Urban Supreme System

Chapter 164 Mysterious Shadow

When Liu Xiong and Su Zhe left Changhua Pharmaceutical Factory, it was already dark.

Su Zhe, who drove away from Changhua Pharmaceutical Factory, couldn't help lamenting that making money is not easy on the road, but spending money is like flowing water.

He just came out for a trip, and the deposit of 170 million was gone. It can be said that he returned to the pre-liberation overnight.

When Su Zhe came home, it was past meal time. When he was at Changhua Pharmaceutical Factory, because Su Zhe didn't know when he would go back, Su Zhe called back in advance and told An Xin that they didn't have to wait for him to eat.

Careful An Xin left a lot of food for Su Zhe. As soon as Su Zhe came back, An Xin immediately served the hot food.

While eating, Su Zhe looked at Xiao Xuelong and the two little Tibetan lions. He found it interesting and couldn't help laughing.

The two little Tibetan lions couldn't bear the loneliness very much, they couldn't hold back for a moment, they always ran around.

Little Xuelong was not paying attention, and the little black Tibetan lion slipped out of the kennel and crawled towards the bathroom.

When Xiao Xuelong found out, he hurried over to take the black Tibetan lion back to the kennel, but the other white Tibetan lion disappeared.

Su Zhe saw the white Tibetan lion crawling into the kitchen, but Su Zhe didn't make a sound, and Xiao Xuelong was so anxious that he searched everywhere.

In the end, Xiao Xuelong wasted a lot of effort to find the white Tibetan lion.

In this way, Xiao Xuelong took the two little Tibetan lions and was so busy that he couldn't stop for a moment.

But Su Zhe, the unscrupulous master, stayed heartlessly and watched the excitement.

Later, the two little Tibetan lions came to Su Zhe's side, and the two little ones started to play under Su Zhe's feet.

In the end, the two little Tibetan lions fell asleep after playing at Su Zhe's feet, but Xiao Xuelong didn't dare to run away, and squatted beside him quietly watching the two little ones sleep.

Su Zhe found that Xiaoxuelong was very concerned about the two little Tibetan lions. It seemed that the two little Tibetan lions made Xiaoxuelong a lot more sensible. Before the two little Tibetan lions came, Xiaoxuelong was more naughty and lively than them, but now he can walk an inch Waiting by the side of the two little Tibetan lions without leaving, this was something unimaginable before.

It is a good thing for Su Zhe that Xiao Xuelong cares so much about the two little Tibetan lions. At least Su Zhe can rest assured that Xiao Xuelong can take good care of the two little Tibetan lions.

After Su Zhe finished his meal, he hugged the two little Tibetan lion cubs who were sleeping on his feet back to the kennel, and the little Xuelong followed immediately.

Xiao Xuelong's kennel is next to the little Tibetan lion, so that he can take better care of the two little Tibetan lions.

Su Zhe returned to the room and began to practice physical training. He didn't stop until he was sweating a lot after exhausting most of his mental and physical strength.

After taking a change of clothes to take a shower, Su Zhe came out wiping his hair.

At this time, Su Zhe suddenly found a dark figure outside the window, because Su Zhe was not sure who was standing outside, so he made a silent gesture to Xiao Xuelong.

In order not to scare the snake, Su Zhe let the other party notice and ran away. Su Zhe walked carefully into the gate, and then turned the handle gently.

After that, Su Zhe quickly opened the door and ran towards the shadow.

The black shadow outside the window was spotted by Su Zhe as soon as he opened the door, and he ran away without hesitation.

At this time, Su Zhe was even more sure that the black shadow was not a good person, otherwise he would not have run away immediately after seeing Su Zhe.

Su Zhe hurriedly chased after him.

And Xiao Xuelong also ran out, chasing after with Su Zhe.

However, Su Zhe was worried that the other party still had helpers guarding the house, and that An Xin and the others were in danger, so he immediately ordered Xiao Xuelong to go back.

Although Xiaoxuelong was not reconciled, it would not disobey Su Zhe's order and ran home immediately.

Sombra runs fast and is very agile. Even Su Zhe tried his best, but he was only as fast as Sombra. And when Su Zhe called Xiaoxuelong to go back, his speed slowed down unconsciously. Although it was only for a short time, Sombra immediately took advantage of this opportunity to distance himself from Su Zhe.

At first, Su Zhe thought that the black shadow was Zhang Wu and the gang he met during the day, and that Zhang Wu and the others still hadn't given up on Xiao Xuelong. However, Su Zhe looked at Heiying's back now, but he didn't look like Zhang Ding and the others. Of course, Su Zhe did not rule out that Heiying was Zhang Dong's helper.

The black shadow is not only fast, but also very good at using the terrain, causing many obstacles to Su Zhe, making the distance between Su Zhe and him bigger and bigger.

Just when Su Zhe thought he was going to lose Hei Ying, and he was about to give up, Hei Ying ran to a remote and quiet place and stopped suddenly.

Heiying turned around and looked at Su Zhe who was running over. Because Heiying had a mask on his face, covering most of his cheeks, Su Zhe couldn't tell the identity of Heiying, let alone guess where Heiying came from.

"Who are you and what is your purpose?" Su Zhe asked. When he was practicing at home before, Su Zhe used up not only his physical strength, but now he has run such a long distance, and he still ran with all his strength, which is even more exhausting. A lot of physical strength.

The opponent's speed was comparable to Su Zhe's, and his skill was even more flexible than Su Zhe's, so his strength was at least comparable to Su Zhe's. At this time, if Su Zhe did something, it would be very bad for him, so he wanted to delay as much as possible to recover his strength.

But the other party seemed to have seen through Su Zhe's intentions, and didn't give Su Zhe a chance at all. Instead of answering Su Zhe's question, he rushed directly to Su Zhe, and immediately struck without any explanation.

Maybe the other party was very confident in his own strength, so he punched Su Zhe directly.

Fortunately, Su Zhe was always on guard against the opponent, so he dodged in a hurry, narrowly avoiding the opponent's fierce punch.

The opponent was not discouraged when he missed a blow, and he was not surprised that Su Zhe was able to dodge. After all, Su Zhe's speed can be compared with him.

Then the masked shadow attacked Su Zhe again, maybe with a punch, maybe with a palm, or maybe with a kick. All kinds of moves are varied and continuous, and Su Zhe uses them continuously, showing the extraordinary skill of this masked shadow.

Su Zhe could only suffer from dodging and defending, it was miserable, and he didn't even have a chance to make a move.

In the end, Su Zhe was deceived by the false move of the shadow mask, and he had no time to dodge the next blow of the shadow mask.

The shadow in the mask was slaughtered like a leopard and tiger, and hit Su Zhe's chest with a punch. This punch made Su Zhe take three or five steps back. Su Zhe only felt his throat was sweet and his breath was disordered.

Just when Su Zhe was about to fight back, the masked shadow stepped over with one step, and then kicked Su Zhe's head with a flying kick.

If Su Zhe was kicked by the masked black shadow, he would lose his fighting power at least, and would have no power to fight back.

Facing the menacing approach of the masked shadow, Su Zhe didn't dare to take it lightly. He immediately raised his hands and used his arms to resist the attack of the masked shadow.

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