It was not easy for Su Zhe to resist the kick of the shadow mask.

The black shadow in the mask had strong legs, forcing Su Zhe to take several steps back involuntarily before he managed to stand still. Su Zhe just felt that his hands were numb, and felt that his hands were almost unresponsive.

The black figure in the mask bent his legs slightly, then stepped forward in an instant, and within a few steps, he was in front of Su Zhe, and punched Su Zhe in the face with a straight punch.

Su Zhe felt that if he continued like this, he would definitely have no chance of winning. He decided that he could not sit still and wait for death.

Su Zhe stretched out his left hand to block the right arm of the masked shadow, and at the same time kicked his right foot suddenly, kicking towards the masked shadow's chest.

Facing Su Zhe's kick, the masked shadow didn't pay much attention to it, and just casually stretched out his left hand to protect his chest. The masked black shadow didn't seem to worry that Su Zhe could pose a threat to him.

The masked black shadow slammed into Su Zhe's fist, changed direction, avoided the defense of Su Zhe's left hand, and hit Su Zhe's chest.

Su Zhe and the masked black shadow both hit each other at the same time, and each took a few steps back, and then they couldn't help covering their chests, obviously they were both injured.

Twice in succession, Su Zhe was hit in the chest by the fist of the masked black shadow. At this time, his chest was aching.

It's not easy for the shadow mask. Although he used his hands to resist Su Zhe's feet, he obviously underestimated Su Zhe's strength. His left hand couldn't resist at all, he felt that his left hand was going to be useless at this moment, at least in a short time, the left hand covered with black shadow could no longer move.

The Sombra Mask didn't expect that Su Zhe's power was so great that he could be equal to him. This wrong judgment made the Sombra Mask suffer a lot.

And the black shadow mask found that Su Zhe's physical resistance was stronger than him. Su Zhe's speed and strength are comparable to that of Sombra Mask, but his body defense ability is stronger than Sombra Mask's. Now Sombra Mask's advantage over Su Zhe is his agility and rich combat experience. up.

The black shadow mask hadn't recovered yet, but Su Zhe had already bullied him, and punched the black shadow mask with his right hand straight to the chest.

In desperation, the masked shadow had no choice but to raise his right hand to resist.

In just an instant, Su Zhe's fist hit the palm of the masked shadow. The back of Sombra Mask's hand for temporary defense was pushed to his chest by a strong force, and then Sombra Mask was pushed out by this force for three or five steps before stopping.

The masked shadow had just stepped back a few steps before standing still, and then Su Zhe's right foot flew up suddenly, kicking the masked shadow's chest.

Su Zhe's kick was fast and swift, and the masked shadow had no choice but to stretch out his right hand again to resist.

All of a sudden, the masked black shadow only felt a strong force coming from his right hand, which was unstoppable like a tiger. He hurriedly took the initiative to step back a few steps, and the masked black shadow barely let go of this huge force.

Next, Su Zhe was no longer passively defensive. He decided to confront the masked shadow head-on. He would fight against the masked shadow by killing one thousand enemies and destroying eight hundred, because only in this way could Su Zhe have a chance of winning.

The more he fought, the more ferocious Su Zhe became. At this time, the situation of Su Zhe and the masked shadow quickly reversed, and Su Zhe beat the masked shadow back steadily, making it difficult to parry.

Originally, the strength of Su Zhe and Masked Sombra was almost the same. In the early stage, Masked Sombra only relied on his flexibility and strange moves, which made it difficult for Su Zhe to fight back. Now that Su Zhe has found a chance, the left hand of the masked shadow is injured again, and the advantage of the masked shadow immediately disappears.

"Drink!" Su Zhe yelled loudly, strode forward again, and launched a fierce attack on the masked shadow.

Su Zhe's double fists are fierce, and every punch is without hesitation.

On the other hand, looking at the black shadow in the mask, it is just the opposite of Su Zhe, he is always worried. Under Su Zhe's ferocious attack, the black shadows in the mask were dangerous again and again, and he didn't dare to resist Su Zhe's fist easily. However, the masked black shadow relied on his agility and varied moves, Su Zhe did not gain the upper hand for a while.

Afterwards, Su Zhe found that the black shadow of the mask was always protecting his left hand, and he never saw him use his left hand again, and the movements of his left hand were sometimes weird.

Su Zhe immediately understood that the left hand of the shadow mask should have been injured in the confrontation just now, and the injury was not serious.

Of course, Su Zhe would not let go of this opportunity easily. Next, he only needed to attack the left hand of the masked shadow, forcing the masked shadow to confront Su Zhe head-on.

Su Zhe is playing desperately now, even if he tries hard to punch the masked shadow, he will punch himself.

Trade injuries for injuries, but the shadow mask did not dare to do this before, because Su Zhe's physical defense ability is stronger than him. If head-to-head, the one who suffers is the shadow of the mask.

So the masked shadow had been dodging Su Zhe's attack before, and only fought with Su Zhe from time to time, but Su Zhe rarely confronted him head-on.

But now the Sombra Mask has nothing to do, because Su Zhe mainly attacks the Sombra Mask's injured left hand, forcing the Sombra Mask to be tired of parrying, and can no longer take advantage of his flexibility.

Su Zhe became more and more familiar with the fighting rhythm, and his offense and defense became more and more mature. There was no way for the masked shadow to hit Su Zhe, unless the masked shadow chose to face Su Zhe.

Su Zhe's attack was too violent, like a storm, the shadow in the mask was overwhelmed, so he could only resist Su Zhe's attack. Not long after, Su Zhe punched the masked shadow.

Su Zhe still wanted to rush up to fight with the masked black shadow, but the masked black shadow took advantage of Su Zhe's strength, took a few steps back, and then turned around and ran forward.

The masked shadow knew that he had no chance of winning. If he continued, he might give his life here in a few minutes.

Today, because Sombra Masquerade was careless and misjudged Su Zhe's strength, he suffered such a big loss. If Sombra Masquerade knew Su Zhe's true strength at the beginning and dealt with it carefully, Su Zhe would not be able to defeat Sombra Mask .

Mask Sombra has no chance today, he has already failed. However, the days ahead are long, and the masked black shadow decided to heal his wounds, and find an opportunity to deal with Su Zhe next time.

So after the left hand was injured, the masked shadow had already thought about running away from Su Zhe's attack. Now that the masked shadow found a chance, he ran away immediately.

Su Zhe immediately chased after him, but after a short while, he stopped.

Afterwards, Su Zhe couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood anymore, he had no strength left. Fortunately, there was a big tree next to Su Zhe, and he did not fall down after he supported it.

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