
Chapter 426 This is not oppression

"Another official document?"

"Yes. Don't forget, if there were no foreign customers, I guarantee that the kingdom might not even have a private arsenal."

When Xin Mi told this story while watching the children playing. Xin Duo was at a loss, because the foreign exchange earned from the sale of foreign military equipment has always been an important source of income for the Kingdom of Negan.

"What do you mean? The kingdom does not sell arms to the outside world? No more foreign exchange?"

"It's because the power of the gun ban faction is too great, and their opposition has never stopped. So in order to control the domestic black market guns and ammunition, and even various weapons and equipment of unknown origin, they hope that the king's weapons production can be unified in the state-owned arsenal."

"Is this possible? Wait, why does it sound like the Orchid Republic?"

As a country established by slaves who fled from the Old World, the Orchid Republic's weapons production is entirely responsible for state-owned arsenals.

However, as the Japanese arms dealers ran to the New World, the Orchid Republic is now gradually considering the establishment of private arsenals.

After all, the equipment level of the Orchid Republic is only slightly better than that of the Gnolls, and its own economic development level has not been very good, so there is not enough military funds to update its weapons and equipment.

Therefore, the style of muddling through is fully reflected in the grassroots army of the Orchid Republic.

Especially the Companion Rotary Rifle, which is basically no different from the first batch of products produced during the founding period.

The concept of "it's OK as long as it can be used" has not changed at all in the Orchid Republic until now.

The innovation of military equipment itself is a matter of burning money. The more militaristic a country or force is, the more reluctant it is to spend money on the research and development and updating of military equipment.

As long as the guy in their hands can be used, one is more reluctant to have the idea of ​​replacing it.

So the Companion Rotary Rifle is like this, and no one knows how many years of use history it has.

In addition to the Companion Rotary Rifle, the 7×2 seized by the Orchid Republic from the Sheep-Headed Man has been using millimeter caliber pistol bullets recently. Even if this bullet is decommissioned in the military and police of the Orchid Republic, countries that have diplomatic relations with the Orchid Republic, including the Kingdom of Negan, do not believe such rhetoric.

Especially after the underground intelligence agents of certain forces were repeatedly shot by 7×2 with millimeter pistol bullets in some occasions that could not be said openly, including my mother and other well-informed members of Kalai, all made some kind of judgment.

The Orchid Republic did not tell the truth.

Or, the Orchid Republic only told part of the truth and deleted the rest of the truth.

For this matter, the mother and daughter could only shake their heads. The Orchid Republic's characteristic of keeping secrets is simply the nemesis of the Negan Kingdom, which likes to explore secrets.

For this, everyone has no good solution.

"This is why the Orchid Republic has never liked military trade in the past. Of course, now they don't want military trade. They already know that they are backward and need to improve their military strength through military trade. Especially under the dual oppression of our kingdom and the Japanese arms dealers."

This is not oppression.

This is called promoting foreign trade and learning advanced foreign knowledge and technology.

So, in the palace of the Negan Kingdom, a document from the peripheral intelligence station was conveyed to Her Majesty the Queen, Lai Ting Winnie.

"Winnie, we..."

"Wait, Aiqi, are you sure?"

"The military department and the officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs finally reached a consensus, so..."

"So we designed a rifle for the Orchid Republic that fires the 38mm rifle bullet that has been used recently [to be honest, it has been used recently, both Android and Apple are OK.]? I am unfamiliar with this bullet myself."

[to be honest, it has been used recently, both Android and Apple are OK.]

"This is a bullet recommended by the Japanese arms dealers, and it is one of the types that the Japanese arms dealers cannot sell in their own territory."

Hearing this, Queen Winnie quickly understood the thoughts of the Japanese arms dealers.

These arms dealers are likely to regard the Orchid Republic as a scrap recycling station.

"The bullet is not good, and it is useless for us to design it for the Orchid Republic. But let it be. Anyway, we are not the ones who suffer the loss. If there is any problem, the Orchid Republic will bear it by itself. After all, it is rare for the Orchid Republic to ask our kingdom for help, and they are willing to use various biological specimens as compensation. It is worth it."

In this day and age, in addition to gold, silver and jewelry, the other thing worth spending a lot of money on in the Negan Kingdom is biological specimens.

Especially biological specimens of some dangerous monsters.

Compared to the lack of attention in the Old Continent, Lai Ting Winnie, who was born in a pharmacist family, understands that biological specimens are an important raw material for drug development, and their value cannot be easily measured by money.

Just like the night vision vaccine she made for every citizen of the entire Negan Kingdom to be injected, although the research cost of this thing is not low, it saves the Negan Kingdom a lot of public facilities costs.

The street lights originally used for public night lighting or the electricity needed by many families were all written off, becoming the source of electricity needed by the magnetic storm coil today.

This is also an important reason why the Negan Kingdom is rich and the power industry is developed.

"At the same time, the Orchid Republic sent an envoy who wanted to come to our power plant to study."

"Learning is fake, stealing is real. However, let them do what they want. As long as the Orchid Republic has money, everything can be negotiated."


"Aiqi, the Orchid Republic is not our hostile country. At least not now. We still need them to work for us."

"I understand this. But compared to this matter, I am a little worried about whether they will go south to expand their territory. After all, they are located in the northwest corner of the New World. If it weren't for the hot springs, they would definitely go south in large numbers."

"There are dog-headed people here, what are you afraid of?"


"Are you afraid that the dog-headed people can't be stopped?"

"Yes. The military strength of the Orchid Republic is much stronger than that of the Kobolds. "

"It's okay. I believe they know more about peaceful development than we do. By the way, what fun things are there in the Old World?"

"Fun? The Old World... In our hometown, Eri, civil strife broke out again."

"Brown-skinned Kalai rebelled?"

"Yes. The Supreme King wanted to use peaceful means, but the other elders bypassed the Supreme King and sent out troops to suppress it."

"My cousin is not good enough."

Although the Supreme King is actually her mother's cousin, in Queen Winnie's opinion, the performance of the Supreme King being sidelined is a tragedy.

She knew very well that the Supreme King wanted to promote the unification of the Eri states in a gentle way to strengthen the country's strength, but things failed in this way.

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