Usurping the Qing Dynasty: My first love was Cixi

Chapter 54 Su Ye shocked the court! The harem summoned him

Chapter 54 Su Yi shocked the court! The harem is summoned!


Xianfeng's heart suddenly warmed up.

It even drove away some of the coldness caused by the defeat just now.

Good minister!

I didn't realize before that Su Yi was so loyal.

For the sake of his majesty as an emperor, he even gave up the official position he had obtained.

No wonder Chongen valued him so much and was so loyal. He was truly one of a kind.

And the group of people who objected couldn't help but be confused.

What kind of medicine is sold in Su Yi's gourd?

Retreat to advance?

Or is it really so noble?

The emperor's voice became gentler and said: "Su Yi, what do you want? Tell me!"

I want to train.

I want to train a new army.

I want military power! I want a bigger officer, but I can't stand this military official.

This is the only thing Su Yi wants, and it is also his absolute goal.

However, I can't say it now.

Now Su Yi's achievements and reputation cannot support this requirement. Now he is still burdened with the reputation of running away from battle, being defeated repeatedly, and being incompetent on the battlefield, which is not enough.

Su Yi said emotionally: "How did I lose my official position before? I have to get it back on my own."

"Everyone in the world says that the bannermen are confused, the clan is useless, and the whole world relies on the Hunan Army for war, but the clan has indeed disappointed the emperor."

"The Lord humiliates me and dies!"

"I want to win a reputation for the emperor, restore the reputation of the clan, and win a reputation for the Eight Banners."

Su Yi's words seemed to have entered Xianfeng's heart.

Suddenly, I had a better impression of him.

"So I only have one request!"

The emperor said: "You tell me."

Su Yi said: "I sincerely request you to take part in the provincial civil examination examination next month, and I sincerely request you to take part in the provincial examination for the martial arts examination next month."

"I want to participate in the civil and military examinations at the same time!"

"If I am lucky enough to take any subject in high school, I can stop the mouth of the world."

"If I am lucky enough to be a high school student in both subjects, I will ask the Emperor to give me an opportunity to be loyal to the country and to the Emperor."

Su Yi doesn't say that I am the first in high school in two subjects now. He says that if I am lucky, I will be in high school in two subjects.

Suddenly the whole place was silent!

It can be said that everyone was shocked.

Including the emperor.

Many people even wonder, Su Yi, are you suffering from heart failure? For hundreds of years, no one has been able to participate in the civil and military examinations at the same time. So you are the one who is the best and you still want to go to high school at the same time? Daydreaming? How many years have you studied? How many years have you been practicing martial arts?

The whole hall was shocked, and then the entire capital was shocked. This is the effect you want.

Nowadays, Su Yi's holy love is very strong, and the emperor is full of affection for him.

Next, if Su Yi successfully wins the civil and military championship.

Can you imagine how shocked it was to the emperor? What kind of shock will it bring to the capital?

Such a capable and loyal minister is still a member of the clan, so of course he must be put to great use.

Very useful!

By that time, military power will be a matter of course.

The matter of training the new army has naturally been completed.

You must not take the initiative to ask for military power, as that will arouse suspicion.

Others must take the initiative to give it to you.

What does it mean to be a mere member of the Ministry of War now?

The first place in martial arts can be seen by everyone, without any doubt.

Some people will question whether Wen is the first choice. Su Yi, Negative Eight Sisters, and Ying Nian Zaobal have already planned several countermeasures.

After a long while, the emperor said: "Su Yi, are you serious?"

Su Yi bowed deeply without saying a word.

The emperor said: "Do you know that as long as you say you want it, then the position of the Ministry of War Yuanwai Lang will be yours."

Su Yi said: "I only want to be loyal to the emperor and repay the emperor's kindness. I cannot accept this official position."

The emperor continued: "Although there is a famous saying in the ancestral family law that civil and military examinations can be cross-examined, but since this dynasty, no one can do both Chinese and martial arts exams at the same time. Even going forward, there are no examples in the previous dynasties for hundreds of years. You can Do you know?"

Su Yi bowed and said: "I know!"

If it’s not shocking or amazing enough, I won’t do it!

The emperor continued: "This incident is shocking and unprecedented. It will definitely cause an uproar and attract the attention of the world. If you pass one subject, it will be justified. If you fail all subjects, you will be laughed at by the world. Then I will never be able to do it again." It’s not good to activate yours again.”

Su Yi bowed down and said: "If I fail, it will be due to my incompetence. How can I have the face to appear in front of the emperor? From now on, I will be trapped in the imperial mausoleum, studying and guarding the souls of my ancestors!"

For a moment, Xianfeng really couldn't bear it.

He really wanted to directly issue a decree to confer Su Yi as a member of the Ministry of War, regardless of the objections of the officials.

At least at this moment, he was really moved by Su Yi.

Du Han felt that the emperor was wavering again, so he immediately stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, since Su Yi has this intention, why not grant him his wish?"

Zuodu Yushi Wencai said: "The Holy Ancestor proposed that cross-examination can be done, but no one tried it. Su Yi's move can be regarded as proving that our Qing Dynasty has this ancestral method. Regardless of whether Su Yi succeeds or not, it can be regarded as encouraging the world's scholars. Zi Yingjie, dare to try!”

"I second the proposal!"

"I second the proposal!"

"I second the proposal!"

The Sushun party came out one after another, but many officials who had just opposed Su Yi's appointment remained silent.

They couldn't bear to see Su Yi make a fool of himself. Now it seemed that Su Yi knew how to advance and retreat, and was quite loyal.

Those who agreed certainly did not believe that anyone could pass the high school civil and military examinations. Su Yi's move would only make the world a laughing stock.

From then on, there was no chance of success.

But the emperor still couldn't bear it and hesitated to speak.

Then he looked at Chong'en and Ruilin, the two supporters of Su Ye in the court.

Chong'en and Ruilin were also shocked and at a loss.

The emperor knew that Su Ye had not discussed it with Chong'en beforehand.

Suddenly, the emperor was more fond of Su Ye.

A gentleman does not have a party, but is loyal to the king.

Su Ye did not even connect with Chong'en on such an important matter, which shows that he is really sincere.

At this time, Xianfeng was really full of filters, and Su Ye was good in every way.

Finally, the emperor said: "Su Ye, I will ask you one last time, do you really not want this military official? Do you really want to make this brave attempt?"

Su Ye said: "Yes!"

The emperor said: "Okay, then I will fulfill your sincere heart."

Su Ye bowed: "Minister, thank you for your grace!"

"Although..." Xianfeng paused and did not finish his words.

"I still hope to hear the news of your success in the palace!"

Su Ye said: "Minister, I will do my best to live up to the emperor's grace!"

Xianfeng said: "In this case, you can withdraw!"

Su Ye retreated to the palace gate and left the Qianqing Palace.

Xianfeng still stared at Su Ye's back in a daze, and did not speak for a long time.

At this moment, Su Ye really left an indelible impression in the emperor's mind.

He made up his mind that as long as Su Ye's ranking was slightly good, he would immediately take the opportunity to use him.

At least participating in the imperial examination is a very legitimate reason and a proper way to pursue a career.


The emperor was a little bored with the subsequent government affairs.

Because he had to face the chaos of the fall of Wuchang.

This was a headache for him, as if every quarter of an hour was torture.

So, although the court conversation with Su Ye just now did not involve any political questions, it was so comfortable.

Zeng Guofan lost the battle, Wuchang was lost, and the Xiang Army Navy was almost destroyed.

What to do next?

It's not even just about what to do next, what should we do now?

In the past, the governor-general and governor-general would basically commit suicide if they lost the provincial capital.

The governors-general and governors-general of Anhui, Hubei, Jiangxi and other provinces were no exception.

But can he kill Zeng Guofan now? Of course not, he can't even dismiss him.

Because the army was trained by others, the emperor couldn't command it.

Although defeated, the Hunan Army still has strength.

In the entire southern war situation, the Jiangnan and Jiangbei camps are useless and unreliable.

The only thing he can rely on is the Hunan Army.

If he wins, he can still suppress it.

If he loses, he even has to appease it.

"The country is in chaos and needs good generals!" This is the deepest and most painful feeling in Xianfeng's heart at this time.

He only has Senggelinqin, a talented general, but he has to keep him to defend the capital. Apart from him, he can't find another real general.

Next, the court discussed for a long time and finally made a resolution.

Zeng Guofan was dismissed from the post of governor of Hubei, but he still acted as the governor.

Isn't this just scratching the surface?

But the governor of Huguang, Yang Pei, was not so merciful. He was directly dismissed from all official positions.

The difference between having soldiers and not having soldiers is revealed here.

Du Han stepped out and said, "Your Majesty, Su Ye participated in both civil and military examinations, so this Shuntianfu provincial examination will definitely attract the world's attention, and may even become a century-old legend. In this way, it requires a large number of talents and an unprecedented scene."

Du Han's words were very clear. Shuntianfu was the capital, under the feet of the emperor.

The final result of this Shuntianfu provincial examination came out. If there were no particularly outstanding talents and no articles that could surpass those of other provincial examination areas, it would be embarrassing.

It is easy to make people feel that talents are withering.

Xianfeng said, "What do you think, my dear minister?"

Du Han said, "Zhang Yuzhao's articles are famous all over the world, and he has the reputation of being the first talent. This year's Shuntianfu provincial examination is unprecedentedly grand. It is better for the emperor to order him to participate in this year's provincial examination while bearing the punishment."

Du Han had another meaning that he did not say.

The war in the south still depends on the Hunan Army. Zeng Guofan had just been dismissed from his post as governor of Hubei. In order to prevent him from being passive and lazy, he needed to give him a slap and then a sweet date to show the emperor's consolation and encouragement.

And letting Zhang Yuzhao resume the imperial examination was just right. It didn't have to pay too much, and it showed encouragement.

The key point was that the Dali Temple had castrated someone, and the sentence was excessive. Shouldn't it make up for it?

Of course, no one thought of sniping Su Ye in this sense, because in everyone's opinion, at least in terms of imperial examination skills, Su Ye and Zhang Yuzhao were worlds apart, and were not at the same level at all.

Including the emperor, who thought so.

The Left Censor-in-Chief stepped out and said, "Your Majesty, if the crime committed by Zhang Yuzhao requires the removal of his merits, then he will not be qualified to participate in the Shuntian Prefecture's provincial examination. But if his merits are not removed, then letting him participate in this year's literary examination can also add luster to Shuntian Prefecture!"

The emperor frowned when he heard it!

Chong En stepped out and said, "Your Majesty, Su Ye is a member of the royal family. I dare not make my own decision on a marriage, so I need to report it to Your Majesty."

At this moment, an old eunuch stood at the door and said respectfully, "Your Majesty, the Empress Dowager has ordered Su Ye to be summoned!"


Note: The first update is here!

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