Urban Supreme System

Chapter 167 Su Zhe flaunts his strength

"Don't worry, I'm fine, but I'm going to ask you to stay and watch the door today, please, you can't be lazy." Su Zhe said weakly, he was still worried that the masked shadow would shoot back in the middle of the night. , That's why Su Zhe asked Xiaoxuelong to guard the door tonight to guard against the shadows in the mask.

Xiaoxuelong whined a few times and nodded.

Only then did Su Zhe smile with satisfaction, but he accidentally pulled his own wound. The painful Su Zhe couldn't help frowning, took a breath, and it took him a while to recover.

After he recovered a little bit of physical strength, Su Zhe immediately endured the exhaustion of his body, stood up on the sofa, and then slowly moved back to his room step by step.

Because Su Zhe was worried that An Xin would come down suddenly and found that he was injured, Su Zhe hurried back to the room.

Su Zhe, who was injured, had a much lower perception of the surrounding environment. So Su Zhe didn't know his every move just now, he was seen clearly by the figure at the corner of the stairs,

Seeing Su Zhe's pale face, An Xin was worried that Su Zhe was not feeling well. But if Su Zhe didn't speak out, An Xin had no choice.

An Xin who went upstairs was still worried in the end, so An Xin couldn't help turning her head. It happened that An Xin saw Su Zhe collapsed on the sofa, but she almost couldn't help exclaiming at that moment. And Su Zhe coughed very hard, and finally coughed up blood.

Su Zhe, who was so badly injured, not only kept it a secret from them, but because he was afraid of being discovered by An Xin and the others, Su Zhe covered his mouth with his hand to prevent the sound from coming out.

When An Xin saw this scene, she couldn't help but shed tears. She really wanted to rush out and share the pain for Su Zhe, not wanting Su Zhe to suffer so much.

But in the end An Xin held back, she knew that Su Zhe had concealed this matter, and she didn't tell them about his injury because she didn't want them to worry. If An Xin ran out now, not only might he not be able to help Su Zhe, but it would make Su Zhe even more uncomfortable.

So An Xin just bit her lip to keep herself from crying, and watched Su Zhe silently, but her tears couldn't stop flowing out.

When Su Zhe returned to his room carefully and locked the door behind him, Su Zhe breathed a sigh of relief. At this point, Su Zhe didn't have to worry about being discovered by An Xin.

However, Su Zhe, who thought he had concealed the past and secretly rejoiced, didn't know how bad his acting skills were. An Xin had already discovered his faults, and in the end, An Xin saw him coughing up blood.

Su Zhe returned to the room, lying on the bed, he has no strength to do anything now, if the masked shadow, or other enemies attack again at this time, he can only wait for death, let the masked black Shadow dealt with it.

Although Su Zhe was seriously injured now, Su Zhe didn't think about going to the hospital outside to see a doctor. Firstly, Su Zhe was worried that An Xin and the others would find out, and secondly, Su Zhe's body's self-recovery ability became stronger and stronger after practicing physical training.

Relying on the body's self-healing ability, Su Zhe's injuries will heal slowly, but it will be slower, but Su Zhe also has other treatments with more obvious effects, which is why Su Zhe didn't want to go outside for treatment the main reason.

Otherwise, Su Zhe would still have his own life. It is impossible to stay at home and wait to die. After all, he was seriously injured.

Because Su Zhe really has no strength now, so there is no way to take the initiative to recover. Now he can only let the body recover by itself first, and then use other methods.


The next day, Su Zhe got up very early despite the serious injury.

Su Zhe found that after the injury, his recovery speed of physical strength and divine power was much slower than usual. However, after one night, half of the divine power in Su Zhe's body recovered, and he also gained some strength.

But even if he moved a little, Su Zhe still felt very uncomfortable.

But Su Zhe can't wait now, if he waits until he recovers naturally, he doesn't know how long he will have to wait, now he has to take the initiative to recover from his trauma.

Su Zhe must heal his injuries before the black shadow mask strikes again, and not only must he recover before the black shadow mask, but also take advantage of this period of time to strengthen his own strength as much as possible. Therefore, Su Zhe's time is very urgent, and there is no time to waste any more.

The treatment method Su Zhe chose is very simple, that is, to practice physical training. If you don't use divine power to practice body training, although the effect of strengthening strength is very small, the effect of recovering injuries and divine power is obvious.

That's why Su Zhe got up as soon as he regained some strength, and practiced physical training.

Set up a good posture and start to slowly perform the first exercise of body training.

The first pose, which is usually easy to complete, is very difficult for the injured Su Zhe.

Because every movement will involve Su Zhe's wound, which makes him very painful.

However, Su Zhe, who was frowning tightly, still resisted the pain and insisted on hitting the first move one by one.

Although the process is painful, the effect is also obvious. Su Zhe found his sore spot, and he would feel a little itchy when he was practicing the physical training technique. He knew that the physical training technique had begun to work.

After making this discovery, Su Zhe could hold back the pain and continue to persevere.

Su Zhe, who was tormented by pain sometimes, wished so much that his divine power could work on him, so that he would not have to suffer so much now. No matter how serious the injury is, it would be great if he would recover immediately as soon as he used his divine power. In that case, there would be no pain and no worries.

In the battle, if you are injured, you can directly recover with divine power, and you will immediately be at the peak of your strength. In this case, Su Zhe believed that he would not have to worry about the shadow of the mask anymore, and it was guaranteed that the shadow of the mask would come and go. Unfortunately, this was just Su Zhe's fantasy.

What made Su Zhe very distressed was that the divine power had a very good effect on everyone except Su Zhe, and it never failed. But Su Zhe used divine power on himself, whether it was strengthening, healing, or accelerating growth, the effect on Su Zhe was negligible, almost without any effect, let alone the divine power potion. Su Zhe had also tried many methods , but without exception, none of them worked, as if Su Zhe's body was immune to divine power, which made Su Zhe very disappointed.

Otherwise, Su Zhe could use his divine power to directly recover from his injuries. It's a pity that now Su Zhe has no choice but to hold back the pain and practice physical training to recover from the injury.

Su Zhe got up early today because he needed to practice physical training to recover from his injuries. But there was one person who was earlier than Su Zhe. Before Su Zhe got up, she had already gone out.

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