Urban Supreme System

Chapter 148 Departure

Su Zhe sat in the living room and waited for about 10 minutes. Bao Bao and An Xuan came out of the room after changing their clothes.

But they can't start yet, because An Xin still needs to comb the baby's hair.

The baby has long ink-like hair, thick and soft. Although the baby is still young, nominally four years old, her hair now reaches her waist.

The baby's hair is long and thick, and many hairstyles can be combed. An Xin, who is dexterous, easily combed the baby's hair. The baby's jet-black hair was tied into a delicate princess bun by An Xin.

Coupled with the purple skirt the baby is wearing, the baby looks like a noble little princess.

The baby with a combed hairstyle stands in front of the mirror, looking at the reflection of the mirror with big eyes blinking. It can be seen from the baby's eyes that she is smiling. It seems that the baby is very satisfied with his current dress.

After the baby was dressed up, Su Zhe took the baby by the hand and took An Xin and An Xuan out.

Because Su Zhe and the others are going out to play now, they don't know what time they will play until they come home.

No one in the family stayed to watch the house, so Su Zhe locked the door of the house before leaving for safety.

Su Zhe took the baby's fleshy little hand and walked in front. But after walking for a long time, Su Zhe stopped in front of a car on the side of the road and did not continue walking.

As for An Xin and An Xuan who were behind, they felt a little strange, thinking that Su Zhe suddenly stopped because of something.

After all, if it is normal, they should go out of the community to stop the car. Because there are regulations in the community that taxis are not allowed to come in and pick up passengers casually, so if Su Zhe waits here, he will not be able to wait for a taxi.

And An Xin knew that Su Zhe had lived here for so many years, so it was impossible for him not to know about this rule. That's why An Xin didn't understand, thinking that Su Zhe should have something to stop.

"Su Zhe, what's the matter?" An Xin stepped forward and asked.

Su Zhe shook his head and did not answer An Xin, he just smiled mysteriously. Under the puzzled eyes of the three of them, Su Zhe walked up to the car, took out the car key from his pocket, and pressed the unlock button calmly.

Su Zhe turned his head at this moment, smiled at them and said, "Hurry up and get in the car, this is the car I just bought, doesn't it look good?"

The news of Su Zhe made them a little surprised. They didn't expect Su Zhe to buy a car suddenly.

Bao Bao and An Xuan were stunned for a moment, then suddenly cheered and ran to the car in a hurry. And An Xin was more indifferent, not as exaggerated as Bao Bao and An Xuan, but she was somewhat stunned.

An Xin was not surprised that Su Zhe would buy a car, because she knew that Su Zhe had already learned to drive a car before taking the test for a driver's license. Now that he has passed the test, it is not surprising that Su Zhe would buy a car. According to Zhe's conditions, buying a car is a very normal thing. In the past, I didn't buy a car just because I didn't have a driver's license.

It was just that Su Zhe suddenly parked the new car in front of them today and told them that this car belonged to him, which made An Xin feel a little surprised.

Bao Bao and An Xuan quickly got into the car, but before Su Zhe and An Xin got in the car, Bao Bao and An Xuan hurriedly got out of the car again.

"Brother, it's so hot inside." Bao Bao said, no wonder Bao Bao and An Xuan ran down suddenly, it turned out that Bao Bao and the others were forced down by the stuffy air in the car,

After hearing what the baby said, Su Zhe opened the car door, inserted the car key, started the car, and turned on the air conditioner in the car to the maximum. Then Su Zhe backed out and closed the car door. Su Zhe let the air conditioner evacuate the stuffy heat inside the car.

No wonder Baobao and Anxuan couldn't bear it. It turned out that the air in the car was much hotter than that under the scorching sun outside. Su Zhe didn't expect that the temperature inside would rise so high after just stopping for less than half an hour.

After turning on the air conditioner for about a minute, Su Zhe reopened the car door and sat in the driver's seat. I found that the car is not so stuffy now, and the heat before it no longer exists. At least the temperature is now much lower than outside, so Su Zhe told An Xin and the others that they could get in the car now.

The two sisters An Xin and An Xuan sat in the back seat, and the baby originally wanted to sit in the front seat, but when the baby was studying how to put on the car seat belt like Su Zhe. Su Zhe suddenly remembered that it is not safe for children to sit in the front seat, and they are easily injured.

So Su Zhe carried the baby to the back and sat with An Xin Anxuan. Although the baby was a bit disappointed that he couldn't sit in front, the obedient baby didn't make any fuss, and sat obediently between An Xin and An Xuan.

After they were all seated, Su Zhe started the car.

Su Zhe drove out of the community very quickly. Originally, An Xin saw that Su Zhe had just passed the driver's license test, and wanted to remind Su Zhe not to drive too fast.

But An Xin found that she didn't need to be reminded at all, Su Zhe felt very self-conscious that he drove very slowly.

Sometimes some cyclists even go faster than Su Zhe. Being overtaken by bicycles is normal if such a thing happens in a traffic jam.

But now the road is spacious, the traffic flow is relatively high, and there is no traffic jam at all, which makes people feel a little speechless.

Although Su Zhe and the others were going to the amusement park, it couldn't be said to be very close to home. But the distance can't be considered far. Usually, if there is no traffic jam, it will take them at most half an hour to take a taxi.

But this time, Su Zhe drove by himself for half an hour, but he didn't even finish half of the distance.

Along the way, Su Zhe and the others were honked many times by the cars behind, because there were often cars behind trying to urge Su Zhe to drive faster and get out of the way.

But in the end, the owner of the car behind was just doing useless work, because no matter how hard the car behind was pushing Su Zhe, he still went his own way, ignored other people, and continued to move forward at the lowest speed on the road. Of course, if possible, Su Zhe would step aside and let the car behind drive away first. Because Su Zhe knew that he would waste other people's time.

But most of the time, before Su Zhe gets out of the way, the car owners behind can't wait, and when the road is wide, they will take the initiative to pass by Su Zhe.

Although Su Zhe's speed is relatively slow, the road always has an end, but the time spent is different.

With smooth wind and unhindered conditions along the way, Su Zhe spent an hour and finally arrived at their destination today.

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