Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1390 The evolved red-eyed pig demon

Yan Xi thought the battle was over because the red-eyed pig demon was dead.

But Su Zhe's expression changed drastically, as if there was an emergency, and he attacked the red-eyed pig demon.

The reason why he had such a reaction was that he thought the red-eyed pig demon was not dead yet.

If the red-eyed pig demon is dead, the death energy on its body will disappear and cease to exist.

However, under the induction of Su Zhe's divine power, the death aura on the red-eyed pig demon not only did not disappear, but its aura increased sharply in an instant.

This shows that the red-eyed pig demon is not dead, and its strength has suddenly increased rapidly. This is the reason why his expression suddenly changed.

The previous red-eyed pig demon required the cooperation of Su Zhe and Yan Xi to defeat it.

But now that the strength of the red-eyed pig demon has suddenly increased so much, it becomes even more difficult to deal with.

Even if Su Zhe and Yan Xi join forces again, he is not sure that he can defeat the red-eyed pig demon. The difficulty is countless times higher than before.

Therefore, Su Zhe wants to prevent the red-eyed pig demon from evolving successfully before it completes its evolution.

It's just that no matter how quick his reaction was, he was still a step too slow.

Before his fist could hit it, the red-eyed pig demon, which had been motionless, instantly got up from the ground.

Even if Su Zhe and Yan Xi suppressed him, they still couldn't stop the red-eyed pig demon from standing up.

At that moment, he and Yan Xi were thrown out by the red-eyed pig demon.

After the two of them turned around in the air, they were able to land smoothly on the ground without being thrown to the ground.

This time, Yan Xi's face was also full of shock. She hadn't expected this to happen.

A thick black mist emitted from the red-eyed pig demon's body, surrounding its body.

And in this black mist, the red-eyed pig demon's already huge body has grown again.

And Su Zhe's expression became more and more solemn, because the aura of the red-eyed pig demon continued to increase. Its strength has become more and more terrifying.

Yanxi’s fireball just now,

Although it caused a fatal attack on the red-eyed pig demon, it also started to burn death energy, burning its own vitality, allowing its strength to increase dramatically.

After burning the death energy and vitality, the red-eyed pig demon's strength became even more terrifying.

Although the red-eyed pig demon's vitality is completely burned out. It will die completely, but it now poses a huge threat to Su Zhe and Yan Xi.

This time, it is unknown whether Su Zhe and Yan Xi can defeat the red-eyed pig demon.

Even the two of them may not be able to escape this disaster today.

Su Zhe knew that he could no longer hesitate now. Once the red-eyed pig demon's strength reaches its peak, they will have even more hopelessness.

So, at the next moment, he rushed towards the red-eyed pig demon.

The red-eyed pig demon gained a sudden increase in strength at the cost of burning its own life force, which made it hate Su Zhe and Yan Xi to the core.

The red-eyed pig demon now is no longer the same as before, and has no more thoughts of escaping.

When Su Zhe rushed over. The red-eyed pig demon opened its mouth, and a ball of fishy ink-colored juice erupted from its mouth. Shoot into Su Zhe's body.

Fortunately, Su Zhe reacted in time and jumped to the side to avoid the ink-colored sewage.

But the gravel behind him was immediately penetrated by corrosion.

When Su Zhe saw this situation, he was shocked. I didn't expect the red-eyed pig demon's saliva to be so corrosive. Even the stone is corroded.

If he had been sprayed by this saliva just now, the consequences would have been disastrous.

Even if this saliva is not enough to cause death. But it will also have a great impact on him.

It seems that this red-eyed pig demon has many attack methods, but it was just because it wanted to escape and had no intention of fighting, so it was beaten so badly by the two people, and it seemed that it had no ability to fight back.

After dodging the saliva, Su Zhe secretly took a breath, and then rushed towards the red-eyed pig demon again.

After arriving in front of the red-eyed pig demon, he felt that the red-eyed pig demon's body was as huge as a mountain, making it look extremely small.

When the red-eyed pig demon saw Su Zhe approaching, it moved toward him, and Su Zhe also punched him.

He punched the red-eyed pig demon in the head, but he was knocked out by the blow and slid a long distance on the ground before he was able to stabilize his posture.

After the shock, Yan Xi followed Su Zhe and slapped the red-eyed pig demon with her palm containing the power of fire, but it still had no effect.

Then, she was also thrown away by the red-eyed pig demon.

The strength of this red-eyed pig demon, which burned death energy and vitality, had risen to a level that was difficult to match. This made both Su Zhe and Yan Xi feel a lot more solemn.

With a roar, the red-eyed pig demon's body finally stopped growing, and now it looked even more terrifying.

Although the body of the red-eyed pig demon has not grown any more, it is still like a hill that makes people have to look up.

However, the black mist around it did not dissipate and was still surrounding it.

The most important thing is that Su Zhe discovered that the black mist around the red-eyed pig demon seemed to affect people's sanity and greatly reduce their reaction ability.

He discovered this just now when he got close to the red-eyed pig demon. The black mist made him feel a little confused for a moment, and his reaction was a little slow.

Later, it was Su Zhe who guided the divine power in his body to dispel the influence of the black mist and regain his clarity of mind.

This black mist is a major attack method of the red-eyed pig demon. It has such an effect on Su Zhe, not to mention others.

In this case, it would be very disadvantageous to fight against the red-eyed pig demon.

In a battle of this level, the most taboo thing is distraction. Once you lose concentration, you will put yourself in the most dangerous situation.

At that moment, life and death were determined, so the black mist of the red-eyed pig demon was too dangerous for warriors.

Moreover, after the red-eyed pig demon burned its own vitality, Su Zhe discovered that its physique had exceeded 500 points, and it was already equivalent to a handsome infected beast.

The red-eyed pig demon is even more powerful than Yan Xi.

After all, its innate conditions are more advantageous. Its terrifying power and the defensive power brought by its huge body make it even stronger.

Now Su Zhe and Yan Xi are at a disadvantage in this battle.

It seems that the red-eyed pig demon is deeply concerned about Yan Xi's fireball.

Therefore, it hates Yan Xi even more than Su Zhe.

After all, it was Yan Xi's fireball that forced the red-eyed pig demon to burn its death energy and vitality, causing even greater damage to it.

Therefore, after evolving, the red-eyed pig demon kept staring at Yan Xi, while Su Zhe next to him was ignored by it.

Or maybe it's because it feels that Su Zhe's threat is not great. (To be continued)

ps: Dear book friends, I'm sorry, starting from tomorrow, this book can only be updated with two chapters a day. I hope you can understand!

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