Urban Supreme System

Chapter 168 Drinking Chinese Medicine

Su Zhe stayed in the room, after a few times of physical training, he checked the time and it was getting late.

At this time, the baby should have woken up. If Su Zhe didn't go out, he was worried that they would find out.

So he didn't continue to practice physical training, because Su Zhe suffered too much injury this time, and it was impossible for him to recover so easily.

However, although Su Zhe's injury hasn't healed yet, it won't be as painful as before when he moves his body a little.

Although Su Zhe is still unable to perform high-intensity movements, he is much better than before, and his complexion is not so ugly, so that he can better conceal his injury.

Perhaps it was his childhood experience that made Su Zhe used to no matter what it was, he would bear it silently in his heart and would not share it with others.

Before going out, Su Zhe also checked his whole body, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong, he opened the door and went out.

An Xin, who was sitting in the living room, immediately looked towards Su Zhe's room when she heard the movement.

When An Xin noticed that Su Zhe's complexion was not normal, Su Zhe was much better than last night. This reassured An Xin a little, at least Su Zhe got better and did not continue to deteriorate.

The baby was also sitting next to An Xin. When the baby saw Su Zhe, he immediately ran towards Su Zhe.

Originally, when the baby woke up today, he wanted to go to Su Zhe's room. But An Xin was worried that it would affect Su Zhe's rest, and it didn't matter normally, but last night Su Zhe was obviously unwell, so An Xin prevented the baby from going to Su Zhe's room.

The well-behaved baby listened to An Xin very much, so he didn't go in to find Su Zhe. And An Xuan went to school again today, and there was no one to play with the baby, so the baby could only stay in the living room and watch cartoons.

The baby, who had already been unable to hold on in his heart, rushed towards Su Zhe immediately after finding out that Su Zhe had come out.

"Brother, you are a lazy pig, the baby wakes up earlier than you." The baby ran towards Su Zhe happily, and at the same time stretched out his hand to be hugged by Su Zhe.

"Yes, brother is a lazy pig, and the baby is the most diligent." Su Zhe smiled, and at the same time squatted down and opened his hands to welcome the baby.

But soon Su Zhe frowned fiercely, and his face couldn't help changing. At the same time, his body almost couldn't sit still, and he fell backwards. Fortunately, Su Zhe stretched out his hand in time to barely support his body and didn't fall down. .

The baby's rushing momentum is normal for Su Zhe or an ordinary adult, and he can easily catch the baby. But now that Su Zhe was injured, he had no strength in his whole body, and happened to be bumped into the wound accidentally by the baby, which made him very uncomfortable.

But soon Su Zhe pretended to be nothing, picked up the baby, and played with the baby.

Although Su Zhe's painful expression only flashed by and his face returned to normal immediately, he was still noticed by An Xin who had been paying attention to Su Zhe.

"Baby, tell my brother to wash up first. My brother hasn't had breakfast yet. I'll play with you later." An Xin rushed over and took the baby from Su Zhe's hand.

Su Zhe smiled at An Xin, he didn't know that An Xin had found out.

At this time, Su Zhe noticed that Xiao Xuelong was still guarding the door, and he probably hadn't slept all night. So Su Zhe walked up to the little snow dragon, patted it on the head, and said, "You did a great job, let's go rest first."

Xiao Xuelong obediently returned to the kennel to rest,

It was not easy for Little Xuelong to keep watch all night, it was already a little tired.

Not long after, Xiao Xuelong fell asleep.

And the two little Tibetan lions, who were full of food and drink, seemed to know that Xiao Xuelong was tired, and today they were not mischievous, did not run around, and couldn't stop for a moment.

Perhaps the two little Tibetan lions couldn't stop for a moment because the little Xuelong chased them back, and they found it very interesting. Now the little Xuelong has no energy to play games with them.

The two little Tibetan lions obediently stayed by Xiao Xuelong's side, and did not climb to other places. They snuggled up to Xiao Xuelong's side and rested with Xiao Xuelong.

Although Su Zhe was injured, his appetite was not affected at all, instead he ate more than usual.

It takes a lot of energy for him to practice physical training, and he must absorb more food so that Su Zhe has the energy to recover from his injuries.

When Su Zhe finished his breakfast and watched cartoons with his baby in the living room, An Xin brought over a bowl of traditional Chinese medicine, which smelled very unpleasant.

"This can replenish the body. Drinking it will be good for the body." An Xin said, in fact, this bowl is not a tonic, but a traditional Chinese medicine that can promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis.

After An Xin found out that Su Zhe was injured and vomited blood last night, he was restless and restless. An Xin didn't fall asleep all night. An Xin guessed that Su Zhe's injury was caused by fighting with others, so today An Xin went out early in the morning to find a Chinese medicine prescription.

Because it was still very early at that time, and the Chinese medicine shop hadn't opened yet, An Xin searched for a long time, but couldn't find a Chinese medicine shop that was open, so he had to go to the wholesale market to buy some ingredients and come back.

It just so happened that Su Zhe planted 1.37 in the backyard, and An Xin mixed other medicinal ingredients to make a medicinal meal.

There are many names for Panax notoginseng, also known as Sanqi, Tianqi, Xueshancao, June Lin, Scorpion Grass. See and so on.

Ginseng is the first to nourish qi, and Panax notoginseng is the first to nourish blood. It tastes the same and has the same effect, so it is called ginseng notoginseng, and it is the most precious of Chinese medicines. The well-known Chinese patent medicines "Yunnan Baiyao" and "Pian Tze Huang" are made from Panax notoginseng as the main raw material. Indications for hemoptysis, hematemesis, epistaxis, hematochezia, metrorrhagia, traumatic bleeding, chest and abdomen tingling, tumbling and swelling.

Because the name of Panax notoginseng is not small, and the price is also high, the price is higher every year, so Su Zhe planted some in the backyard, just in case it is needed. Although Su Zhe didn't grow many, they were all cultivated by divine power, and each one was a fine product.

At that time, Su Zhe didn't think that he would use Panax notoginseng. Su Zhe was actually afraid of suffering, especially Chinese medicine, he was very resistant.

The smell of the traditional Chinese medicine brought by An Xin made Su Zhe feel very bitter.

So when Su Zhe heard that An Xin was serving him a drink, his face collapsed with a bitter look on his face.

Su Zhe originally wanted to reject An Xin, he really didn't want to drink this bowl of traditional Chinese medicine. But when Su Zhe saw that An Xin's eyeballs were bloodshot, and she looked very tired, An Xin must have spent a lot of thought and energy, so Su Zhe felt embarrassed to refuse An Xin's kindness. .

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