When An Xin ran to Su Zhe's place from the car, the other three were already lying on the ground whining, making An Xin unable to figure out what happened.

Why did such a big change happen in such a short period of time? The other party was very arrogant before, but now they are lying on the ground, howling.

An Xin had to think that the other party was planning to blackmail Su Zhe, lying on the ground pretending to be injured, so as to blackmail Su Zhe, because in An Xin's view, it was impossible for Su Zhe to defeat the other party in such a short time.

Although An Xin knew that Su Zhe would exercise basically every day, but from Su Zhe's physique, An Xin still couldn't imagine that Su Zhe could beat him.

"I'll ask again, can I drive away now?" Su Zhe knew how to strike. Although the other party seemed to be seriously injured, it was only a flesh injury and it was not serious, but Su Zhe didn't continue to attack.

Su Zhe looked at the three of them, and didn't respond to his words at all, just howling on the ground.

So Su Zhe clenched his fist again and hammered on Santana's hood again. Su Zhe's force this time was stronger than last time, the noise was like thunder, and a large part of the hood was dented even more, almost being punched through by Su Zhe.

I saw the red-haired man who was still lying on the ground and ignored Su Zhe, got up quickly and quickly, opened the car door and sat in, while the other two were not to be outdone, and got into the car very quickly.

The red-haired man hastily took out the car key from his trouser pocket, inserted the key, and started the Santana. He didn't dare to delay for a moment, and immediately drove Santana out of the parking space. Throughout the whole process, the red-haired man did it in one go without stopping at all, which made Su Zhe a little envious, and he didn't know when he would be so proficient.

The red-haired man and the others didn't dare to stay in the parking lot anymore, and drove Santana out of the parking lot directly. As for where they would go, Su Zhe couldn't care so much, he only knew that his parking space was coming back now.

Su Zhe turned around and planned to get back into the car and drive the car into the parking space.

But after Su Zhe turned around, he noticed that An Xin was staring at him blankly, even when Su Zhe walked beside her, she didn't react.

In fact, Su Zhe didn't realize how amazing what he did just now.

An Xin never imagined that Su Zhe, who seems to be thin and thin, has a big hole in Santana's hood with just one punch since he hides such a strong explosive power. A big hammer may not necessarily be able to achieve this effect.

It was also because of the huge contrast between the current Su Zhe and the Su Zhe An Xin usually saw, that shocked An Xin.

Su Zhe shook An Xin's face a few times and called his name a few more times before bringing An Xin back to his senses, who seemed to have lost his soul.

At this time, Bao Bao and An Xuan couldn't stay in the car anymore, and ran down one after another.

"Brother, you are the most powerful, driving away all the bad guys." Baby clapped his hands and kept cheering.

"Brother, how did you scare them away? You are really domineering." An Xuan was also very excited, after all, the other party looked fierce and not easy to mess with.

Both An Xuan and Bao Bao's eyes seemed to be twinkling with little stars, and they looked at Su Zhe with admiration.

Obviously, after this incident, the two little girls, An Xuan and Bao Bao, admired Su Zhe even more. In their hearts, Su Zhe's figure became taller and more magnificent.

Passing them who stayed in the car,

Although they tried their best to look here, because of the angle, it was difficult for them to see what was going on here, let alone seeing Su Zhe showing his might and beating the crap out of him.

But from An Xin and Bao Bao's point of view, as long as Su Zhe asks for the parking space back, it will be a great thing, after all, the other party looks very vicious and bad.

Su Zhe didn't know that he had become the hero in the hearts of the two little girls without knowing it.

Su Zhe asked them to wait by the side first, and he saw the car in the parking space.

Although there was an unpleasant episode just now, it didn't affect Su Zhe's mood of having fun.

After parking the car, Su Zhe took them to buy tickets and entered the playground.

As soon as they entered the playground, An Xuan and Baobao, the little witches, seemed to go crazy.

Moreover, An Xuan and Bao Bao didn't play games that weren't exciting, which made Su Zhe very helpless.

Su Zhe once again experienced the fear of being in a high place, feeling uncomfortable with nowhere to go. Although Su Zhe was a little scared, Su Zhe was worried about letting An Xuan and the baby play by themselves.

And Su Zhe brought them here because he hoped that they would have fun, so Su Zhe naturally wouldn't disagree with them, so he could only bite the bullet and stay with them.

Su Zhe wished that Baobao and Anxuan would like to play things like merry-go-round, swinging umbrellas, etc. Unfortunately, Baobao and Anxuan were not as good as Su Zhe wished.

When Su Zhe brought them to play on the merry-go-round, they lost all interest and had no intention of riding on it. Su Zhe had no choice but to give up this idea and let them choose by themselves.

But what I didn't expect was that since Baobao and Anxuan chose the super pendulum, Su Zhe felt his legs were weak when he saw it, but Su Zhe couldn't bear to refuse the hopeful eyes of Baobao and Anxuan. An Xin was still sniggering from behind, gloating over his misfortune.

Su Zhe, who is a bit machismo, naturally can't be timid at this time. No matter how scared you are in your heart, try to put on an expression of complete indifference.

"Actually, this isn't very fun, it's very boring. Let's go play something else, shall we?" Su Zhe said pretending not to care, and it must not be seen that he is afraid to go up and play.

"But the baby wants to go up to play, brother, you promise the baby, okay?" The baby bit his finger, looked enviously at the person above who didn't know how to exclaim, and said vaguely.

When the baby came last time, he wanted to play with the super pendulum, but he was tricked by Su Zhe to play other games, so he didn't succeed.

"Brother, I want to play too. You can see how loud the people above are laughing. It must be fun and exciting." An Xuan also said.

Why didn't Su Zhe hear the people above laughing, he only heard the people above being frightened and shouting.

"Okay, I'll let you guys try it, you'll definitely regret it." It seems that Su Zhe can't give up Bao Bao and An Xuan's thoughts this time, if they don't let them play once today, they must be unwilling in their hearts, That can only be to risk one's life to accompany a gentleman, Su Zhe is going to risk it all, just play as long as you want, it's no big deal, Su Zhe gives himself strength in his heart.

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