Usurping the Qing Dynasty: My first love was Cixi

Chapter 53 The Emperor's Reward! Su Ye's favor is rising!

Tian Yugong, the Minister of the Dali Temple, bowed and said, "Your Majesty, Lang Shiting's behavior should not be allowed to grow. Otherwise, everyone will be in danger. We must kill him as a warning to the rest!"

The emperor looked at the censor Lang Shiting with a cold look.

"Come here, take him out and punish him with thirty strokes of the cane!"

Several guards stepped forward and grabbed Lang Shiting like a chicken.

Several eunuchs from the Ministry of Punishment grabbed him with a grin and pressed him on a bench outside the palace.

Two fat eunuchs picked up wooden sticks and looked at the deputy chief eunuch Zenglu.

Zenglu secretly pointed his thumb down.

Got it!

The two eunuchs raised their wooden sticks and smashed them hard.

"Pah, pah, pah..."

Even though they were far away, Lang Shiting's screams could be heard.

Soon, his flesh and blood were blurred, and Lang Shiting could no longer make any sound.

When the last stroke of the cane came, the eunuch who was executing the execution hit Lang Shiting's spine with a cane.

Suddenly, the spine was broken.

Eunuch Zenglu returned to the Qianqing Palace and said, "Your Majesty, the execution is over."

The emperor said, "How is the person?"

Zenglu said, "Your Majesty is merciful, the person is still alive."

Indeed, he is still alive. For the sake of the emperor's reputation, it is better not to beat him to death on the spot.

But after being taken back to the Dali Temple Prison, Lang Shiting will die before dawn tomorrow.

At that time, it will be determined as suicide out of fear of crime.

Next, the promotion of Yipin began to be discussed.

Several royal relatives and ministers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs suggested that she be promoted to Yifei.

When she really gave birth to a dragon son, she would be promoted to Yi Guifei.

The emperor said, "Prince Hui, what do you think?"

Prince Hui said, "It would be more appropriate to confer the title after Yipin gave birth to a child."

At this time, a eunuch entered from the back door and handed a thick stack of things to eunuch Zenglu.

"Your Majesty, the things in Lang Shiting's house have been copied. This thick stack is all the calligraphy practiced by Su Ye." Zenglu said, "Please preview it, Your Majesty."

Although Su Ye's innocence has been proved just now, the emperor still wants to investigate thoroughly.

He wants to prove whether his trust has been betrayed. And this kind of private calligraphy practice can better show a person's inner emotions.

He wants to see whether Su Ye has any resentment towards him as an emperor in his heart after being demoted.

After opening it.

All of them are his imperial edicts, including his and the emperor's memorials.

The one who started the burial will have no descendants, and it is indeed in there.

There are dozens of calligraphy copies, all of which are the words and imperial edicts written by Emperor Xianfeng.

Every word and sentence is the words of his emperor.

At this time, the emperor was really moved!

I didn't make a mistake!

At that time, Su Ye was being demoted, and Chong En's plea for him was also rejected by him.

It is said that Su Ye should be resentful, and when a person practices calligraphy, it is easiest to reveal his emotions.

Not only did he not complain, but he was full of his heart, all of which were the emperor's teachings.

If this is not loyalty, what is it? This is true loyalty from the heart.

Such a minister, even if he escapes from the battle, even if he is not good at fighting, I will still use him!

Such loyalty, how rare is it?

The emperor suppressed his emotions, looked at Su Ye, and smiled and blamed: "Su Ye, your handwriting is not very good, and you use it to copy my teachings. I will be very happy."

When the boss always blames you kindly, he really treats you as his own.

Su Ye said: "I am terrified."

The emperor said: "Zenglu, go find some of my handwritten articles and copy them, and reward them to Su Ye. My handwriting is barely okay. Su Ye, you should practice well, don't embarrass my teachings!"

Su Ye said: "Then I will try my best!"

"Hahaha..." Xianfeng laughed: "You are still trying to be lazy!"

"What's the next process?" asked the emperor.

Ruilin, the military minister, said, "I ask the emperor to ask Su Ye about politics and use him according to his ability!"

The emperor smiled and said, "Su Ye, what do you think about the war in the south?"

Before the emperor finished speaking, there was a sudden noise outside.

"Six hundred miles of urgent, six hundred miles of urgent..."

Another war report? !

Su Ye's face remained unchanged, but his heart was suddenly lifted.

Chongen and Ruilin's faces changed drastically.

It's not such a coincidence that the emperor just wanted to summon Su Ye to ask about politics, but the war report came?

Sure enough, the emperor's face changed immediately, and the familiar fear came again.

A moment later, led by a eunuch, the messenger rushed in.

"Your Majesty, the Battle of Wuchang was a great defeat!"

"Wuchang fell, Hankou fell!"

This day has finally come, or it can be said that this day has come a long time ago, but it was just chosen to be announced at this time.

After the messenger shouted, he knelt on the ground and held up the two memorials high.

Xianfeng's face turned pale in an instant, and all his smiles disappeared without a trace.

The entire court once again fell into a deathly silence.

Although everyone should have been mentally prepared for this incident, it still brought an extremely huge shock when it really happened.

And from a strategic point of view, the loss of Wuchang again was more serious than the last defeat in the Battle of Jiujiang.

The defeat in the Battle of Jiujiang was just the failure to capture Jiujiang.

And losing Wuchang and most of Hubei, the entire southern war situation was once again in jeopardy.

At this time, Emperor Xianfeng felt as if he had been slapped hard in the face.

He was very happy today because he had just won a huge political victory and had an heir. He was intoxicated with happiness.

And this battle report of the fall of Wuchang woke him up directly.

It's like someone told him, are you so proud?

Is it honorable to disgrace Zhuo Bingtian and drive Yi out of the court? Are you very proud?

Have you forgotten? Your country is at stake.

When the late emperor handed over the country to you, at least it was still intact. Now nearly half of the entire south has been lost.

What do you have to be happy about? What's there to be proud of?

Fighting internally is an expert, fighting externally is an outsider.

No matter who fights the war, you, the emperor, will have to bear the final consequences.

The sense of victory brought by defeating Zhuo Bingtian and driving away Yi disappeared without a trace. He just wanted to retreat from the court as quickly as before, and then quietly stay in the study alone to spend this extremely difficult time.

It happened that at this time, someone said in an exclamatory tone: "Su Yi, in the last battle of Jiujiang, you fully expected this process. And as you said, Wuchang, Guangji and other important cities fell. Half of the entire Hubei province has been lost, so you are really good at predicting things.”

Saying this at this time, his heart can be killed.

This is to arouse the emperor's disgusting memories of Su Yi.

"It's really strange. Su Ye said that the battle of Jiujiang would be defeated, but it turned out that it was really defeated. Su Ye said that Wuchang and other cities would fall, but it turned out that they really fell!"

This is even more heartbreaking.

Just say that Su Yi has a crow's mouth and is an ominous person.

Chongen stepped out and immediately opened his mouth to fight back.

But Xianfeng waved his hand suddenly and said: "Don't talk, don't argue."

Then he said tiredly: "Su Yi, since you are good at planning and strategy and have the talent of a military strategist, then you should become a member of the Ministry of War."

Everyone was shocked. Su Yi was actually given this position? !

Is this true for the Holy Family?

Su Quan was a doctor in the household department, and he was a foreign doctor in the military department of Su Yi.

This position is really good, and it is higher than Su Yi's official position before he was demoted.

In fact, this is also the fault of the emperor.

Originally, he only planned to knight Su Yi and make him a fifth-grade Yunqi Lieutenant.

But because Lang Shiting had falsely accused Su Yi just now, the emperor also became suspicious of Su Yi.

It was later proven that even after being demoted, Su Yi had no complaints and used his holy edict to practice calligraphy in private when no one was around.

How loyal?

So the emperor felt guilty and gave it to Wai Lang, a member of the Ministry of War.

And it was precisely because of Su Yi's reminder that he knew in advance that the harem was already pregnant with a dragon species, and he, Xianfeng, no longer had any successors.

The emperor's impression of Su Yi was even better.

Zuodu Yushi Wencai: "Your Majesty, the evidence of Su Yi's previous crimes such as escaping from the battle and falsely reporting his battle results is conclusive. It is a great blessing to save him from death. This time he only predicted the failure of the Jiujiang Battle and has no merit whatsoever. , it is extremely inappropriate for him to be promoted to the rank of War Officer!"

"Your Majesty, I also think it's inappropriate!"

"Your Majesty, I think it's inappropriate!"

"Your Majesty, I think it's inappropriate!"

People came out one after another, more than a dozen people.

Wen Qing, the leading military minister, said sincerely: "Your Majesty, you previously issued a decree that Su Yi escaped from the battle and was demoted to a bannerman, and will no longer be used. In just over a month, you changed the status of Chrysostom. Wouldn't it make the people of the world think that you Change the order in the morning and evening!”

This sentence goes to the core.

"Your Majesty, this action undermines the majesty of the Tian family!"

"It would be fine if Su Yi had great contributions, but he doesn't."

"With this move, it's hard to stop the world's Youyou mouth!"

Suddenly, everyone's eyes fell on Su Yi.

Even a gentleman feels that Su Yi is acting like a jester at this time.

It's okay if he has no merit, but he still escapes from the battle and falsely reports his military merit. How can such a person be promoted to an officer, a soldier, a member of the military, or a foreign minister, how can he serve the public?

Faced with such an uproar!

Chongen was also anxious. The previous discussion was clearly to ennoble him first, then let Su Yi make a real contribution, and then resume his official position with real power.

I didn't expect that the emperor would do it in one step today and directly seal the key positions.

Su Yi's holy family is really strong enough.

But in the eyes of Chongen and Ruilin, this is not a good thing.

If Su Yi wants to rise, he must not only win the Sacred Heart, but also the hearts of the people, at least to convince the court ministers.

The most important thing is that the emperor cannot be allowed to stand against the ministers for Su Yi.

Chongen came out and said: "Your Majesty, I think it is more appropriate to enthrone Su Yi as a fifth-rank Yunqi Lieutenant. From now on, he will be convicted and meritorious, and then he will be granted a real job. This will not only make the people of the world feel the emperor's great grace, but also feel that rewards and punishments are clear, and they will feel awe in their hearts." !”

After hearing Chong'en's words, all the ministers present nodded their heads, thinking that this was what Lao Cheng wanted to do for the country.

At this time, Su Yi suddenly came out of the queue.

"Your Majesty, I have something to say!"

Suddenly, everyone looked at Su Yi, full of bad intentions.

What do you want to say?

Are you not satisfied yet? You want both a title and an official position?

Do you want to use the Holy Family for personal gain, make the Emperor bear unknown rewards and punishments, and change your name every day?

This official position is very good, but... it is not what Su Yi wants. It is even an obstacle to him. There is only one thing he wants!

Everyone stared at Su Yi, waiting for his speech.

Be loyal or treacherous, right now.

Su Yi looked at the emperor with blazing eyes.

"Your Majesty, I don't want this fifth-grade Yunqi Lieutenant title!"

So you just want an official position? The food looks a little ugly.

Su Yi continued: "I don't want this foreign minister of the Ministry of War!"

"I haven't even accomplished an inch of merit, but the emperor has already rewarded my whole family. This is already a great blessing from heaven!"

"It doesn't matter if I hold an official position, but if the people of the world feel that the emperor's order has been changed overnight, it will be difficult to recover my body and soul."

"How virtuous and capable is this minister?"

"So, please, Your Majesty, take back your order!"

As soon as these words came out, the court was shocked!

But the emperor only felt that his eyes were hot and his mood was agitated!


Note: The second update will be sent.

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