Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1396 Healing

After coming out of the shower, Su Zhe felt refreshed.

Although his injury has not improved yet, after he washed away the stains on his body, he felt much better.

The dust on his body was okay, Su Zhe could bear it.

But he couldn't bear the stained blood, and the blood of the red-eyed pig demon was still corrosive and slightly toxic.

Long-term exposure to this dirty blood will definitely be bad for your health, and Su Zhe's injuries will also be affected.

That's why he had to wash his body before his injury recovered.

Next, Su Zhe walked into the basement.

Because the medicinal power usually stored in the Supreme Cauldron has been completely consumed to heal his injuries in the abandoned factory.

Therefore, now the Supreme Cauldron has no choice but to release its medicinal power to continue healing Su Zhe.

Without the medicinal power of the Supreme Cauldron to heal his injuries, if he relied solely on his own recovery, it would take a long, long time.

Because he is very lucky to be able to save his life now. If he wants to use ordinary treatment methods, it will naturally take a lot of time.

Now his injury is very serious, and his entire left hand has even completely lost feeling. Now his left hand is considered useless.

If it is delayed any longer without treatment, there may be sequelae in the future.

Therefore, Su Zhe must now find a way to treat himself as soon as possible, so as to avoid leaving hidden dangers in his body.

He came to the medicinal material storage room on the first floor, because medicinal materials for healing are all stored here.

Su Zhe took a lot of healing medicinal materials, such as panax notoginseng, snow lotus and Ganoderma lucidum, and then he took some medicinal materials such as ginseng.

However, he did not take these medicinal materials directly. Instead, he sat cross-legged on the ground and summoned the Supreme Cauldron.

Although these medicinal materials can also have a healing effect if taken directly.

But if he takes it directly, Su Zhe has to work hard to convert the medicinal materials into medicinal power.

Moreover, during this process, the medicinal power of the medicinal materials will evaporate, resulting in waste.

So if he takes the medicinal materials directly, it will be time-consuming and laborious. The healing effect is not yet obvious.

Therefore, Su Zhe planned to put these medicinal materials into the Supreme Cauldron, let the Supreme Cauldron refine these medicinal materials, and then use the Supreme Cauldron to heal the wounds.

In this case. Not only will the healing effect be optimal, but the medicinal materials will not be wasted. With the control of the Supreme Cauldron, it can try to ensure that the medicinal power will not escape.

The most important thing is that the healing effect will be the best through the Supreme Cauldron, and the time spent will be relatively small.

Therefore, he was going to let the Supreme Cauldron refine the medicinal materials into medicinal power first.

After Su Zhe summoned the Supreme Cauldron, he used healing herbs such as snow lotus. Put them all into the Supreme Cauldron and start refining.

The efficiency of the Supreme Cauldron was very high. Soon all the medicinal materials were refined into medicinal potency, and they were the purest ones, which made him very satisfied.

After that, he also put ginseng and other medicinal materials into the Supreme Cauldron.

Medicinal materials such as snow lotus are used to heal his injuries, while ginseng is used to enhance his strength.

Because when the Supreme Cauldron was emitting medicinal power to heal Su Zhe. He can use this to absorb the medicinal power in it to practice for himself, making his body stronger by another level while healing. His cultivation efficiency is the highest.

Therefore, he is preparing so much ginseng now just for this purpose.

While the Supreme Cauldron was refining medicinal materials, Su Zhe was also taking the God-Reviving Pill to restore the divine power in his body.

Because the previous battle with the red-eyed pig demon had already filled his body with divine power. All consumed.

This divine power is closely related to Su Zhe's body. Once it is consumed excessively, his body will not be able to sustain it.

Therefore, he fainted after the battle. First, his physical strength was too much, but this was a secondary reason. Second, he used the explosive divine power punch at the end, which used up all his divine power. It was the main reason why he fainted.

As of now, his divine power has only been restored to a small amount, which has kept his body from recovering.

As long as his divine power is restored, Su Zhe will not be so weak now, at least he will have some strength.

Therefore, he will take the God-Reviving Pill now to restore his divine power first.

After all the divine power in his body was restored, Su Zhe's complexion became much better. He was no longer as pale as before, and his injuries also improved a bit.

At this time, the Supreme Cauldron also refined all the medicinal materials into pure medicinal power.

Therefore, Su Zhe immediately took the Supreme Cauldron into his body and prepared to heal himself.

After the Supreme Cauldron returned to his body, after feeling his injuries, he took the initiative to release the medicinal power to heal his injuries and restore the wounds on his body.

This process does not need to be guided by Su Zhe, it is all completed independently by the Supreme Cauldron.

And now he only needs to use all his strength to absorb these medicinal powers to make the injury heal faster. At the same time, he is also absorbing these medicinal powers to practice for himself.

Every time Su Zhe was injured, it was when Su Zhe's strength improved the fastest, and that was all due to the Supreme Cauldron.

During the treatment, he introduced all the medicine into his left hand, and now he is mainly focusing on recovering the injury on his left hand.

Because the injury on his left hand was the most serious, although the injuries in other places were not minor, they were relatively harmless, but his left hand was different.

Being hit head-on by the red-eyed pig demon, Su Zhe's left hand suffered the most violent force. At that moment, the bones in his left hand were almost completely broken. This was the reason why his left hand couldn't use any strength.

If it had been anyone else, under the circumstances at that time, even if he could have saved his life, his hand would have been damaged and it would have been impossible to heal it.

But Su Zhe is different, because after practicing the Supreme Physical Training, his self-healing ability has become very powerful.

No matter how serious the injury is, he can recover on his own, it just takes a long time.

In addition, he also possesses the Supreme Cauldron, this heaven-defying artifact, which can be called a healing treasure, and it is different from others.

Therefore, there is still hope that Su Zhe's left hand can return to its original state.

However, his left hand is very important to him. If he cannot use his left hand, his strength will be greatly reduced, and the strength he can display will be affected by at least 30%.

In this world, Su Zhe may encounter danger at any time.

If his strength cannot be used, it will undoubtedly be very dangerous during the battle.

Therefore, when healing the injury, he had to heal his left hand first.

In this case, even if there is an emergency, Su Zhe will have a way to deal with it without being helpless. (To be continued.)

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