Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1398 Draw a talisman to ward off evil spirits

readx; Bingdish just asked and left after knowing that Su Zhe's injury was healed.

In Su Zhe's opinion, it was just acquaintances saying hello to each other. It was very common and did not require too much attention.

Therefore, he did not take this matter to heart.

Su Zhe hadn't known Bingdish for a long time, so he thought it was normal, but others didn't think so.

Many people who saw this scene had shock on their faces, as if they had seen something incredible. This made him a little confused. He was just saying hello. Is he so surprised?

When Su Zhe saw Su Xin, he heard him keep mumbling: "This is impossible, how is this possible?"

Just such a simple sentence, Su Xin has been beside Su Zhe, repeating it endlessly. He has repeated it at least hundreds of times.

People who didn't know better thought that Su Xin had seen a ghost. Otherwise, how could he be so nervous?

Su Zhe was almost going crazy with Su Xin. He couldn't help but slap Su Xin on the back of the head and said, "You still say you are addicted. There will be no end to it."

As a result, Su Xin kept saying words like "impossible" and had no reaction at all to his words.

Su Zhe said helplessly: "Have you seen a ghost? Then go back and eat some garlic, or I will draw a charm for you to ward off evil spirits."

Su Xin finally changed his lines: "I'm not seeing a ghost. I must be dreaming now. Yes, this is a dream. I'm going back to sleep now. When I wake up, the dream is over. I'm going back."

But what he said now made Su Zhe even more stunned.

And after Su Xin finished speaking, he was really ready to leave. He was not joking.

Su Zhe saw that Su Xin was still pretending to be crazy, so he said: "Okay, if you keep pretending, then you don't want the potion anymore."

He said this sentence is worth a thousand words. Su Xin immediately stopped and returned to Su Zhe's side.

Su Xin smiled coquettishly and said, "I was just joking with you. Since you don't think it's funny, I won't play anymore."


He continued: "Then what, are you saying there is still potion? It's the potion that can bring the dead back to life."

Su Zhe explained: "This potion has no effect of bringing the dead back to life, but it can save lives and heal the wounded."

Su Xin rubbed his hands and said with a smile: "It's all the same. Anyway, the effect of this potion is incredible, so do you still have this potion now?"

In response, Su Zhe just glanced at Su Xin and said lightly: "No, I'm just joking with you. Just listen to it."

Su Xin is now risking his life for the potion. "Don't bother! It was my fault just now. Brother, please forgive me for being such a small person."

Su Zhe also stopped teasing Su Xin. Then he said: "I don't have the potion now. I didn't bring it with me. I'll bring it to you next time."

Su Xin followed his words and said, "Okay, okay, it's up to you."

Su Zhe's healing potion was a holy medicine for healing, a treasure that could save lives at critical moments. How could this make Su Xin unmoved.

so. This healing potion was enough to stop Su Xin from causing any more mischief.

Su Zhe came out this time. Because he came in a hurry, he was not prepared. Naturally, he had no healing potion on him. So I can only bring it to Su Xin next time.

In other words, he now knows what Su Xin is doing, and he also knows that the task of burying souls is very dangerous. He has experienced it himself, so he naturally knows the dangers involved.

Therefore, even if the old letter is not mentioned. Su Zhe will also prepare healing potions for him.

He didn't want this rare friend and brother to disappear just like that, not only Su Xin, but Fu Yanjie as well.

If given the chance, Su Zhe would also prepare healing potions for Fu Yanjie.

Although this healing potion is a very precious treasure to others, for him, it is extremely simple to make it and requires no effort at all.

And now that Fu Yanjie and the others knew about the existence of the potion, the secret was now semi-public.

Therefore, there is no need for Su Zhe to hide the healing potion in front of Fu Yanjie and the others. He can now take it out for them to use.

Although it is impossible for him to provide the healing potion to all members of Soul Burial now, he will still do so if he shares it with his teammates.

Therefore, if there is a chance in the future, Su Zhe will not only provide healing potions for Su Xin and Fu Yanjie.

He will also give healing potions to Yanxi and Bingdish.

After having the healing potion, Su Xin and the others will have a much higher survival rate if they carry out missions.

At least when you encounter some fatal injuries, you won't be unable to treat them because the treatment is not timely or the injuries are too severe.

As long as there are healing potions, these situations can be avoided.

Su Zhe patted Su Xin on the shoulder and said, "Let's go, find a place where I can see your powers. I haven't seen what your powers are like yet."

Although he had already known about Suxin's superpower before, which was to make his body huge and gain terrifying power.

But Su Zhe has never seen it with his own eyes, so he still doesn't know what Su Xin will look like after using his superpower, and he is also a little curious.

Therefore, he wanted to take today's opportunity to experience Su Xin's superpowers.

Su Xin had no objection and directly agreed: "Okay, let's go, I will take you to a place to let you see my ability, Long Aotian, and it will open your eyes today."

Now Su Xin is very submissive to Su Zhe. Whatever he wants, Su Xin will do it.

Of course, Su Xin himself also wanted to show off his abilities in front of Su Zhe, so he naturally agreed to it now.

After that, Su Xin took Su Zhe to a training hall. The place was extremely spacious and specially built.

So here, Su Xin can fully demonstrate his abilities, giving him the opportunity to show off.

In the training hall, Su Xin said very rudely: "Look carefully and don't blink. Not everyone has the chance to see my ability, Long Aotian."

Su Zhe said impatiently: "Stop talking, hurry up!"

Su Xin stood upright, then raised his head and shouted: "Long Aotian, transform."

The momentum was quite astonishing, because he probably used all his strength to shout.

But nothing earth-shattering happened, no turmoil, no flying sand, no abnormal behavior at all.

Just as Su Xin's voice fell, an unusually loud fart sound rang out in the spacious training hall.

This fart came so suddenly and was so powerful that no one expected it. (To be continued.)

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