Usurping the Qing Dynasty: My first love was Cixi

Chapter 52: Su Ye kills instantly! The emperor is very pleased!

Su Yi looked at Lang Shiting and said, "You are really thinking carefully. I have been practicing calligraphy recently."

"Escaped in the face of battle, deeply disappointed, demoted to a bannerman, and never used it again. These sixteen words were indeed written by me."

"The one who started it has no successor, and I also wrote it."

As soon as these words came out, Lang Shiting felt proud.

The emperor's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

Su Yi said: "But these two paragraphs are not connected together, but completely separate."

"The former is the imperial decree given to me by the emperor. The latter is the emperor's response to the late emperor."

"Back then, the late emperor asked the emperor and Prince Gong at the same time how to manage politics."

"Prince Gong said that he wanted to innovate and even learn advanced methods from Westerners. At that time, the emperor said that he should preserve national policies and abide by the laws of his ancestors. If the laws of his ancestors can be changed at will, how can he know that they will not be tampered with by his successors? , whoever created the figurines has no descendants, this is where they come from.”

"Afterwards, the emperor wrote this response into an article."

"I am practicing my calligraphy and studying the emperor's edict at the same time!"

Xianfeng and a few courtiers present began to recall that there really was such an article.

Moreover, Xianfeng relied on this conservative strategy to win the reserve position at the time. Although Emperor Daoguang liked Yi better, he was afraid that he would mess around, so he chose the conservative Yi Chi.

However, this conservative strategy was not Yiqi's own, but concocted by Du Shoutian, because he saw the hidden worries of Emperor Daoguang.

His conservative thinking can be judged from the fact that the Guangdong Chamber of Commerce wanted to build warships and steam engines and introduce foreigners, but was severely reprimanded by Emperor Daoguang.

But Zhuo Bingtian failed to see the emperor's thoughts, and was so obsessed with making Yi carry out reforms that he lost his position.

Lang Shiting said: "Although the emperor's edict contains these eight words, if you write it together with the previous emperor's edict, you are harboring resentment and cursing the emperor and our Qing Dynasty."

Su Yi said: "As I said just now, the first sixteen characters and the last eight characters are not on the same piece of paper at all."

Lang Shiting held it up and said, "What is this if it's not a piece of paper? It's clearly on a piece of paper, and those two words are heavily bolded."

After saying that, he held the piece of paper high, and everyone could see that it was a complete piece of paper.

Su Yi said: "It's very simple. You cut out two pieces of paper and put them back together into one piece of paper. Then you force the two paragraphs together. And those two words were deliberately bolded by you."

Lang Shiting said: "The evidence is conclusive, your sophistry is useless!"

Su Yi said: "Are you trying to quibble? Find a basin of hot water and put this piece of paper in it for a soak. Then you will know. You used glue to glue the two pieces of paper together. How could I not know?"

Suddenly, the eunuch Zenglu looked at the emperor.

The emperor nodded.

Deep down, he didn't want to believe it.

It wasn't because he had any special trust in Su Yi, but because he finally developed a crush on someone.

The emotional cost has been invested.

After a while, the eunuch Zenglu brought a basin of hot water.

Everyone looked at Lang Shiting. Do you dare to put this piece of paper in hot water?

If it is sticky with rice milk, it can be gently pulled apart by soaking in hot water, or even separate automatically.

If it is forged and spliced, then you definitely don’t dare to soak it in hot water.

As a result, Lang Shiting put the piece of paper in hot water without any hesitation.

After waiting for a while, the paper still showed no signs of cracking. Zenglu used a little force in the water and it didn't tear open.

Censor Lang Shiting was so excited that his voice became shrill.

"Su Yi, what else can you say?! What else can you say?"

Then, Lang Shiting kowtowed to the emperor and said, "Your Majesty, please kill Su Yi."

Su Yi said: "Don't worry, Mr. Zenglu, do you know how to frame it?"

Eunuch Zenglu said: "Of course I understand."

Su Yi said: "Look, does this paper have three layers? There are thin layers on top and bottom? After being soaked in hot water, the top and bottom layers of transparent tissue paper can be torn off. ”

Zenglu looked at the emperor again.

Actually, no need to read it.

Because Lang Shiting's expression changed instantly, even though he desperately tried to hide this expression.

The emperor nodded again.

Zenglu worked carefully. As expected, after being soaked in hot water, the paper was divided into three layers. The top layer was torn off, and the bottom layer was also torn off, leaving the middle layer.

No need to pull it, it just falls apart.

Sure enough, I cut it first, then spliced ​​it together, and then used two pieces of transparent tissue paper to sandwich it, and found the most skilled framer to glue the three pieces of paper together to form a complete piece.

Almost seamless.

The emperor looked at Lang Shiting coldly.

Censor Lang Shiting knelt down and said: "Your Majesty, when Su Yi is practicing calligraphy, he does not practice other words but practices these characters. This means he has ulterior motives and his heart can be punished."

This is a literal prison.

Qingfeng is illiterate, so why is he flipping through the book randomly?

But it has to be said that this did leave a haze in the emperor's heart.

At least, my scar was torn open today and dripping with blood.

After this move, the outside world still doesn’t know how to arrange me.

The emperor was impatient and wanted to end everything today.

Su Yi knew that of course it couldn't end like this.

Yibin, you are already pregnant, how long are you going to keep it hidden?

He immediately stepped forward and said: "Although Emperor Gaozong once said that the five elements of national virtue are fictitious. But hundreds of millions of people still regard the Qing Dynasty as water virtue."

"After our dynasty entered the pass and established its rule over the world, the weather became warmer, the rainfall increased, the weather was favorable, and the crops were abundant, so it is reasonable to regard it as water virtue."

"In the past few years, there have been repeated droughts in the north. Since the beginning of summer this year, the rainfall has been unprecedented, and it has been thundering and raining almost every day."

While speaking.

"Boom boom..."

There was another thunder outside.

Su Ye said: "This year, the sky has rained, which is different from previous years. It is the emperor's kindness that moved the heavens. The people hope that the emperor will give birth to a royal heir just as they long for rain on a day of drought. Now that the rain has fallen, the royal heir will come sooner or later, and maybe he has already come?"

According to history, Concubine Yi has been pregnant for more than a month at this time, and Zaichun will be born next spring.

Of course, because of the butterfly effect, this may be changed.

However, according to Hui Zheng's words after drinking that day, this matter was basically confirmed. .

The reason why Yipin did not dare to make it public was, first, because she had a big conflict with the queen a few days ago and was worried about being harmed.

Second, because the pregnancy period was too short, and there was still a little menstruation last time, so Yipin was not sure, of course, this secret Su Ye did not know.

The emperor had too much expectation, if he reported a false good news, the consequences would be more serious.

After hearing Su Ye's words, the emperor suddenly felt a glimmer of hope in his heart.

Although it was a bit far-fetched.

However, the emperor would rather believe it than not believe it.

As an emperor, it is too important to have an heir.

Take the previous generation of King Qing as an example. Because he had no heirs, he could only adopt Yicai to inherit the throne. And Yicai also had no heirs. In a hurry, he took a concubine during the mourning period, so that he was stripped of his title.

A King Qing was like this, let alone the emperor?

However, the emperor did not make it public, but gave Zenglu a look.

Eunuch Zenglu ran out.

He went to the Imperial Hospital to find the latest pulse diagnosis records. Originally, the Imperial Hospital would come to the harem for a collective pulse diagnosis three days later, so he might as well move it forward.

Next, Xianfeng seemed absent-minded.

The ministers also tacitly put the impeachment of Su Ye aside.

He began to report some unimportant matters.

The emperor was still listening at first, but later he simply stopped listening and looked outside frequently, waiting for Zenglu to come back.

He didn't know how long he waited.

He only saw a figure running over.

The emperor's heart skipped a beat, and he was filled with expectations.

This, this seems to be Zenglu's figure?

He ran in from the front, not quietly from the back door. This... does this mean there is good news?

Really... is there really good news?

Eunuch Zenglu ran in, the distance was so far, he knelt directly, and walked on his knees for several meters.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty. Congratulations, Your Majesty. Concubine Yi is pregnant with a dragon seed. Her pulse is obvious. It should be more than one and a half months."

Su Ye took the opportunity to say: "Congratulations, Your Majesty."

Civil and military officials knelt down and shouted in unison.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty."

"The Qing Dynasty has a successor."

"I congratulate Your Majesty on this great joy!" Du Han and others shouted loudly: "Your Majesty's benevolence has finally moved heaven and earth. From now on, our Qing Dynasty will be prosperous and prosperous!"

Xianfeng seemed to be about to explode with joy.

I have a son!!!

It doesn't matter if it's a prince or a princess, it's all right.

This proves that I can do it, no problem.

Of course it's best to be a prince.

All of a sudden, the emperor looked at Su Ye with a look of favor.

Although this happy event will be known in a few days during the routine pulse diagnosis, it is also the best to know it in advance today because of this storm.

It was as if there was a feeling that Su Ye was a lucky general, and as long as he appeared in front of me, good things would happen? !

Only the imperial censor Lang Shiting collapsed to the ground, unable to move.

After a long while, he got up and shouted: "Congratulations to the emperor, congratulations to the emperor!"

But the whole audience looked at Lang Shiting as if he was a dead person.

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