Urban Supreme System

Chapter 140 Choice

After Su Zhe waited for the staff to leave, he started looking at the car by himself.

Su Zhe doesn't know much about cars, he doesn't know what brand of car is good, even Su Zhe can only remember a few brands of cars.

Because Su Zhe seldom pays attention to cars, it's not that Su Zhe doesn't love cars. In this era, there is no one who doesn't like cars.

It's just because Su Zhe didn't have the ability to afford a car before, so Su Zhe seldom pays attention to cars. Because he thought it was useless even if he knew it clearly, and he couldn't afford to buy it. In addition, he had to work hard to make money, so Su Zhe seldom learned about cars.

So he didn't know what kind of car was suitable for him. This time when Su Zhe came to buy a car, he didn't have a suitable car in mind.

Su Zhe just intends to come to the car dealership to have a look, browse to see which car suits him, and if he is satisfied, he will buy it. So when Su Zhe looked at the car, he didn't have any particular purpose.

Su Zhe would go and have a look at every car in the exhibition hall. It's just that the more models Su Zhe looked at, the more difficult it was for Su Zhe to make a decision.

Because every time Su Zhe looked at a car, he felt very good, and after reading the introduction of this car, Su Zhe was even more satisfied.

After seeing this one and looking at the next one, Su Zhe felt that this car was not inferior to the previous one.

After looking at more than ten cars back and forth, Su Zhe felt very good and liked it very much.

But this is equivalent to not watching, because Su Zhe doesn't know which car is good, which car is suitable for him, and which one is strong and which one is weak, Su Zhe can't judge at all.

This annoys Su Zhe, he can't buy all the cars he likes.

But it was difficult for Su Zhe to choose one of them, so he was troubled.

Someone seemed to sense Su Zhe's troubles, and a staff member in a professional skirt came over.

"Sir, may I help you?" The staff member seemed a little unaccustomed, and his voice was a little low.

If it wasn't for the quietness in Tianhai car dealership, Su Zhe really couldn't hear what she was saying.

Su Zhe found that the staff had spoken to him, and his face began to blush. Moreover, Su Zhe also saw that she was a little embarrassed, she should be a novice with little experience.

The staff members are not very old, and they look like girls in their early 20s. They are very handsome and wear a pair of glasses. They look very gentle, which makes people feel good.

"I want to buy a car, but I don't know what car is suitable for me. Can you introduce it to me?" Now Su Zhe has no choice but to seek help. What car to buy.

"Okay, sir, my name is Shen Jie, what's your name? What are your requirements for the car?" Shen Jie first introduced herself, and then asked Su Zhe's requirements for the car.

"My name is Su Zhe. My first requirement for a car is safety and comfort. I have no other special requirements." Su Zhe felt that when Shen Jie introduced him, although Shen Jie spoke fluently, it was a bit blunt, as if he was endorsing a letter Same, doesn't look very natural.

Although Shen Jie is not very good at communication, she still does her homework well. She knows cars very well. After Su Zhe made his request, Shen Jie immediately introduced several models to Su Zhe in detail. Shen Jie has obviously put in a lot of effort in this area, so that she can recite everything so thoroughly.

Moreover, Shen Jie not only mentioned the advantages of these cars, but also all the shortcomings of the cars,

Shen Jie said it all. From this point of view, Shen Jie, as a car shopping guide, obviously lacks experience.

If you switch to other experienced car shopping guides, you will never tell the shortcomings of the car, but will only focus on the advantages of the car. Because you have revealed all the shortcomings, how can you expect customers to buy it?

Shen Jie does not have much experience, she just graduated not long ago, this job as a shopping guide is her first job, and Shen Jie has not been working for a full month, and she has not yet passed the internship period, so she is still 10% newbie.

In the business of being a car shopping guide, the old-timers will not come to teach you, because no one is willing to cultivate a competitor to compete with themselves. After all, there are only so many customers, and if you succeed, it means that others have lost an opportunity to make money.

The old man hopes that you make a mistake, so that you can hope to grab the customer source in your hand, and the car shopping guide has to rely on his own groping to grow.

So far, Shen Jie has not sold a car this month. In fact, if all the car shopping guides do not have relatives and friends to take care of them, if they rely on themselves, usually very few of them will have performance in the first month, and they can sell the car.

Because customers who are generally more likely to buy a car are preempted by old car shopping guides. And the customers screened out by the old shopping guides basically rarely have people who actually buy cars.

Therefore, in the first month, the car dealership does not expect novices to be able to open the business, but let the new car shopping guides focus on gaining experience in the first month.

Of course, the car dealership will not support people in vain. First of all, the basic salary of a car shopping guide is very low, and if you don’t sell a single car within three months, then I’m sorry and I can only ask you to leave the dealership.

After Shen Jie introduced the model to Su Zhe, she said, "Mr. Su, sit here for a while, and I'll get you a glass of water."

Su Zhe nodded. He felt that the models introduced by Shen Jie were very good and suitable for him, but Su Zhe didn't know the appearance of the cars introduced by Shen Jie.

Although Su Zhe didn't have much requirements on the appearance of the car, at least the appearance should not be too ugly.

Soon Shen Jie came back with not only a glass of water in her hand, but also a tablet computer.

Shen Jie first handed the water to Su Zhe, and after Su Zhe took the water, he opened the desktop of the tablet computer and clicked on some documents.

These documents were sorted out bit by bit by Shen Jie at home after work, but it took her a lot of hard work.

Su Zhe took the water that Shen Jie handed over, took a sip, and then his attention was attracted by the tablet computer in Shen Jie's hand.

It turned out that Shen Jie brought the tablet to give Su Zhe a more detailed introduction to the model.

Shen Jie opened the file on the tablet, found the models she mentioned, and introduced them to Su Zhe one by one, and the parameters were also introduced in detail.

For each model, Shen Jie has included a large number of car pictures in the document, which can make people understand the car more clearly.

With the pictures displayed on the tablet computer, Su Zhe had a more intuitive understanding of the models introduced by Shen Jie.

In the end, Su Zhe took a fancy to one of the cars introduced by Shen Jie, and he felt that this car was very suitable for him.

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