Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1388 Worrying IQ

Su Zhe didn't dare to waste too much time here.

Because every time the red-eyed pig demon runs, it will cause a lot of vibrations, coupled with its roar.

In this case, it will easily cause nearby residents to come out, and what happened here will be discovered.

If people see the red-eyed pig demon, I don’t know how much panic it will cause.

The serial murders in Guanzhou City have frightened the citizens and made everyone feel at risk. If the red-eyed pig demon appears again now, Guanzhou City may cause unrest.

By then, the situation will become even more difficult to deal with.

Therefore, when Su Zhe saw that the red-eyed pig demon had been angered, it was time to take action.

So, he deliberately exposed a flaw in the red-eyed pig demon, then pretended to be injured and defeated, and fled away.

The red-eyed pig demon had no doubts. It was completely angered. How could it possibly think that this was just a trap? It fell into the pit obediently.

The red-eyed pig demon, who had already regarded Su Zhe as a target, saw that Su Zhe was injured and ran away. The red-eyed pig demon did not hesitate and chased after him.

Su Zhe deliberately led the red-eyed pig demon to a less crowded place.

In this case, even if the red-eyed pig demon reacts, he can deal with it on the spot and minimize the impact.

However, the red-eyed pig demon does not have such a high IQ, and since it is in a furious state, it does not think too much.

Su Zhe would sometimes deliberately slow down his pace and wait for the red-eyed pig demon to catch up before speeding up and escaping, causing the red-eyed pig demon to pursue him.

In fact, the red-eyed pig demon runs at an astonishing speed. If he were running in a straight line, he would not be able to be as relaxed as he is now. He can easily hang the red-eyed pig demon and sometimes slow down.

It's just that the path Su Zhe chose had more turns, and for the huge red-eyed pig demon, this turn was difficult. It will undoubtedly slow down the speed.

Therefore, now the speed of the red-eyed pig demon cannot be used at all, and Su Zhe can take the red-eyed pig demon with him relatively easily.

Under such circumstances, Su Zhe quickly killed the red-eyed pig demon. Lead him to the place he agreed with Yan Xi.

Su Zhe could already see the outline in front of it. It was an abandoned factory area. It had not been renovated in time, so it was still idle.

This was the place Yan Xi had agreed with him before, because basically no one would show up here. Especially this late at night.

So if Su Zhe lures the red-eyed pig demon here, he can try not to disturb other people, and he and Yan Xi can also let go of their hands here.

The red-eyed pig demon had no doubts yet, and kept following him, running faster and faster, which made him smile.

It was also Su Zhe's first time to come to this abandoned factory area. He had only known the general direction before, but he had never been here before.

Therefore, he did not know where the entrance to this factory area was.

But this does not stump Su Zhe. He ran to help, and then jumped directly onto the three-meter-high wall.

But just as he jumped onto the wall, he turned around and saw the red-eyed pig demon crashing directly into the wall without any pause, as if the wall didn't exist.

This forced Su Zhe to jump to the side just as he landed.

There was only a roar, and the three-meter-high wall fell into pieces, with pieces scattered everywhere. A few pieces flew toward him, but they were swept away by him.

Although the wall is in some disrepair, it is not as fragile as a block of tofu. This only shows that the impact of the red-eyed pig demon is too powerful. That will make the wall fall apart.

Su Zhe had not faced off against the red-eyed pig demon just now, although he did not know its destructive power, which was so terrifying.

This made him put away his contempt and start to pay attention to the red-eyed pig demon in front of him.

If fighting alone, Su Zhe was not sure he could subdue the red-eyed pig demon.

No wonder Burial Soul has been hunting for so long. They haven't caught the red-eyed pig demon yet, and some members have died because of it. It turns out that the red-eyed pig demon is so powerful.

The red-eyed pig demon gasped, stared at Su Zhe closely, and roared deeply. It was now completely angered by Su Zhe, and had lost all patience.

However, Su Zhe showed a slight smile at this time, as if he wasn't worried at all.

Although fighting alone, he was not sure that he could subdue the red-eyed pig demon in front of him.

But if Yan Xi is added to it, what will be the result?

The silly red-eyed pig demon didn't know yet that a person had appeared behind it, a person wearing a red mask.

But when Su Zhe saw the man wearing the red mask, the corners of his mouth began to rise, because this man was Yan Xi.

Yan Xi has been waiting here for a long time. She had already agreed with Su Zhe from the beginning that she would come here first to encircle and suppress the red-eyed pig demon. This way, she would not have to worry about the red-eyed pig demon escaping.

But now it is obvious that Su Zhe and Yan Xi's plan has succeeded.

Poor red-eyed pig demon, he hasn't noticed the existence of Yan Xi yet and keeps staring at Su Zhe.

Just when the red-eyed pig demon was about to take action, the temperature behind it increased rapidly and began to become hot.

At this time, the red-eyed pig demon woke up. It was only now that it noticed Yan Xi, which made it start to panic.

Originally, under Su Zhe's true vision, Yan Xi's physique had reached 320 points, and her martial arts cultivation had reached the late general level.

Yan Xi's martial arts cultivation level is already slightly higher than him.

But now that Yan Xi has unleashed her own powers and started using the power of fire, her strength may have reached the handsome level.

Therefore, not only the red-eyed pig demon was panicked, but Su Zhe was also shocked.

By the time the red-eyed pig demon reacted, Yan Xi had already gathered the power of fire in the palm of his hand, which was why the temperature suddenly increased.

Just as the red-eyed pig demon turned around, Yanxi's fire power had condensed into a fireball, which was then emitted from her hand.

In panic, the red-eyed pig demon did not forget to dodge and hurriedly pounced to the side.

But its body was too big and it was the best target for Yan Xi, so it had no chance of escaping.

Fortunately, Yanxi's fireball was originally aimed at the red-eyed pig demon's head, but it dodged a little and hit its body.

At that moment, the fireball exploded, and the black thorns on the red-eyed pig demon began to burn.

This made the red-eyed pig demon keep rolling on the ground in pain, trying to extinguish the flames on its body, and kept roaring.

It's just that Yan Xi's power of fire can't be extinguished so easily. (To be continued.)

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