Urban Supreme System

Chapter 174 Snow Lotus

After consuming one ginseng tree, Su Zhe originally wanted to use another one to continue his practice.

Su Zhe suddenly thought that taking Panax notoginseng and ginseng would generate heat in the body, and he wondered if other medicinal materials would have any effect.

If other medicinal materials also produce heat, what effect will the heat produce? Like the heat produced by Panax notoginseng, it will restore the injury. Still the same as ginseng, the heat generated can be used for cultivation, making cultivation more effective. It is still different from Panax notoginseng and ginseng, and has other effects.

When Su Zhe thought about it, he immediately went to do it. He wanted to try it out.

He turned on the lights in the backyard and began to look for medicinal materials to use for experiments. In the end, Su Zhe chose a snow lotus about 30 centimeters high.

Snow lotus, called Chaguo Suba in Tibetan, is a perennial herb of the Compositae family. It is not only a rare exotic flower, but also a world-renowned rare Tibetan medicine, Uighur medicine. Mainly refers to the succulent plants of the family Asteraceae, also known as Xinjiang Snow Lotus, Tianshan Snow Lotus, or Qiaguo Suba in Tibetan. It is a perennial herb of the Asteraceae family. It is 15-35 cm high, with thick rhizomes, and the neck is mostly brown. remnants of leaves. Stems stout, 2-3 cm in diameter at the base, glabrous. Leaves dense, basal and cauline leaves sessile, elliptic or ovate-elliptic, up to 14 cm long, 2-3.5 cm wide

Snow lotus can be used for medicinal purposes and also has certain ornamental value. Born in hillsides, valleys, crevices, watersides, meadows, 2400-3470 meters above sea level. Snow lotus is suitable for various complex climate environments; the plants can not wither at a temperature of 1°C to 39°C, grow vigorously at a temperature of 15°C to 25°C, and the roots can survive the winter safely at -32°C.

Functions and indications of Saussurea chinensis: promoting blood circulation to stimulate menstrual flow, dispelling cold and dehumidification, strengthening tendons and supporting yang. For rheumatoid arthritis, lung-cold cough, lower abdomen cold pain, amenorrhea, retained placenta, impotence and so on.

The snow lotus was planted by Su Zhe in the later period, and the number is not much, even less than Panax notoginseng, and the speed-up potion used for the snow lotus is relatively small, but the snow lotus in the backyard grows very well.

Every July to August is the season when the wild snow lotus flowers in Tianshan Mountains are in full bloom. However, at this time, a large number of criminals will come to dig wildly near the snow line above 3000 meters. Wild snow lotuses are bred by seeds, and poachers uprooted them, leaving them without a chance to bloom and set seeds, resulting in a sharp decline in the number of snow lotuses in Tianshan Mountains.

If this phenomenon is not curbed, within a few years, this precious species of snow lotus may disappear from the earth.

Su Zhe also decided to plant the medicinal material of snow lotus after he learned about it on TV occasionally.

Su Zhe just plucked a snow lotus flower, because now Su Zhe is not sure what effect the snow lotus flower will have, so he dare not pick too many at one time, lest there will be no effect and cause unnecessary waste.

After all, Su Zhe spent a lot of energy and thought on the medicinal materials in the backyard, so he naturally didn't want to waste them for no reason.

After Su Zhe picked a snow lotus, he didn't waste any more time and went back to the room directly.

He first picked two leaves and put them in his mouth.

Snow lotus tastes a bit fragrant and slightly bitter.

Although the taste of snow lotus flower is not very delicious when eaten raw, but compared with Panax notoginseng and ginseng, Su Zhe already feels that the taste of snow lotus flower is very good, and he is already very satisfied.

After the leaves were swallowed, Su Zhe immediately began to practice physical training.

Soon Su Zhe's body produced a burst of heat. It seems that snow lotus has the same effect and can also generate heat.

Later Su Zhe discovered that the heat generated by the snow lotus would not strengthen his body. But it seems that it can replace the divine power to practice the physical training technique, which is very subtle, but the heat generated by the snow lotus will not directly replenish the divine power, and can only be used to practice the physical training technique.

If the heat generated by the snow lotus can directly replenish the divine power, Su Zhe would not need to be so troublesome. He can directly plant a large number of snow lotus, and then use it to restore the divine power to prepare healing potions. I believe that Su Zhe can afford as much healing potion as Changhua Pharmaceutical Factory needs.

But it is a pity that although the heat generated by the snow lotus can replace the divine power to practice physical training, it cannot be used to supplement the divine power.

But the snow lotus has such an effect, Su Zhe already feels very satisfied.

Because Su Zhe's divine power is limited, he can't just exchange points for divine power to cultivate. After all, there are not many sources of points for Su Zhe now, which is not enough for Changhua Pharmaceutical Factory. Su Zhe will not use it easily now.

In this way, Su Zhe can't practice without limit, because it needs to consume divine power to practice physical training.

Once the divine power in the body is exhausted, Su Zhe can only stop practicing physical training.

And now the heat generated by the snow lotus can be used to replace the divine power to practice physical skills. This is good news for Su Zhe. Although it is a bit of a fly in the ointment, it cannot be directly used to supplement the divine power, but Su Zhe is very satisfied now .

Originally, the divine power in Su Zhe's body was running out, and it was almost exhausted, so he couldn't continue to practice.

But now that the heat generated by snow lotus can replace divine power, Su Zhe immediately began to practice physical training.

The medicinal power of snow lotus is slightly weaker than that of Panax notoginseng, and it is not comparable to ginseng at all. Maybe it's because Su Zhe's planting time is relatively short, and the speed-up potion used is relatively small.

However, the medicinal power of snow lotus is very mild and will not hurt Su Zhe's body.

After practicing for a while, Su Zhe soon ate up all the leaves and petals of the snow lotus.

In the end, Su Zhe even ate the stems of the snow lotus in his mouth. The whole snow lotus can be put into his mouth, so Su Zhe would not waste the stems of the snow lotus.

However, compared with leaves and petals, the medicinal power of snow lotus is much weaker.

However, for Su Zhe, the medicinal power is better than nothing, so in order not to waste it, Su Zhe simply took it. Although the taste is much worse than the petals of snow lotus.

Later, Su Zhe also tried mixing it with ginseng, and found that the heat generated by ginseng and snow lotus did not conflict when practicing physical training, and they could be used at the same time.

Originally, Su Zhe was a little worried that snow lotus and ginseng could not be used at the same time. After all, the medicinal properties of snow lotus and ginseng are different, it can be said to be opposite.

And now Su Zhe can take it at the same time without any conflict. This is a very good result.

After all, the main purpose of Su Zhe using ginseng and snow lotus is to increase the speed of practice as much as possible. If snow lotus and ginseng conflict and cannot be used together, the effect will be halved.

Now snow lotus and ginseng can be used together without incident, which makes Su Zhe very happy.

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