Urban Supreme System

Chapter 149 Conflict

After arriving, Su Zhe searched for a long time in the parking lot outside the playground before finding an empty parking space.

Because Su Zhe had just learned how to drive, he stopped at a slower speed than others.

It was okay to park slowly, but when Su Zhe reversed the car and was about to drive the car into the parking space.

There is a Santana later than Suzhe, and I also saw the only empty parking space in this parking lot. If you are a person with good quality, you will naturally not come to grab this parking space if the other party comes first.

But the owner of this Santana car obviously doesn't care about quality. After knowing that Su Zhe was going to park in this parking space, relying on his own driving skills to be more skilled than Su Zhe, since he rushed to park the car.

Su Zhe was furious at that time, An Xin was worried that Su Zhe would be impulsive, and hurriedly persuaded him: "Su Zhe, they may not know that we came first."

After being told by An Xin, Su Zhe did calm down a bit, although Su Zhe knew that the possibility was very small.

Just when Su Zhe was about to get off the car, he told the other party that he came first, asked the other party to drive away, and returned the parking space to them.

The people in Santana also got out of the car. They were three men. They looked quite tall, and more or less had tattoos on their arms or chest. Their hair was also colorful. They looked like gangsters. No wonder they would grab Su Zhe's parking space.

These three people were obviously arrogant and domineering, especially the leader who gave Su Zhe the little finger and laughed.

Su Zhe couldn't bear it anymore, turned to An Xin and the others, and said, "Don't get out of the car, I'll go out for a while."

After speaking, Su Zhe opened the car door and got out of the car. An Xin shouted from behind: "Su Zhe, don't be impulsive. If you have something to say, calm down."

But I don't know if Su Zhe heard it. After getting off the car, Su Zhe walked directly to the other party.

The other party knew that Su Zhe was looking for them, so they left in no hurry at the moment.

They want to see what Su Zhe is going to do, but they don't dare to do anything for Su Zhe. There are three people on their side, and they seem to be much stronger than Su Zhe.

"Please drive your cars away. I came first, and I saw this parking space first. Please find another parking space." Su Zhe said holding back his anger. If he could handle things simply, he didn't want to cause trouble.

If the other party can return the parking space to Su Zhe, Su Zhe also hopes that this matter can be turned into a small matter. After all, Su Zhe took the babies out to play today. If possible, Su Zhe didn't want any unpleasant things to happen to ruin his mood.

"You idiot, if you say it's yours, it's yours. I've lived in Yanyun City for more than 20 years, and I dare not say that Yanyun City is mine." The man in the lead said disdainfully.

The other party's red hair, coupled with that very uncomfortable expression, Su Zhe is very close to the other party's face and the soles of his own shoes.

Now the other party obviously intends to make trouble for no reason, and does not intend to give up the parking space.

"Let me ask again, can you drive away?" Su Zhe said, he could hardly bear it anymore.

"Hey, you're quite proud, I just won't drive away, what can you do with us?" the red-haired man said with an arrogant attitude, and even pushed Su Zhe a few times with his hands.

And the other two people also stepped forward to push Su Zhe, obviously intending to bully more.

But now Su Zhe,

How could it be so easy to be bullied.

"You don't want to drive away, okay." After Su Zhe finished speaking, he punched Santana's hood hard.

I just heard a loud "bang", which startled the other party. And Santana's hood, which was still good, was suddenly dented with a large piece.

"What the hell, since you dare to smash my car, do you want to die?" The red-haired man saw that his car had been smashed into a big hole by Su Zhe, he immediately lost his mind and punched Su Zhe .

It's a pity that the opponent's speed was too slow compared to Su Zhe's. His fist was easily caught by Su Zhe, and he couldn't break free.

Su Zhe has long been unhappy seeing the red-haired man's face, now that he has the opportunity, he will naturally not let it go. So after Su Zhe grabbed the red-haired man's hand, he immediately punched the red-haired man in the face.

Unbiased and unbiased, Su Zhe's fist hit the opponent's nose just right.

Immediately, the red-haired man couldn't help crying and howling, tears bursting out. Su Zhe's punch immediately made the red-haired man turn red, and the blood from his nose kept flowing.

Moreover, while the red-haired man was covering his nose, Su Zhe grabbed the red-haired man's head and pressed his knee against the red-haired man's stomach.

Afterwards, as soon as Su Zhe let go, the red-haired man couldn't hold on and fell to the ground.

At this time, An Xin also saw that Su Zhe had a conflict with someone. There were three people on the other side, but Su Zhe was alone. He was worried that Su Zhe would suffer. After asking An Xuan to take the baby, she hurriedly got out of the car and planned to help Su Zhe.

After the red-haired man fell, his two companions reacted. Although Su Zhe dealt with the red-haired man neatly, which made them feel a little scared, they still fought Su Zhe. It's not that they fled the battle, they were cowards.

Of course, the reason why they still had the courage to challenge Su Zhe was more because they believed that Su Zhe would be overwhelmed by the two of them attacking at the same time, and there was a premise that they hoped to defeat Su Zhe.

If they knew Su Zhe's true strength, they would definitely run away immediately, so they would dare to take the initiative.

It was obvious that the two opponents overestimated themselves, they were caught by Su Zhe before they met Su Zhe.

When Su Zhe twisted it hard, they couldn't stand the pain. They screamed again and again, and almost fell to their knees.

As soon as Su Zhe exerted force with his hands, the two of them couldn't help but rammed towards each other, and they rammed harder and harder.

After making them bump into each other more than ten times, Su Zhe let go.

Already dizzy, they suddenly lost their balance and fell lightly on the ground. Now they feel that everything is spinning, even the sky and the ground are spinning, and they are still spinning in different directions, which makes them a little nauseous.

Su Zhe's dozen collisions caused them a lot of trouble.

If the bodies collide, although it hurts, they can bear it. But in a few of them, when they couldn't avoid it, their faces bumped into each other, which was the most painful, nose bumping nose, mouth bumping mouth.

Those blows caused a lot of blood from their noses and mouths, almost knocking out their teeth.

At this time, after Su Zhe let go of his hands, they felt like they had finally left hell and were reborn after the catastrophe.

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