
Chapter 264 What is this?

"Then can you design a pistol?"

"Ah? Your Highness, this..."

"The main reason is that I am a little strong, and I always feel that a small pistol is too light. If there is a self-loading pistol that can fire powerful bullets, or even rifle bullets..."

Listening to the words of Princess Jiaqi, not to mention Beian, even the instructors and classmates of the military academy were embarrassed.

Because everyone knew that it was not a problem that she was a little strong. It was that she really had the ability to run around with a big pot on her back every day, and she could also do "horrible" things like twisting and bursting cement bricks with her bare hands without magic.

There was even a rumor that Princess Jiaqi was a strongman who pushed open the thick city gate with her bare hands.

In short, the crowd of onlookers was shocked by her strange strength.

"Well, Your Highness, I am just a blacksmith, and I don't know how to make a gun. How about this, who can I ask for you?"

"Okay, thank you."

For his daughter's strange request, Prince Gru raised his head and looked at the ceiling of the arsenal, pretending that he knew nothing.

"Your Highness?"

"What's the matter?"

"You are making things difficult for Beian."

"It's okay, I... I... Doesn't he have a father who can design guns?"

"That's why I don't want to get involved..."

Because everyone knows it in their hearts, Ou Mai is really embarrassed for Beian. At the same time, he feels pity for Sogen, who hasn't designed weapons and equipment for a long time.

So, a few days later, Sogen, who returned home, soon received a letter.

"What? Beian, you..."

"Sogen, don't look at me, go find Beth."

"Well... this child..."

Although he knew that Beian had a good relationship with Princess Jiaqi, but designing a powerful automatic loading pistol...

As a father, he hasn't designed guns for a long time, and he doesn't know if he can still do such a job.

In response, Sogen directly replied to the letter, asking Beian to learn by himself. Anyway, there are many masters in the arsenal, and he can learn it by asking for advice.

"I say, Sogen, is it really okay for you to reply like this?"

"Sirui, do what your son promised. Who told him not to refuse?"

Sirui, Beth and Leia, who came to live in the new home, and Xinmi all looked down on Sogen's answer.

Especially Beth, she didn't even have the energy to scold him after giving birth. But there was nothing she could do, her son was really good at making trouble for herself.

Being a pen pal with Princess Jiaqi, it meant that Beian would definitely have a closer contact with her.

So Beian, who received his father's reply soon, had a bitter face, how could he design firearms. Although his father's technology was mentioned a little, his father was away on business for a long time, and in fact he didn't explain it in detail.

"Alas... Isn't this embarrassing for me?"

Despite this, Beian still shook his head. Who told him not to refuse directly? He looked at Princess Jiaqi and nodded and agreed.

For this reason, he began to look through various notes in the room.

However, compared to his original imagination, the structure of the gun was not too difficult to master. The key is the core parts - the barrel and the bolt.

These two things determine the accuracy and life of the firearm, and the safety and usability of the firearm. Especially the former, the importance of the barrel to the firearm is completely self-evident.

However, he now has a good advantage, that is, he can make the barrel.

In fact, he can even make the barrel, so it is not difficult to make the barrel. The problem is the bolt. It is a very fatal thing if the bolt is not locked well or the movement is not smooth.

Like the Kukai pistol designed by my father, which has not been retired until now. This is because of my father's bolt structure and automatic loading method, the barrel recoil automatic principle and the triple insurance setting are reasonable.

And because the Kingdom of Negan has no opponents worthy of starting an arms race, and the pistol is not a main combat weapon. So if it were not for the request of Her Royal Highness Princess Jiaqi, he and his colleagues in the arsenal would not have the idea of ​​designing a new pistol.

Not to mention a new pistol that fires high-powered bullets, this...

Let's try it.

Who made me promise Her Royal Highness Princess Jiaqi?

So, half a month later, Omena and his sister Lehman began to feel speechless about the design drawings that Beian drew in the studio at home.

"What is this thing?"

"Lehman, this... is the masterpiece of my apprentice, a pistol that fires high-powered bullets."

"Brother, except for the Minotaur warriors, do you think any member of the Kalai clan can bear this heavy pistol that fires 8×3 [To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are OK.] mm reinforced pistol bullets? With this specification, the weight of the final pistol will definitely not be light."

"My own estimate is that it is about the same weight as a two-handed long sword. But Lehman, the first one to use it is the princess."

For this point, Lehman couldn't help shaking his head. Princess Jiaqi is famous for her natural strength and has been an expert in arm wrestling since she was a child.

Although such a heavy pistol is indeed the best companion for a strongman, Lehman himself always feels that the gun will not have a very bright future.

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"Even so... I don't really recommend it... Hmm? Wait? How about letting the arsenal in Marle City act as the agent?"

"You said let Xin Mi... uh... are you sure you're not kidding?"

Ou Mai is not stupid. He knows the factory director of Marle City. Xin Mi will probably be furious after hearing the news. After all, such a prototype heavy pistol is not suitable for military and police use, and not many customers are willing to pay for it.

In the end, the merchants responsible for production and sales will definitely list such products as a team that will never appear under market pressure.

"Beian is Xin Mi's son after all, Xin Mi will not easily refuse."

What do you mean by after all?

Indeed, Beian has four mothers, one of whom is Xin Mi. But let Xin Mi suffer... Even if Beth, the biological mother, persuades herself, can Xin Mi easily agree to this?

And as a special ammunition brought by the Minotaur from the Japanese Mai people, the 8×3 [To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are OK. ] mm pistol bullet is actually not much better than the 8×25 mm pistol bullet.

In addition, the Orchid Republic in the north prefers 8×25mm pistol bullets to 8×3mm pistol bullets. In terms of actual performance, 8×25mm pistol bullets have stronger penetration but less stopping power.

So far, the regular military and police of the Kingdom of Negan have not been equipped with any firearms that fire 8×3mm pistol bullets. More importantly, the Kingdom of Negan has not yet had a large demand for anything other than 9×9mm pistol bullets and 6×2mm pistol bullets...

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