Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1394: Can heal others, but cannot heal oneself


In the end, Su Zhe still refused to go to the hospital for treatment. [800]

Because he didn't think it was necessary. He had a way to deal with his injuries, and it would be a waste of time to go to the hospital.

Seeing that staying here was not an option, Yan Xi said to Su Zhe, "Are you okay now? How about I carry you back now?"

Su Zhe shook his head and said, "No, I can leave by myself."

Not only is his character a bit shy, he can't let go in front of people he doesn't know very well, especially female friends.

Moreover, Su Zhe is still a bit chauvinistic, so how could he let a woman carry him back?

Even if this woman is not an ordinary person and is very powerful, he cannot accept her.

What's more, Yan Xi was also injured, which made it even more impossible for Su Zhe to agree.

Yan Xi could only say: "Then let's help you go back!"

This time, Su Zhe did not refuse. If he refused, it would be unjustifiable.

And without Yan Xi's support, it would be impossible for him to leave here, so he agreed.

Yan Xi supported Su Zhe with one hand and walked out of the factory.

It was only after taking a few steps that Su Zhe realized that Yan Xi was having trouble moving. She was stumbling and walking was very difficult. She had to support him, which made it even more difficult.

But Yan Xi herself didn't say anything, she just gritted her teeth and silently supported him.

If Su Zhe hadn't discovered it himself, he might never have known about it.

In fact, the reason why Yan Xi was injured was mainly because she thought Su Zhe was dead at the time. She was so guilty that she became confused, and that was how she was injured by the red-eyed pig demon. [ ]

And in the end, Yan Xi gathered all the power of fire and sent out a full blow, which made her physically and mentally exhausted.

Therefore, Yan Xi's injuries were not as serious as Su Zhe's. But it also greatly affected her actions, but she didn't say it out loud.

Su Zhe suddenly said: "Please wait a moment.


Hearing this, Yan Xi stopped and asked, "Is there anything else?"

"You are injured." Su Zhe said.

Yan Xi smiled softly. He said nonchalantly: "It's okay, it's just a minor injury, nothing serious. I'll send you back first, then bandage it and apply some medicine."

Although Yan Xi said it very lightly. But Su Zhe knew it was not that simple.

It's a pity that his current divine power has been almost completely exhausted in the previous battle.

And the divine power that had been restored now was not enough to treat Yan Xi's injuries, which made him a little embarrassed.

However, Su Zhe thought that he still had a small bottle of healing potion with him, so he hurriedly took it out.

He was relieved to see that the bottle of healing potion had not been damaged in the previous battle. If the bottle had broken, all the healing potion would have been lost. That would be difficult.

After Su Zhe gave the healing potion to Yan Xi, he said, "You will feel much better after drinking this."

Yan Xi naturally knew what it was. After all, she had seen Su Xin take it with her own eyes and knew that this potion was very magical.

"No, you can just use it yourself. My injury is nothing." But precisely because Yan Xi knew the function of this potion, this was the reason why she couldn't accept it.

Su Zhe's injury was even more serious, which made her embarrassed to use the potion.

Even if he had to use it, he would use it first.

Moreover, Yan Xi thought of the magical effect of this potion and hoped that it could cure Su Zhe's left hand.

Hear the words. Su Zhe just smiled bitterly, but he did not take the potion.

He explained to Yan Xi: "Actually, this potion is useless to me, so even if I drink it, it will be wasted. But it is different for you. It can make your injury better."

Su Zhe had been injured many times, but every time he was injured, no matter how serious the injury was, he would not use healing potions.

Not only healing potions, but even healing powers, he would not use.

There is no other reason. It was because Su Zhe's body was immune to divine power, so no matter how much divine power he used, it would still have no effect.

Therefore, every time he was injured, he could only be healed through other methods, and there was no way to use divine power.

This sometimes troubles Su Zhe.

At first, Yan Xi was a little skeptical, but in the end, she saw that his eyes did not change, so she chose to believe it.

So, she stopped refusing. After all, the healing potion had a great effect on her.

If her injury can get better now, then she can send Su Zhe back earlier, and then he can find a way to treat his injury earlier.

Immediately, Yan Xi opened the bottle cap and poured about a quarter of the potion into his mouth.

After drinking some healing potion, she found that her injuries began to improve and her physical strength recovered a lot.

Even though Yan Xi had seen the effect of this healing potion with her own eyes before, when it was her turn to experience it for herself, she still felt very shocked.

After that, she insisted on returning the remaining potion to Su Zhe.

Because Yan Xi believed that such a good healing potion must be very precious, she was very grateful to be able to take some.

So, how could she have the nerve to put away the remaining potion.

However, Su Zhe also insisted not to take it back. It was just a small bottle of healing potion, which was nothing to him.

In the end, he told Yan Xi to accept the potion because he thought that if Yan Xi refused to accept it, then they would be done with it and there would be no need for her to send him back.

Yan Xi asked: "Why do you insist on letting me accept it?"

The effect of this potion is so miraculous. If it were anyone else, they would definitely treat it as a treasure. How could they give it to others so easily?

Therefore, it is difficult for Yan Xi to understand Su Zhe's approach.

In response, Su Zhe just smiled and said nonchalantly: "This is just a bottle of potion, there are not so many reasons."

Seeing that Yan Xi was still puzzled, he continued: "This potion may be able to help you at a critical moment, so I asked you to stay with me. Soul Burial cannot be without Captain Yan Xi."

When she heard the last sentence, Yan Xi couldn't help but laugh.

Although Yan Xi and Su Zhe only spent a short time together, they didn't meet many times.

But she already understood what Su Zhe was like. He was willing to help others, and he didn't ask for anything in return, just for his own heart.

The most important thing is that at critical moments, he can stand up and use his own life to block fatal blows for his teammates without any hesitation.

And there are not many people who can do this.

Therefore, Yan Xi now regards Su Zhe as a teammate who can be entrusted with life and death, instead of just treating him as a Soul Burial member.

From then on, Zanghun had an additional doctor named Zunzun, who could heal people but could not heal himself. (To be continued.)

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