In this way, Naruto led dozens of Uchiha elites and marched towards the Hokage Building. When the group rushed for a while, the Sandai had been waiting there for a long time with a group of people.

When the Sandai looked at Naruto who was leading the charge and the Mangekyo in Naruto's eyes, he couldn't help but angrily said to Uchiha Fugaku,"Uchiha Fugaku! Do you want to rebel? How dare you control the Jinchūriki? Do you want the Nine-Tails incident 8 years ago to happen again? Or was the Nine-Tails Rebellion 8 years ago your doing?"

Uchiha Fugaku next to Naruto was confused.

How could he be blamed for something he had just met? However, the words of the Third Generation also reminded him to quickly distance himself from the matter, otherwise the glorious future of the Uchiha clan might be destroyed halfway.

Uchiha Fugaku quickly said to Naruto,"Naruto, you have to believe us!

Eight years ago, our Uchiha clan was surrounded by Danzo's Root and couldn't get out at all, so there was no chance to control the Nine-Tails.

And your father Minato and I are close friends, how could I harm him?"

This scene made the Third Generation and the other clan leaders who were called in stunned. Didn't the Uchiha clan control Uzumaki Naruto? What's with this face of flattery and avoidance?

Naruto stood up at this time and said to the Sandaime opposite him,"Don't guess, old Sandaime. Today, the Uchiha genocide plan executed by Danzo was thwarted by me, and I, Uzumaki Naruto, brought them here today to take back everything that originally belonged to me, Uzumaki Naruto, and snatch your position as Hokage."

The Sandaime said solemnly,"Naruto, do you know what you are talking about? Are you going to launch a coup with the Uchiha clan?" Naruto suddenly laughed and said,"I, Uzumaki Naruto, have been practicing hard for so long just to be able to...

Can I send all of you who are trying to control my life to hell? When I, Uzumaki Naruto, was just born into this world, I witnessed my parents die in front of my eyes.

After that, you, the Third Hokage, let the rumor spread among the common people in order to control me so that you could become my closest person.

But you didn't expect it!

Not only do I know that my own parents are the Fourth Hokage, I also have a lot of his memories.


Hearing this, the Third Hokage's face darkened instantly. Naruto had actually escaped from his control a long time ago, but he didn't notice anything and foolishly thought that the overall situation was settled. The other clan leaders couldn't help but sigh in their hearts that Naruto was so cunning at such a young age, and he was worthy of being the child of the Fourth Hokage.

The third generation said to Naruto gloomily,"So do you think you have the strength to resist now? Or do you want to rely on those dozens of Uchiha people to succeed in the coup? Don't forget that Konoha is not just the Uchiha clan."

Naruto laughed and said to the third generation jokingly,"Do you think they will still listen to you after you die? Or in other words, are you sure that the major families of Konoha under the governance of you and Danzo and other consultants will really have no complaints against you?"

The third generation didn't know what the consequences would be if they suppressed these big families? The reason why they didn't resist for so many years was that they didn't give them a hard time like the Uchiha did, and the Hokage had the highest power. The civilian ninjas would obey the orders of the Hokage, and the four major families behind the Hokage and the consultants were not vegetarians.

The third generation knew that he couldn't negotiate with Naruto anymore, otherwise the morale of the army would be unstable.

After all, the excuse for mobilizing these big families this time was that the Uchiha wanted a coup.

The third generation knew that they would not want someone from the Uchiha clan who looked down on others to become Hokage, but it was not certain for Naruto.

Naruto was too young and had no clan members, which would allow most of the power to flow into the hands of their big families.

For those powers, the third generation dared to guarantee that they would have a great chance of joining Naruto's camp.

The third generation took off the Hokage robe to reveal his battle armor and said to Naruto in a stern voice,"It seems that I can only defeat you and re-educate you.

" Then he attacked Naruto.

The third generation Hokage walked out of the crowd and used the Fire Style Great Dragon Fire Technique on Naruto.

The blazing flames rushed towards Naruto like a giant fire dragon.

The elites of the Uchiha clan behind Naruto saw this and just wanted to fight back with ninjutsu, but were called back by Naruto.

Naruto's strength has always been the key to making the Uchiha clan obedient, so they retreated without thinking too much, and soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals is also applicable in this ninja world.

Facing the fierce fire dragon, Naruto did not dodge and just stayed where he was and faced the fire dragon. The fire dragon bombarded Naruto's location, burning a large hole in the ground where Naruto was.

After the smoke and dust cleared, Naruto stood in front of everyone without any injury. Naruto taunted the Third Generation,"It seems that you are old after all! This kind of ninjutsu can only warm me up! It is impolite not to return the favor, so take it, Third Generation old man."

Naruto fired several kunais directly at the Third Generation old man, and the Third Generation looked at the kunai with a very fast sound of breaking through the air and dodged it very quickly.

However, at the moment when the Third Generation dodged, Naruto sent the Thunder God to the back of the Third Generation, and Naruto still had a blue Rasengan in his hand.

Naruto bombarded the Third Generation's back directly, and the Third Generation was also blown away by Naruto's move.

When the Third Generation stood up, there was already blood in his mouth.

At this time, some Anbu could no longer sit still and wanted to step forward, but just when they wanted to stand up, their companions put the kunai on their necks. The held Anbu angrily asked,"What do you want to do?"

And they replied calmly,"I am under the order of the young master not to interfere with his battle."

The third generation saw this scene, coughing up blood and asked Naruto in confusion,"What's going on? What did you do to them?"

Naruto smiled lightly,"This is the backup plan my father left for me! They are only your Anbu on the surface, but in fact they are the hidden plan left by my father, and now they obey me." The third generation did not get angry but laughed, and his smile was full of loneliness,"So I am the one who was kept in the dark! Fourth generation, you and your son are really good at tricks! You made me go around in circles! Hahahaha" Naruto did not want to talk nonsense.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Naruto rushed towards the third generation at full speed. Just when the third generation reacted and wanted to fight back, Naruto had already taken off the head of the third generation with a kunai.

The rest of the people swallowed their saliva when they saw Naruto kill the third generation of Hokage so easily, and at this time people also remembered the origin of the title of yellow flash. Although Naruto finally killed the Third Hokage only by relying on his own speed, in the eyes of others, Naruto's movements were just a yellow flash.

After confirming that the Third Hokage's aura had completely disappeared, Naruto stopped looking at the Third Hokage on the ground and turned to the Anbu and the heads of the big families and asked,"I want to become the Fifth Hokage. Who is in favor and who is against?"

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