Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1397 Are you healed?

In the blink of an eye, two days passed.

Because Su Zhe was seriously injured, he never left home for the past two days.

In the past two days, he spent most of the time healing his injuries.

But now two days have passed, Su Zhe's injury is no longer serious and he has basically recovered. At least his strength can be guaranteed.

This morning, Su Zhe, who had just absorbed the power of the medicine, shook his left hand.

This left hand has completely recovered and has become strong and flexible again. No, it should be even stronger than before.

Su Zhe was a blessing in disguise this time. This serious injury also made his strength improve by leaps and bounds.

In just two days, his physique has reached two hundred and ninety-nine points, just one point shy of breaking through three hundred points.

This kind of efficiency made him very satisfied. At least it was faster than the goal he had set for himself before.

Therefore, this serious injury allowed him to stand up again.

This is mainly due to the special physique that Su Zhe possesses after practicing the Supreme Body Training.

Therefore, he can improve his strength every time he is injured.

Therefore, fighting, for Su Zhe, is the fastest way to improve his strength, which is better than any cultivation method.

The more intense the battle ≯≧≯≧, the greater the impact on strength.

The benefits brought by fighting also made Su Zhe keen on fighting. Of course, the dangers involved are self-evident.

Now that Su Zhe's injury has improved, he decided to go out for a walk today to get some fresh air. He also wanted to go to the Soul Burial Hall.

so. He now drove away from Rosewood Villa.

During these two days. Guanzhou City seemed a little calmer. Nothing major happened.

Maybe Lei Ba was injured by Yan Xi and the others and didn't dare to come out for a while. I don't know where he is hiding in some corner to secretly heal his injuries.

Since Lei Ba did not come out to do evil, during this period of time, the serial murder cases that made people angry have not happened again for the time being, which makes the citizens feel a little more at ease.

But Su Zhe knew that this was only temporary,

Still can't take it lightly.

Because Lei Ba has not been caught yet. As long as he recovers from his injuries, he will definitely come out to do evil again. When the time comes, he will come out to do evil again.

Su Zhe knew that Burial Soul was now fully searching for Lei Ba, but there was no trace of Lei Ba. However, it could at least be guaranteed that Lei Ba was still in Guanzhou City and had not left.

If Lei Ba is allowed to leave Guanzhou City, it will be even more difficult to catch Lei Ba in the future.

As long as Lei Ba is still hiding in Guanzhou City, he will be found sooner or later.

As for the previous incident with the red-eyed pig demon, the logistics staff of Burial Soul. They were all taken care of and no traces were left.

As for dealing with abandoned factories, it is even simpler. Just eliminate all the traces left by Su Zhe and the others when they fought with the red-eyed pig demon.

As for why the factory collapsed, it was due to disrepair and poor quality.

Anyway, this abandoned factory is ready to be demolished. Even if it collapses now, no one will care, and it will save a lot of effort in demolishing the building.

As for the victim who died of the red-eyed pig demon, his identity was also found out. He was just an unemployed vagrant who relied on his parents to make money to support himself.

It can only be considered that he was unlucky. After getting drunk that night, he was still wandering on the street, and he met the red-eyed pig demon who came out to look for food.

Of course, the matter about the red-eyed pig demon will not be announced, at least not now.

Therefore, what was reported to the outside world was that the man accidentally encountered a wild boar and was bitten to death by the wild boar. The wild boar had been caught and disposed of on the spot.

In addition, the government also allocated a sum of money to compensate the man's parents, so that they would have hope for the rest of their lives.

Although this method of handling is not perfect, given the current situation, it can only be handled this way.

Su Zhe was thinking about these things. It didn't take long before he arrived at the subway station, where the Soul Burial Base was located.

He parked in a parking lot not far from the subway station, and then walked to the subway station.

At this time, it was time to rush to work. There was a lot of passenger traffic in the subway station, and people were coming and going.

But everyone was rushing to work, so no one would notice Su Zhe.

After Su Zhe entered the subway station, he first entered a door, then put on a mask on himself, and then continued walking forward. He did not stop until he met a guard in a special passage around the corner.

He showed his ID card to the guard for verification, and it was quickly passed.

After entering the special passage, there is another door that requires him to verify with his password and fingerprint before he can open it.

After passing several levels of checkpoints, Su Zhe was able to enter the Soul Burial base.

It is such a secret place, with so many levels of checkpoints, and so many things such as identity tags, passwords and fingerprints required for verification, all of which are indispensable. It is no wonder that no one now breaks into Soul Burial by mistake.

Su Zhe knew that Su Xin also came to bury the soul today, but Fu Yanjie did not come because of the decoration of the bar.

Su Xin had already arrived at Soul Burial earlier, and had called Su Zhe to urge him to come earlier.

Therefore, as soon as he arrived at Soul Burial, he first went to find Su Xin.

After all, among the people he knew in Burial Soul, he was only familiar with Su Xin, and the others were not too familiar.

When Su Zhe was about to find the buried soul, he happened to encounter an ice dish coming out on the road.

He knew that Bingdish was very cold and rarely communicated with others.

So Su Zhe was originally going to say hello to her and leave. He was even prepared that the ice dish would not respond or would just nod.

I just didn't expect that Ice Disc would stop now and ask him, "Are you healed?"

Her tone was as calm as ever, but her eyes were full of concern.

At first, Su Zhe was still in a daze and did not come back to his senses.

After a while, he responded, touched his head, and said with an embarrassed smile: "Thank you for your concern, but I was only slightly injured, nothing serious, and I am completely healed now."

Su Zhe thought that Bingdishi probably knew about his injury from Yan Xi, so she asked about it now.

Ice Disc just nodded and left after confirming that his injuries were not serious.

Although Bingdishi only said one sentence from beginning to end, it still made many people around him feel incredible.

After all, Bingdishi never takes the initiative to talk to people. Even if someone says hello, at most he just nods and goes over.

But now that Bingdish takes the initiative to care about people, this is shocking.

At least, Su Xin in the distance opened his mouth wide when he saw this, as if he had seen a ghost. (To be continued...)



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