Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1389 His face changed drastically

After Yanxi's fireball was emitted, the surrounding temperature rose again out of thin air.

This time, the surrounding temperature is even hotter, and being here makes people feel like they are in a furnace.

Today, Su Zhe finally saw the strength of Captain Soul Burial.

Yan Xi's role as the captain of Soul Burial was indeed worthy of her reputation. Her strength was far beyond his previous imagination.

The red-eyed pig demon rolled on the sand for a long time before extinguishing the flames on its body, and most of the black hair on its body had been burned.

The arrogant red-eyed pig demon no longer dares to be arrogant. As soon as the fire is extinguished, it wants to rush out.

Su Zhe originally thought that the red-eyed pig demon would go crazy, but he didn't expect that it was also smart enough to know that he was outmatched and knew how to escape first.

But he was already on guard, how could he let the red-eyed pig demon escape.

Therefore, when the red-eyed pig demon started to escape, Su Zhe rushed over in time.

His speed was so fast, and in just a moment, he blocked the path of the red-eyed pig demon, making it impossible for him to escape.

However, the already anxious red-eyed pig demon didn't care so much and rushed towards Su Zhe without any hesitation.

Su Zhe was well prepared. The moment the red-eyed pig demon rushed over, he grabbed the opponent's fangs.

The power of the red-eyed pig demon itself was very terrifying, and the fact that it came from a collision made the power even more terrifying. Su Zhe almost lost his grip and was knocked away.

Fortunately, he sank down in time to use his strength to stabilize his body and prevent him from being knocked out. Moreover, the red-eyed pig demon was also blocked.

The red-eyed pig demon shook his head wildly, trying to throw Su Zhe away, but his fangs were firmly grasped by him, making it difficult to make effective movements.

The next moment, Yan Xi appeared behind the red-eyed pig demon Su. And he kicked the red-eyed pig demon's body very quickly.

The huge red-eyed pig demon was kicked away by Yan Xi's kick, and the other wall was knocked down, with pieces flying everywhere.

Moreover, Yan Xi's attacks are all equipped with the power of fire. It can easily invade the red-eyed pig demon's cortex and enter its body.

This power of fire made the red-eyed pig demon extremely uncomfortable.

It kept rolling on the ground, and pieces were flying everywhere.

The red-eyed pig demon already knew that it had no chance of winning, and it no longer had the will to challenge. I lost my will to fight and just wanted to escape from here.

So the red-eyed pig demon had just recovered and was ready to escape.

Just as it got up, a figure came down, stepped hard on its head, and kicked it down again.

And this figure is Su Zhe. He has been staring at the red-eyed pig demon, how could he let it escape.

If the red-eyed pig demon is allowed to escape. It would be very difficult for Su Zhe and the others to catch him again, if he were allowed to continue to do evil. There will definitely be many people affected.

Moreover, the strength of the death-qi-infected beasts progresses very quickly. They can use humans to quickly improve their strength.

If the red-eyed pig demon has a chance to escape, then after a while, neither Su Zhe nor Yan Xi will be sure. Can deal with the red-eyed pig demon.

Even if you just let the red-eyed pig demon leave the factory area, it will cause huge damage. And there are innocent people victimized.

Therefore, Su Zhe will definitely kill the red-eyed pig demon here today. It is impossible to allow the red-eyed pig demon to leave this work area.

Only by solving the red-eyed pig demon here can the damage be minimized, no more people will be harmed, and the news can be blocked to prevent society from panic.

As soon as Su Zhe stepped on the red-eyed pig demon on the ground, the powerful red-eyed pig demon struggled to stand up. Relatively speaking, Su Zhe was still too small compared to the huge one.

With his strength, he completely suppressed the red-eyed pig demon to the ground. It was basically impossible to last long.

Soon, the red-eyed pig demon will stand up.

However, Yan Xi came from behind and, like Su Zhe, stepped heavily on the red-eyed pig demon's head, trampling the red-eyed pig demon down again.

The seemingly petite Yan Xi burst out with more terrifying power than Su Zhe. She even stepped on the red-eyed pig demon's head into the ground, causing it to sink halfway into the soil.

Although it was the first time for Su Zhe and Yan Xi to fight side by side, their cooperation was quite tacit. They both knew how to cooperate with each other without opening their mouths to greatly increase their own combat effectiveness.

With him and Yan Xi joining forces, the arrogant red-eyed pig demon had no chance to fight back, and even escaping became a luxury.

While the red-eyed pig demon was suppressed, Yan Xi began to gather the power of fire again, and a flame sphere gradually appeared in her palm, which continued to grow.

As the fireball formed, the surrounding temperature increased crazily, as if the air was burning, making a crackling sound.

The surrounding space seemed to have been burned and deformed, as if it had begun to twist.

After condensing the fireball, Yan Xi suppressed the fireball while the red-eyed pig demon was still pinned to the ground and unable to move.

When the fireball came into contact with the body of the red-eyed pig demon, its black hairs like thorns quickly burned. Under the pain, the red-eyed pig demon began to struggle violently.

The red-eyed pig demon began to go crazy under the severe pain, and Su Zhe and Yan Xi could no longer suppress it.

Unfortunately, Yanxi's fireball was blocked by the thick cortex and could not go any further. This was not a big threat to the red-eyed pig demon.

This fireball couldn't last long, and the red-eyed pig demon was about to break free from their suppression.

At this time, Yan Xi said urgently to Su Zhe beside him: "Zun Zang, help me quickly."

Hearing this, Su Zhe immediately took action.

Although Yan Xi didn't say it explicitly, he already understood what she meant.

So, Su Zhe immediately held down Yan Xi's hand, and then he pressed her hand down with all his strength.

With his help, Yan Xi's fireball finally broke through the red-eyed pig demon's cortex and entered its body smoothly, which made the two men breathe a sigh of relief.

As soon as the fireball entered the body of the red-eyed pig demon, it exploded at that moment.

There was only a "boom" sound, and the fireball exploded in the body of the red-eyed pig demon. Its power was indescribable, and the earth seemed to shake.

The red-eyed pig demon roared extremely sadly, and then its body that was still struggling stopped in an instant.

Under the bombardment of Yanxi's fireballs, the red-eyed pig demon seemed to be dead.

But before Yan Xi could breathe a sigh of relief, Su Zhe's expression suddenly changed and he shouted: "Oops!"

After that, he raised his hand and hit the red-eyed pig demon hard on the head. (To be continued)

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