Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1393 Don’t forget what I know

readx; After Su Zhe entered demonization, his combat effectiveness increased greatly.

Moreover, all his attacks are in the most direct way, directly confronting the enemy without any strategy.

But this most direct way of fighting has become the most effective method, causing greater damage to the red-eyed pig demon.

Of course, this was because Su Zhe had put life and death behind and only thought about fighting to achieve such great results.

Under his crazy attack, the red-eyed pig demon was seriously injured, and its arrogance was not as strong as before. It seemed that its vitality was about to be burned out.

However, the red-eyed pig demon stared at Su Zhe with eyes full of hatred, and it would strike a fatal blow at any time.

Su Zhe stabbed the broken fangs deeply into the red-eyed pig demon's abdomen before it recovered, directly injuring its internal organs.

The penetration of this broken tooth made the red-eyed pig demon howl in pain.

At this moment, Yan Xi, who was already ready to attack, fired the fireball condensed in his hand, and just passed through the red-eyed pig demon's wide mouth and entered its body.

This fireball has been condensed by Yanxi for a long time, and it is the most powerful.

And now there is no obstacle to entering the body of the red-eyed pig demon, and its power has not diminished at all.

In the next moment, the fireball lost control and exploded directly inside the red-eyed pig demon's body, shaking its body.

The power of the fireball explosion was extremely powerful. It destroyed the red-eyed pig demon's internal organs in just an instant, causing it to bleed from all its orifices.

This has almost made the red-eyed pig demon lose the ability to stand up, and can only lie on the ground helplessly.

Su Zhe, who was right next to the red-eyed pig demon, gathered all his divine power at this moment and used the strongest one: "Explosive Divine Power Fist."

The red-eyed pig demon was knocked away first, and then exploded with a bang halfway.

This second blow is the most powerful, and it is also the most fatal blow to the red-eyed pig demon.

This time, the death aura on the red-eyed pig demon's body had disappeared without a trace. It cannot be dead anymore.

Yanxi could finally breathe a sigh of relief,

She was already desperate, but she didn't expect that she could escape this time. This was the most fortunate thing.

"Su Zhe. Are you okay?" Yan Xi walked towards Su Zhe.

Hearing this, Su Zhe just turned around. At this time, he looked at Yan Xi with only fighting intent in his eyes. And there is no emotion at all.

Obviously, he who has become a demon no longer remembers Yan Xi. He just remembers fighting, fighting non-stop.

But at the next moment, Su Zhe, who had exhausted all his strength and divine power, fell back involuntarily.

Yan Xi's heart trembled, and she hurried over to help Su Zhe. She called several times but got no response.

Su Zhe is now covered in injuries, and his left hand is the most seriously injured. After suffering such a serious injury, his left hand is now basically useless.

Therefore, in the previous battle, he could not use his left hand at all and could only fight with his right hand.

For a warrior, the importance of hands is self-evident.

And Yan Xi also knows very well that if a warrior only has one hand left, then the warrior's strength will be halved, and his life will be greatly affected.

This made Yan Xi feel very guilty. Because Su Zhe did it for her, his left hand became like this.

If she had not been careless at that time and had been prepared for the black mist of the red-eyed pig demon, there would have been no need for Su Zhe to save her life. His left hand will be fine too.

Yan Xi hugged Su Zhe tightly, and what made her feel a little relieved was that although she couldn't wake him up for the time being, fortunately, he only fell into coma due to exhaustion. There is no life risk.

After a long time, Su Zhe finally woke up.

He had just woken up, but his head was not very clear yet, and his memory was a bit confused. Moreover, in his demonic state, he could not always remember clearly, and only had a very vague impression.

Fortunately, although Su Zhe seemed weak, his eyes were very clear.

Apparently, he has returned to normal now and is no longer demonic.

Su Zhe asked in confusion: "What's wrong? What happened? Where is the red-eyed pig demon?"

He still can't remember the battle just now, and his thoughts are a little confused, so he has some gaps in what happened before.

After Yan Xi glanced at the body of the red-eyed pig demon, he couldn't hide his excitement and said: "You have defeated the red-eyed pig demon, and it is dead now."

When Su Zhe knew that the red-eyed pig demon was dead, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's dead, that's good."

There is no way, the shadow left by the red-eyed pig demon is really too big, making people feel invincible.

In fact, he didn't know that when he lost his mind and entered the demonic state, he would become even more terrifying, which would make people feel real despair.

No matter what, Su Zhe and Yan Xi are safe now, and it is a blessing to have a lucky escape.

After a while, Su Zhe's body began to regain consciousness and gradually gained strength.

But at this time, he felt a little embarrassed.

Because now Su Zhe pays attention to him at this moment. Since he is lying in Yan Xi's arms, although it is a little warm, it makes him very embarrassed.

For him, this situation really made him not know how to deal with it.

However, Yan Xi didn't notice that much. She only felt lucky to have escaped and was grateful to Su Zhe.

Other than that, she didn't think much about it, she just wanted him to have a good rest.

In this embarrassing situation, Su Zhe, who regained some strength, struggled to stand up and left Yan Xi's arms.

Yan Xi didn't know what he was thinking, but when she saw that he was about to get up, she helped him stand up.

After that, she didn't let go of her hand and kept supporting him.

Because Su Zhe was still very weak at this time, Yan Xi was worried that if she let go, he would lose his balance and fall to the ground.

Seeing that Su Zhe was covered with injuries, Yan Xi asked with concern, "How do you feel now? I'll take you to the hospital!"

In response, Su Zhe just smiled slightly, then shook his head and said, "Don't forget what I know."

Yan Xi continued: "I know you are a doctor and you will treat people, but you are so seriously injured that you can heal yourself."

Su Zhe said: "I can solve it myself, and sending me to the hospital is of no use."

He was not talking nonsense. If it had been anyone else, he might have died long ago. Even if he was sent to the hospital for rescue, it would be impossible to save him from such a serious injury.

Now, only he can cure Su Zhe's injury.

The doctors in the hospital were of no use to him at all. Going to the hospital was just a waste of time.

Therefore, Su Zhe had no intention of going to the hospital.

Now that he said this, Yan Xi no longer forced it. (To be continued.)

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