
Chapter 427: There is no need for an arms race


As the most effective political ruling system in primitive times, as long as the ruling class controls all resources related to the gods, the people who believe in the gods will inevitably kneel down and worship.

They will even dedicate everything to the wizards who have contact with the gods at a fixed time every day.

However, such a ruling system is too primitive and has a very strong hindering effect on the development of productivity.

Therefore, even if the current United Kingdom of Eri can develop and produce plasma weapons, the United Kingdom of Eri still has to face the ignorance of its people without ideological and military changes.

As a result, the brown-skinned Kalai in the lower class of society, because they are born without magic power, have been oppressed by the white-skinned Kalai in the upper class for many years, and few of them can resist the temptation of the power of the demons.

It must be said that the demons, those guys who call themselves Krigans, are hateful and are experts in splitting and alienating countries of different types and races; but they are indeed quite wise in analyzing a country and studying a country’s weaknesses.

Since the gods they believed in had never protected them, they had never seen the gods themselves, and had never felt the power of the gods, the brown-skinned Kalai in the United Kingdom of Eri would inevitably be touched by the voices whispering in their heads from time to time.

As a result, this is the fundamental reason why the cults in the entire Old World, including the United Kingdom of Eri, have never been able to be completely wiped out.

The ability of the demons to seduce people's hearts is not only weird, but also quite corrosive and erosive.

The original theocracy of the United Kingdom of Eri was also severely damaged by this, and coupled with the impact of the human forces from the East, it was a magical thing that they did not cede land or pay compensation.

Therefore, the political policy of getting rid of the primitive and backward theocracy and moving the country towards modernization is Queen Winnie's final plan.

Of course, this does not mean giving up religion, but adopting the policy of separation of church and state and religion obeying politics to promote the development of the country.

After all, she herself has realized that the gods will not become gods because of your daily kneeling, because the gods themselves have incredible powerful abilities in ancient times that these young races that did not exist at the time did not exist at all.

Like the Black Dragon God worshipped by the Secret Keeper Cult, the state religion of the Kingdom of Negan, this is the god of exploration and freedom. Compared with the god of the Druid Cult, the state religion of the United Kingdom of Eri, who represents order and nature, the Black Dragon God yearns for the starry sky above his head and does not have much time to care about his own Kingdom of Negan.

Although sometimes they will come back to the temple of the Kingdom of Negan to rest when they are tired, this will not make them stop their exploration easily.

To put it bluntly, that is to say, as an intelligent creature in ancient times, the Black Dragon God does not need any kind of worship from the people, but only needs a hotel to rest.

But she herself is the queen of the Kingdom of Negan, and she is shocked by the knowledge told by the Black Dragon God.

The Black Dragon God knows the mysteries of the universe, the origin of the demon tribe Kerrigans, and the true identity of the gods worshipped by the Holy Church, the state religion of the Eastern Human Kingdom.

At the same time, the Black Dragon God also told me a more cruel fact, that is, there are many races like the Black Dragon God who can travel in the vast sea of ​​stars. Whether they are good or evil, you can only judge by yourself. After all, the ability of these guys is strong enough to make it hard for me to believe.

Even the Black Dragon Clan has not yet explored the entire universe, and I don’t know if there are more terrible things.

However, the Black Dragon God is not stopping me from exploring and discovering, but a warning to the entire Negan Kingdom.

Standing still will inevitably be swallowed by darkness, especially under the premise that this universe not only has physical space, but also alien space-the source of the portal technology of the demon Kerrigan people.

So in order to ensure safety, Queen Winnie has established a special observatory to study the starry sky above her head.

"Aiqi, the Supreme King wants...he, has he ever thought about learning from us?"

"Impossible. We are based on the fact that the whole country is illiterate, and we develop our national strength through the exploration of mysterious relics. Therefore, our development path is destined to be unsuitable for other countries."

"Well. OK."

"And speaking of this relic...it seems that there are not many in our new continent, and most of them are in the old continent. At the same time, in addition to us, the Federation is also scrambling for it."

"Normal. The capital of the Federation is actually built on a large battlefield site. That's why they have a large number of automatic mecha soldiers and light prism towers."

As a scientific and technological achievement of the Federation, the light prism tower that can burst out powerful light prism rays has become the military symbol of the human power group headed by the Iron Fist Empire in the eastern part of the old continent.

As for where this thing came from, sorry, it's a national secret, no one knows or knows, let alone dare to say it casually.

In short, the emergence of the light prism tower has allowed the Kingdom of Negan to step up the research and development and improvement of its own magnetic storm coil.

Science and technology are important existences that change the face of a country.

She fully understands this truth.

But before that, she had to think about how to ensure that her country had more resources. After all, the old problem of the Kingdom of Negan, the lack of copper, was not completely solved after the Kingdom of Galson signed an unequal treaty and the entire Principality of Aiken became the territory of the Kingdom of Negan.

Especially in the territory of the Principality of Aiken, after careful inspection by the geological survey team of the Kingdom of Negan, there are not many copper mines. Only previously invested projects, such as porcelain workshops and other immovable items, still provide sufficient foreign trade benefits for the Negan Kingdom (not only the indigenous people of the New World, but also the Orchid Republic also like porcelain. As for the kobolds of the Guangwu Empire, The only thing more expensive than gold on the black market is porcelain).

"So should we strengthen our armaments?"

"Hmm...where is the country most in need of money now?"

"The laying of magnetic storm coils and the renovation of protective walls in various urban areas."

"Then it's unnecessary. The Old Continent doesn't want to engage in an arms race, so we Negan don't have the need to do so. Are you not stupid? Don't you want to provoke a world war by doing this kind of thing? What's more... it's really the most important thing Those who want us to engage in an arms race are the Demon Cregans. They probably want to see our jokes for who knows how long."

Since the demons have the ability to whisper in their ears (teleportation), then the demons must hope that the whole world will become one to clear the ground for themselves.

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