Urban Supreme System

Chapter 173 Li Hua's Call

With the help of ginseng, Su Zhe's cultivation speed has been greatly improved, at least half of the time has been saved.

However, Su Zhe still did not take it lightly, and did not dare to relax at all, trying not to waste every minute.

At 20 o'clock in the evening, Su Zhe's cell phone rang.

Helplessly, Su Zhe could only temporarily stop practicing, in case the other party came to him with important matters, but was delayed by him.

It was Li Hua from Su Chong's House who called. Su Zhe knew Li Hua very well. Except for some important matters in the store, Li Hua would look for Su Zhe. Li Hua would not bother Su Zhe at other times.

Moreover, Li Hua rarely called Su Zhe at night.

Moreover, Li Hua rushed to Shenzhou City the next day after Su Zhe informed him to handle the location of the branch of Su Chong's House. Li Hua handed over the work of Su Chong's House to his assistant.

At that time, Su Zhe asked Li Hua to look for a ready-made pet hospital first, and it was the best thing to buy it directly.

Now that Li Hua is calling, it should be that the location of the branch has been settled.

"Su Zhe, I found a pet hospital here that I want to transfer, and all the conditions are in line with your requirements, but I haven't met the person in charge of the pet hospital yet, do you have time to come and have a look? "Li Hua said.

Sure enough, Su Zhe guessed right, Li Hua did bring him good news.

Originally, Su Zhe thought it would take a lot of time to find Li Hua, but he didn't expect that Li Hua would find a pet hospital not long after he went there. At the beginning, Su Zhe thought that it would be the best result if he could directly purchase an existing pet hospital. If there was really no qualified one, he would open a new pet hospital from the beginning to the end.

However, such a result is the worst result, because in this case, it will take too long, which does not conform to Su Zhe's plan, nor can it keep up with the development of Changhua Pharmaceutical Factory.

"Then when can the person in charge of this pet hospital come out and have a talk?" Su Zhe asked, he wanted to talk to the person in charge directly, so as not to waste too much time, and what happened recently made Su Zhe dare not even now Feel free to leave the house.

"I have already made an appointment with the person in charge of the pet hospital to meet tomorrow, so I just want to ask if you are free to come over?" Li Hua said, he wanted to know the conditions of the other party first, and then Su Zhe came over. Report to Su Zhe again, let Su Zhe decide.

"Then I'll go to your place tomorrow morning, you arrange the time, I have to rush back to Yanyun City tomorrow night." Su Zhe thought for a while and said, anyway, Shenzhou City is not far from Yanyun City, everything is going well If you go in the morning, you can come back in the evening, so that Su Zhe can feel a little more at ease.

"Okay, call me tomorrow. I'll take you to the pet hospital to see if the talisman meets your requirements." Li Hua said, he didn't expect Su Zhe to come over tomorrow, but Su Zhe could come tomorrow That's even better, with Su Zhe here, there are more things that can be decided, and it saves a lot of time.

Su Zhe and Li Hua talked for a while, then hung up the phone.

After that, Su Zhe turned on the computer, clicked on the high-speed rail website, entered Yanyun City to Shenzhou City, and clicked Search.

Soon the website displayed the trains at various times, and Su Zhe began to look for the trains with remaining tickets.

Afterwards, Su Zhe bought the train for 9:06 in the morning, which was the earliest train with high-speed rail tickets left in the morning. After booking the high-speed rail ticket for the morning, Su Zhe also bought a high-speed rail ticket for the evening return trip. Just in case you can't buy a ticket when you come back tomorrow.

For the high-speed rail ticket for the return trip tomorrow night, Su Zhe bought the ticket for the 18:30 p.m. With so much time, Su Zhe thought it should be enough.

And even if tomorrow's things can't be finished, Su Zhe won't stay too late.

During this period of time, Su Zhe was not at ease, leaving Anxin and the others at home while going out to do errands by himself. So even if tomorrow's time is too late to delay things, Su Zhe will come back at night. He doesn't want to take risks easily, betting that the masked shadow will not come to the door after he leaves.

During the day, after setting it up, Su Zhe can go out with peace of mind, but Su Zhe can feel relieved at night.

Su Zhe used his ID card to book a round-trip high-speed rail ticket on the high-speed rail official website, and then Su Zhe turned off the computer.

Although it was normal, Su Zhe, the masked shadow, would not dare to come to the door during the day, but Su Zhe felt that he should take precautions before it happened.

Although Xiaoxuelong's combat power is not weak, it is only compared to ordinary people. If he meets a master with a mask like a shadow, Xiao Xuelong will not be an opponent.

And even if it is an ordinary person, Xiao Xuelong will sometimes miss. Su Zhe believes that Xiao Xuelong is still able to deal with ordinary people head-on, but he is afraid that someone will use tricks, so that Xiao Xuelong will not be an opponent.

For example, Zhang Yu and the others used an anesthesia gun on Xiaoxuelong, and they were almost captured by Zhang Yu and the others.

So relying on Xiaoxuelong alone is not enough guarantee.

So Su Zhe opened the pet exchange mall and looked for some suitable pets to guard the house and protect the baby and the two sisters, An Xin and An Xuan.

After browsing for a long time, Su Zhe finally found a suitable target. So he spent a lot of points to redeem them, and then arranged them in a secret place at home.

Although Su Zhe used up a lot of points, which made Su Zhe feel a little distressed. After all, the current points are a bit beyond his means, but Su Zhe does not regret it. This time the points must be used.

Su Zhe believed that when he was not at home, if Masquerade Sombra or Zhang Yu dared to approach him, what Su Zhe had just exchanged would be enough to make Masquerade Sombra and Zhang Yu suffer a lot.

Now let's see if Masked Shadow or Zhang Yu will take the initiative to jump into this pit specially arranged by Su Zhe for them.

After arranging the home and ensuring the safety of the home, Su Zhe continued to practice.

After Su Zhe consumed a ginseng plant, his physique finally broke through again, reaching 58 points.

If this ginseng tree is identified, it should be about 30 years old, and the weight of this ginseng tree is estimated by Su Zhe to be around 60 grams.

It's a pity that most of the medicinal power of this ginseng dissipated before Su Zhe could absorb it when he was practicing.

At most, Su Zhe absorbed one-third of the medicinal power of this ginseng tree. If he could absorb all the medicinal power of ginseng, Su Zhe believed that it would be enough for him to cultivate to a 60-point physique.

However, although Su Zhe felt that it was a pity and a waste, but now Su Zhe has no way to increase the absorption rate, and he can only be like this for the time being.

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