play a big role. (To be continued...)

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