
Chapter 263 Worthy of praise

At the same time, Lai Ting Jiaqi, who came to the Solo City Arsenal for the first time, followed his instructor and classmates for a tour.

"See that purple-haired guy..."

"Don't look at him. Do you think His Royal Highness is easy to talk to?"

"I... Alas!"

The employees of the Arsenal are not stupid. The appearance of purple hair, purple eyes and white skin is proof of the royal family of the Kingdom of Negan. Moreover, as the second most beautiful woman in the Kingdom of Negan, Lai Ting Jiaqi, who inherited the blood of the first beauty of the kingdom, Her Majesty Queen Lai Ting Winnie, still has the first-class beauty and excellent figure that can overwhelm the whole country.

However, the male employees of the Arsenal also know that Princess Jiaqi is the crown prince. As for His Royal Highness, which blind guy dares to go up and cause trouble?

Moreover, in addition to His Royal Highness, Her Majesty the Queen is also not easy to deal with.

It's just that among these employees, Abu Beian, one of the employees responsible for making steel billets, saw for the first time that his pen pal was actually as beautiful as rumored.

If this pen pal had not been born with extraordinary strength, and could scare or beat away many men, he could imagine how many men would surround the palace and line up to hand her love letters.

In any case, he shook his head. Let's continue working. Suitable steel billets are a resource that is always in short supply in the Kingdom of Negan. Whether it is making guns and cannons, or making cars and ships, or even airplanes and airships, steel is definitely a consumable.

What's more, the steel billets he made are steel core materials for bullets. If he doesn't check them well, he will be criticized.

So he envied the Orchid Republic in the north. The army of this republic used lead core bullets for himself. And the manufacture of lead core bullets is not only simple, but also fast... Alas! There is no way. The reserves of non-ferrous metals in the Kingdom of Negan are not many, especially copper, lead, and aluminum. These three metals are enough to force the kingdom to find ways to annex the territory of the Kahn Empire.

Therefore, he was very painful just to make the steel billets have the right hardness and flexibility.


At this time, a very tender greeting came into his ears from behind him, and Bei An was stunned for a moment and slowly turned around.

"Your Highness, hello."

Obviously, this was the first time he heard the voice of Princess Jiaqi up close, and it was also the first time he saw her beautiful face wearing brown and black camouflage uniforms with obvious brilliance.

"You are now..."

"Oh, this is the steel billet I am responsible for making, which is prepared to be used to make gun bullets."

Compared to Princess Jiaqi's first-class beauty that can really make men unforgettable, and her good figure that can't be hidden under the thick camouflage uniforms, Bei An reacted and immediately entered the introduction mode.

After all, no matter what, there are other classmates and instructors next to Princess Jiaqi, and he still has to perform well as an employee of the arsenal.

As for private communication, let's leave it to the letter. It's not appropriate at this time, and there shouldn't be any excessive actions.


"Your Highness?"

"I say Ouma, he is your last disciple, so it's okay."


"To be honest, I don't mind letting Jiaqi get engaged to Beian. But Beian...how should I put it? He looks a bit like Sogen."

"Your Highness, they are father and son, so it seems normal."

"I know. Beian is Sogen's first son, the eldest son that people in the Old Continent value the most. And Sogen is 100% in favor of letting Beian marry into the royal family, but...this is not enough."


"Ouma, you and I are both veterans who have been in the trenches of Blackwater Town. What I want to see, Beian has not shown yet."

"Your Highness, you are asking too much. Too high, right? Beian, he can't fight, he can only forge iron. "

"Who wants him to fight? Jiaqi can beat ten people alone! As for me... Beian has to design something that will satisfy Jiaqi and me."

"Your Highness, are you going to kill Beian or what? You and your daughter asked me for something... Which one looks normal? Your lightning hammer and flame knife, those are..."

"So, let him perform well. If possible, I will personally bring Beian to the palace and recommend Beian to Winnie."


Omer, who was hiding on the side, couldn't help but sweat. His Highness King Gru was also a craftsman. Several of the treasures he made were once purchased by the Jingnan Federal Republic at sky-high prices.

And the reason why the Kingdom of Negan was established was that the sky-high prices of these treasures were the first start-up funds in the treasury.

So, as a master, Omer not only lamented that he was old, but also felt helpless for his last closed disciple, Abu Beian.

Why did this Bei An have to be a pen pal with Princess Jiaqi? Moreover, the two of them seem to be very friendly.

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There is no way.

Since even Sogen, the father, is optimistic, then he, as a master, will just pretend that he didn't hear anything.

Anyway, if Bei An can really make Princess Jiaqi fall in love with him, it will be of great significance to him and Sogen.

"However, as of now, the two of them... don't seem to have that feeling."

"Your Highness, free love is popular now. Don't force the younger generation of children."

"Oh? Then what's the matter with your grandson and Sogen's daughter?"


This is good, Omer immediately shut up. His grandson and Sogen's daughter had been engaged long before. Even his sister Lehman, she also has a grandson who is going to marry Sogen's other daughter.

So Omer was too embarrassed to tell the outside world what kind of relationship his family had with Sogen's family.

"Omer, you have taken advantage of Sogen a lot."

"I also have a granddaughter who is going to marry... but you also saw Beian..."

"You are so embarrassed."

As a comrade-in-arms who used to squat in the same trench, King Gru couldn't help but want to tease Omer. But he also shook his head. Sogen has five adult children, two sons and three daughters.

The remaining daughter is a priest, and the church is unlikely to let go. The next son is serving in the army, and the Military Affairs Department will never let him go. The other one... that is Beian.

Therefore, he has little room for operation, but... it's good this way. Sogen was sent to Lengchuan City by Winnie for training. Judging from the current situation, Sogen's performance is not bad.

Even though he was invaded by the army of the Golson Kingdom, he did not flee or seek help from the Congress.

He deserves praise.

More importantly, as a bridgehead, Lengchuan City's trade has never stopped. The city is self-sufficient and the people's lives are stable. His achievements should be able to guarantee him entry into the Congress.

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