Urban Supreme System

Chapter 172 Ginseng Soup

At dusk, with the assistance of Sanqi, Su Zhe finally healed all his injuries and recovered all his strength.

At this moment, Su Zhe finally felt at ease, at least now he has the ability to protect himself.

However, Su Zhe did not rest, but continued to practice the first form of body training. However, Su Zhe used his divine power to practice physical training this time. His injury has healed, and now Su Zhe wants to strengthen his own strength.

Before dinner, Su Zhe made a breakthrough in his physique, reaching 57 points.

After dinner, Su Zhe went back to the room without staying.

This time Su Zhe wanted to try to use Panax notoginseng to assist his cultivation, not to heal his wounds. Su Zhe wants to try whether the heat generated by taking Panax notoginseng can not only heal the body, but also have the same effect on strengthening the strength.

So Su Zhe took a big bite of Panax notoginseng, and immediately used his divine power to practice the first form of physical training.

Soon Su Zhe was disappointed. Although the body still produced heat, the body couldn't absorb it. And because Su Zhe's body injury has healed, the heat generated immediately dissipated, and Su Zhe's body couldn't absorb even a little bit.

Su Zhe originally wanted to use Panax notoginseng to quickly improve his strength, but the current result made Su Zhe very disappointed.

In fact, Su Zhe's strength has improved very fast. Other ordinary martial arts practitioners don't have Su Zhe's speed at all. Unless the martial arts practitioners have practiced some expensive evil skills, their cultivation speed is not at the same level as Su Zhe.

Su Zhe has only practiced for a few months, and most of the time, Su Zhe has not been training. But despite this, Su Zhe's physique has reached 57 points.

This kind of cultivation speed is what many people dream of. But Su Zhe is still not satisfied now, and still feels that it is too slow.

Because now Su Zhe is facing an enemy who doesn't know the details, so Su Zhe urgently wants to improve his strength, so that he can be guaranteed and able to protect the people around him.

"Su Zhe, here is a bowl of ginseng soup. You can drink it." At this time, An Xin brought a bowl of soup for Su Zhe to drink.

Su Zhe, who was thinking about the problem, didn't think too much, took An Xin's soup and drank it directly.

Seeing that Su Zhe was thinking about something, An Xin didn't want to disturb Su Zhe, so she picked up the empty bowl and left Su Zhe's room directly.

After An Xin left, Su Zhe no longer thought about using Panax notoginseng to improve his strength, so he started practicing body training again.

Although Sanqi is not helpful to Su Zhe's cultivation now, it is impossible for Su Zhe to stop practicing because of this. On the contrary, Su Zhe needs to hurry up and practice more.

But at this time, something unexpected happened to Su Zhe. Su Zhe, who did not take Panax notoginseng this time, actually produced heat in his body, and most importantly, Su Zhe found that since the heat generated would be absorbed by his body, Moreover, Su Zhe could clearly feel that his cultivation speed had increased.

With the heat, Su Zhe didn't dare to be distracted, and tried to absorb as much heat as possible, after all, the heat dissipated quickly.

After the heat in his body dissipated, Su Zhe began to think about how the heat came from.

First of all, it is ruled out that the heat is caused by Sanqi, because Su Zhe has not taken Sanqi, and Su Zhe has confirmed that Sanqi is only related to the recovery of injuries, and will not have the effect of improving strength.

Suddenly, Su Zhe suddenly thought of An Xin, he began to remember that An Xin brought in a bowl of soup earlier,

At that time, Su Zhe drank it without paying attention. Su Zhe vaguely remembered that An Xin was talking about a bowl of ginseng soup, and Su Zhe recalled it now, and the taste was similar to ginseng soup.

After Su Zhe drank An Xin's ginseng soup, practicing the physical training technique would generate heat and strengthen Su Zhe's strength.

Su Zhe suddenly realized that he might have gotten into a dead end. Before Su Zhe took Panax notoginseng, he would generate heat and help his injuries.

For this reason, Su Zhe only thought of using Panax notoginseng to practice. But Panax notoginseng had no effect, so Su Zhe never thought of using other medicinal materials for cultivation.

If it weren't for An Xin's bowl of ginseng soup, Su Zhe would not know when he would have figured it out. Su Zhe didn't care that it was getting late, so he hurried to the backyard and dug out some ginseng with a relatively young age.

After washing the mouthfuls of ginseng, Su Zhe took the ginseng back to the room.

Su Zhe took a small bite of ginseng, and immediately began to practice physical training.

Sure enough, Su Zhe guessed right, there was indeed a surge of heat in his body, which was quickly absorbed by Su Zhe under the guidance of the body training technique, and gradually strengthened Su Zhe's strength.

Soon the heat in the body was absorbed by Su Zhe, and the rest disappeared.

Ginseng can indeed produce heat that enhances strength, which makes Su Zhe very excited.

As for why Panax notoginseng didn’t have this effect, Su Zhe thought it should be that Panax notoginseng’s function is to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, so the heat generated can only restore the injury.

The heat produced by ginseng is different from Sanqi, which can strengthen Su Zhe's body.

However, the shortcut to quickly increase strength is not so easy. The heat generated by ginseng is much more violent than the heat generated by Panax notoginseng. When Su Zhe practiced, he didn't feel warm like when he was healing.

The heat of ginseng is more violent, which will cause a lot of impact on Su Zhe's body. Although Su Zhe would not cause any harm to his body if he took the right amount, at least he would not be so comfortable and relaxed when he was practicing.

However, in order to improve his strength, Su Zhe can still bear the pain.

Su Zhe took another bite of ginseng to cultivate, but he didn't dare to take too much ginseng each time, and each time the amount was very small, this is also for Su Zhe's safety. Otherwise, the strength will not improve much by then, but the damage to the body will not be worth the loss.

Moreover, although the ginseng dug by Su Zhe is of a relatively low age in the backyard and the quantity is relatively small, it is only compared to other ginsengs in the backyard. Most of these ginseng trees are 30 years old, and their medicinal power is not low.

Originally, Su Zhe's cultivation speed was already fast enough, but now with the help of ginseng, his cultivation speed is much faster, which is beyond the reach of others. Su Zhe's cultivation speed is faster than some cultivators who practice evil kung fu, and No side effects yet.

Perhaps the only side effect of Su Zhe's increased cultivation speed is that the consumption is too high. It is not affordable for ordinary people to directly use wild ginseng with a good age for cultivation, and even if they have the financial resources to afford it, they may not be able to directly absorb the medicinal power of ginseng like Su Zhe.

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