After more than 10 minutes, many fully armed elites of the Uchiha clan arrived in front of Naruto one after another. Since Naruto had been using the Mangekyō Sharingan, they stood in front of Naruto obediently. They might not know the Mangekyō Sharingan, but it did not prevent them from feeling the pressure from Naruto's body and eyes.

After a while, Uchiha Fugaku also arrived. However, after seeing the bodies of many clan members being collected, he could not help but feel angry. However, as the clan leader for many years, he suppressed his anger and thanked Naruto."Thank you for your help, but can you tell us the whole story? We, the Uchiha clan, will repay you with gratitude."

Naruto was no longer silent when he saw that it was the clan leader of the Uchiha clan who spoke. He said to Fugaku,"The matter is very simple. You do not conceal your strength and ambition, so the high-ranking officials of Konoha want to exterminate your Uchiha clan to prevent you from shaking their status."

The ninjas of the Uchiha clan suddenly became angry, but when they wanted to express their anger loudly, Naruto instantly released his breath to suppress them. Their current number and strength are not enough to kill the surrounding ninjas outside. If Naruto fights them all, what is the point of Naruto saving them? Facing the oppression of Naruto's breath, their rising anger was quickly suppressed by Naruto's breath.

Uchiha Fugaku, the clan leader, also took a deep breath, but still asked Naruto unwillingly,"Do they want to exterminate our clan just because of this?"

Naruto looked at Uchiha Fugaku with a teasing look and said,"Isn't that enough?"

Uchiha Fugaku thought about it and felt that he was a little stupid, but then he also remembered that the person who informed him before coming said that Naruto needed their help with something, so he hurriedly asked,"I heard that Your Excellency needs our help with something. I don't know what it is. Can you tell me? We, the Uchiha clan, will definitely help you." Naruto smiled and said,

"Very good, I need you to help me get the position of Hokage tonight. You just need to help me kill those miscellaneous soldiers. As for the heads of Hokage and other high-level people, I will take them down myself."

Uchiha Fugaku was also a little at a loss.

He didn't understand Naruto's current identity at all.

The other party possessed the Mangekyō Sharingan, but there was no such person in the Uchiha clan.

After all, there was no one with blond hair in the Uchiha clan.

Uchiha Fugaku thought for a moment, and said with a little embarrassment,"This may be a little difficult after all, there are other big families in Konoha that are hindering us, otherwise we would have obtained the position of Hokage through a coup long ago.


Naruto took off his mask when he heard this, revealing his childish but cold face. Naruto said lightly,"Don't worry! If others see me, they will not intervene, but they must do so after killing the Third Hokage, so do you understand! And in addition to my identity as a Jinchūriki, you, Clan Leader Fugaku, and other clan leaders should know that I am the child of the Fourth Hokage!" Naruto's words were plain but full of unquestionable.

Uchiha Fugaku said in surprise,"You actually knew about this, who told you? And what is in your eyes?……?"

Naruto responded with a little dissatisfaction,"Don't you want me to know the truth! As for this pair of Mangekyō, I stole it from Danzo Shimura. By the way, his Mangekyō Sharingan was taken after he killed Shisui, the genius of your Uchiha clan. So this is my trophy." Naruto emphasized the last part. The Uchiha people could hear that

Naruto didn't want to return it, but how could they ask others to return it when they were already intimidated by the aura of others! In addition, if Naruto didn't help, it would be a question whether they could survive tonight. The main reason was that the dozens of corpses over there were a bit scary. With their brains, they really couldn't think of how to kill so many people quickly without causing a huge commotion.

Uchiha Fugaku also answered shrewdly,"You will keep this pair of Mangekyō Sharingan from now on.

We, the Uchiha clan, will not take it back.

I believe Shisui will be very pleased to know that his Sharingan can help save the Uchiha clan.

" Naruto didn't want to continue talking nonsense at this time, and ordered Uchiha Fugaku and a group of Uchiha elites,"Let's not talk nonsense anymore.

Won't you, the Uchiha clan, help me? Then kill all the ninjas surrounding you outside to prove that you have the strength to help me.

And after I become the Hokage, I can let you return to the center of Konoha, and I will also give your clan a consultant position.


Hearing this, the Uchiha elites became excited, and the light in their eyes could not stop flashing. Uchiha Fugaku was also excited. Seeing that the pre-war mobilization had been completed, Naruto divided them into groups of two according to the strength of the opponent's aura to chase the opponent, and Naruto's order was to kill them all without leaving any alive.

Half an hour later, all the Uchiha elite ninjas returned intact, and many of them were covered in the blood of the enemy. At this time, Uchiha Fugaku said a little worriedly,"Killing so many people may not be good for the future management of the Hokage!"

Naruto didn't care, and replied lightly,"Those people in the Root who have no feelings and only know how to obey Danzo's orders have no need to exist. I killed Danzo a long time ago. Logically, the Tongue Eradication Seal on their bodies should have disappeared, but they still stupidly obeyed Danzo's orders and didn't even know that their master was dead. There is no need for these people who have been trained by Danzo to abandon their own humanity. Perhaps living is their greatest pain."

Uchiha Fugaku didn't know how to refute this, after all, this is the fact.

At this time, Uchiha Sasuke also returned to the clan after school. He looked at Naruto and his clan members together and couldn't help but ask curiously,"Naruto, what are you talking about with your father? And why are the clan members gathered together? What happened?"

Naruto and Uchiha Fugaku both looked at Uchiha Sasuke at this time. Uchiha Fugaku said to Sasuke sternly,"Sasuke, go home and stay with your mother first. Naruto and I have something to do tonight."

Sasuke couldn't help but lower his head at this time, and replied depressedly,"Oh, I see."

But Naruto had a different opinion. Naruto Someone called Sasuke,"Come back! This time you should act with us. Your life is too comfortable. I don't need such a flower in a greenhouse as my little brother."

Sasuke puffed up his face when he heard Naruto's words, and said angrily,"I am not your little brother. I will definitely beat you next time." Uchiha Fugaku hesitated and said,"Are you sure you want Sasuke to come with you? After all, he is still young!"

Naruto was speechless for a moment,"Do you think I am very old?" Naruto said seriously again,"Okay, the rest time is over, so let's head to the Hokage Building!"

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