Urban Supreme System

Chapter 139 Watching the Car

Xia Hannuo is not a person who doesn't know how to measure, she knows that she will accept it when she sees it.

She knew that asking too much would only have the opposite effect, and would only make Su Zhe resent and disgust her.

So Xia Hannuo expressed to Su Zhe that Tianya Jewelry Store intends to buy his jade, and after getting Su Zhe's answer.

Xia Hannuo didn't bring up this matter again, but chatted with Su Zhe about other topics.

Afterwards, Xia Hannuo felt that Su Zhe talked less and less with her, and there was nothing to talk about. Xia Hannuo took the initiative to say goodbye to Su Zhe because she and Zhang Lao still had things to do. In order not to have a word with Su Zhe, it would be even more embarrassing.

Xia Hannuo is a very smart woman, whether it is to be friends with her or cooperate in business, it will be very easy. And Xia Hannuo's vision is far away, so she won't disgust you because of some petty profits at present.

That's right, Xia Hannuo is definitely not a simple person who can support a large-scale Tianya jewelry store with a woman. When looking at things, you will definitely see a little farther.

So if there is a chance, Su Zhe doesn't mind cooperating with Xia Hannuo, this is exactly what Xia Hannuo wants.

Su Zhe didn't want to sell the glass jadeite he got from Yuxin Gambling Stone Museum before. Because he is not short of money for the time being, he doesn't need to use jadeite in exchange for funds.

It wasn't until today that Xia Hannuo mentioned that he wanted to buy his jade, that Su Zhe remembered that there was a piece of valuable jade at home, and it wasn't very safe.

Moreover, this piece of valuable glass jadeite was obtained by Su Zhe from the stone gambling activity in Yuxin Stone Gambling Hall. At that time, many people knew that this piece of glass jade was obtained by Su Zhe. Su Zhe believes that many people must be thinking about this piece of jade. It is not a solution to keep this piece of glass jade all the time.

If it is obtained in other ways, as long as no one else knows, it doesn't matter if Su Zhe stays by his side.

Su Zhe believed that Xia Hannuo would not be the last person who wanted to buy jadeite, it was just that the others hadn't had time to make a move.

Su Zhe doesn't like jadeite very much, he has no desire to collect jadeite. It was only because Su Zhe was not in a hurry to spend the money that he didn't sell it.

In order to avoid other people harassing his life and avoid some troubles, Su Zhe began to consider whether to sell this piece of glass jade and sell it directly to Tianya Jewelry Store.

In order not to be missed all day long because of this piece of glass planting jade.

Of course, even if Su Zhe decides to sell the jadeite, he is not in a hurry. So Su Zhe put this matter aside, he has not forgotten the purpose of today.

Su Zhe turned around and walked towards Tianhai car. What happened just now did not affect Su Zhe's mood of buying a car.

The gate of Tianhai Automobile Store is sensory. As soon as Su Zhe approaches the door, the glass door of Tianhai Automobile Store will automatically open.

A gust of cold air blows over, making Su Zhe feel refreshed for a moment.

There was a huge gap between the hot weather outside and the temperature inside Tianhai Automobile.

It's already very hot today, even if you don't do anything outside, it will be unbearably hot.

What's more, Su Zhe had a fight just now, and he felt fever all over his body, and his body temperature rose rapidly. Now as soon as I enter Tianhai Motors, I feel refreshed all over my body, which is completely different from the outside.

The exhibition hall of Tianhai Automobile Co., Ltd. is very large. At a glance, Su Zhe saw that there were at least twenty cars for people to visit.

Moreover, the cars on display are not cheap at first glance.

The cars sold by Tianhai Automobile are generally mid-to-high-end cars. Basically, cars with a price below 300,000 yuan will not be sold by Tianhai Automobile.

After Su Zhe came in, he found that there were quite a few people in Tianhai Automobile. In addition to the staff of Tianhai Automobile, there were also many tourists looking at the cars. Some were accompanied by the staff, and some were looking at the cars alone.

As for how many of these tourists really want to buy a car, and how many of them just come to enjoy the car, or just come to Tianhai Automobile to enjoy the air-conditioning, Su Zhe doesn't know.

Immediately after Su Zhe came into the Tianhai car dealership, a formally dressed staff member in a suit walked towards Su Zhe.

"Hi sir, may I help you?" the staff asked Su Zhe.

"I'm here to take a look at the car. I can just take a look at it myself. I don't need to bother you." Su Zhe said, he didn't want to be followed by a stranger when he was looking at the car, which would make him feel uncomfortable comfortable.

When Su Zhe is shopping, the most annoying thing is that there are staff around him, especially when he has not decided what to buy, because the shopping guide will keep introducing products by his side.

"Okay, then don't bother Mr. to look at the car, if there is anything I need, I will come again." The staff member finished speaking and left.

The salesmen in Tianhai Automobile are no different from other auto dealers, they all get low basic salary and high commission. Although their salaries are directly linked to performance, Su Zhe doesn't need him. There was nothing disappointing about this staff member.

Because he didn't think that it was possible for Su Zhe to buy a car at Tianhai Automobile. If one out of ten tourists who came to Tianhai Automobile would eventually buy a car, Tianhai Automobile would laugh like crazy.

What's more, for a person dressed like Su Zhe, the hope of buying a car is even slimmer.

Su Zhe is wearing a set of casual clothes. Although it is not a street stall, the price is not high. Moreover, there was an obvious shoe print on Su Zhe's pants, and his hair was a bit messy due to the fight.

Because Su Zhe was in a hurry to buy a car, he didn't notice his image for a while.

Because of this, the staff who greeted Su Zhe thought that Su Zhe had little hope of buying a car. As for why the staff would take the initiative to say hello to Su Zhe, it was because Tianhai Automobile had regulations that as long as there were tourists coming into Tianhai Automobile Okay, as long as they are not here to make trouble, no matter whether the visitor expresses their desire to buy a car or not, the staff must show their enthusiasm to greet the guests and maintain the reputation of Tianhai Automobile Co., Ltd.

That's why the staff came to say hello to Su Zhe and asked if Su Zhe needed help. But Su Zhe rejected him, which was in line with the staff's wishes. After all, when Su Zhe knew that Su Zhe was unlikely to buy a car, and kept introducing him to Su Zhe, it was useless work. Waste of time, that's the most depressing thing,

Of course, if Su Zhe knew that it was because of this reason that the staff of Tianhai Automobile Store didn't want to greet him, maybe he wouldn't mind, because then he could just watch the car by himself, enjoy himself and not be disturbed by others .

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