Just as Naruto was chasing after him, a high-pressure water column shot towards Naruto, and Naruto dodged it. However, the hairs on his back stood up, and the original water column turned and attacked Naruto again. Naruto jumped up urgently to avoid this attack.

"There really aren't many people in the ninja world who like to fight head-on! And if you don't use some special ninjutsu, you can't catch up with Jiraiya at all."

Naruto stopped chasing, this kind of fighting style can't let his friends learn anything.

If Shikamaru and the others knew what Naruto was thinking, they wouldn't think so. In fact, they themselves are not very keen on ninjutsu after learning the training of Qi. As long as they are prepared, then ordinary ninjutsu can use Qi to defend, and there will be no harm at all.

As for why he learned ninjutsu, it was because he had the conditions and his parents had told him that the role of ninjutsu, except for chakra users like Naruto, is basically interference, and the real decision of victory or defeat is still physical skills and swordsmanship.

For this kind of people who keep walking around���They really had no way to deal with their own people. They could hit their opponents with one punch and seriously injure them, but the opponents kept running and throwing ninjutsu to interfere with their pursuit. Moreover, they also knew that their abilities were actually similar to what Naruto was using now, and they were not very attentive when learning the family ninjutsu.

Naruto began to get serious. Several golden chains rushed out from behind Naruto and shot towards Jiraiya. Jiraiya dodged in a hurry, but those chains seemed to have eyes. If they missed once, they would turn around and attack Jiraiya again.

"Tongue Fight"

""Tongue Fighting Slash"

One of the two sages spits out a high-pressure water jet from his mouth to cut Naruto's diamond seal, while the other spits out his tongue and wraps it around the diamond seal. Among them, Shima Sage's tongue fighting binding will also spray acid from his tongue to corrode the diamond seal

"Little Jiraiya, our ninjutsu can't resist Naruto's diamond blockade, we can only stop it for a while. You should admit defeat, it's not shameful. We two old men can't hold on any longer, there are too many chains."

Senjin Shima took the time to say to Jiraiya

"All right! Let's try our last trick!"

Jiraiya used a large Rasengan to deflect several diamond blockades.

""Senjutsu, Zuoemon"

Jiraiya spit oil in the middle, Shima Sage was responsible for spitting fire, and Fukasaku Sage spit wind to form a trinity combination of ninjutsu. The fire ignited the oil to form a scorching oil wave, and the wind helped the fire to make the oil temperature even higher. This ninjutsu formed a boiling oil wave and a fierce fire that rushed towards Naruto. Even Naruto's Vajra Blockade could not withstand the damage of this ninjutsu and collapsed. The

Sharingan magatama in Naruto's eyes spun wildly and transformed into a Mangekyō Sharingan.

With Naruto's clear shout:"Susanoo, appear.

"A green skeleton wrapped around Naruto, and gradually the skeleton was slowly wrapped by flesh and blood.

With the appearance of the upper body, Naruto did not stop the output of his pupil power until Susanoo formed a green giant of more than 30 meters.

Then Naruto stopped the massive output of his pupil power.

The nearly 10-meter oil wave did not hurt Naruto who was at the head of the giant, but only reached the thigh of Susanoo.

And Susanoo is worthy of being the strongest defense in the ninja world.

The scorching oil wave only made Naruto feel hot.

Even Susanoo did not have any major damage, and it could be repaired with a little pupil power and chakra.

Naruto did not intend to be roasted like this. He jumped in front of Jiraiya and stabbed the spiral sword in his hand directly in front of Jiraiya. Although Jiraiya urgently interrupted the ninjutsu, he still did not dodge.

"You lose, Jiraiya."

Naruto stood on the top of the Gundam with his arms folded, looking down at Jiraiya and said

"Don't say this until the end. Naruto,"The Technique of the Collapse of the Roof"

Instantly, a giant toad about the same size as Naruto's Susanoo appeared above Naruto's head and fell straight down. Naruto had absorbed the natural energy of the wind attribute, so he noticed the giant toad as soon as it appeared.

Naruto dodged and condensed a Yasaka Magatama and threw it at the giant toad. Since the giant toad had no support in the air, it was hit and suffered a lot of damage.

"No, how did Naruto know the Susanoo ninjutsu of our clan? Did you teach it to Naruto, father?"

Uchiha Sasuke asked his father beside him.

"I don't know, maybe he got it from your brother's brain!"

Naruto knew that he could modify other people's memories. Since he could modify it, it would be easier to read it. Naruto couldn't do what the Yamanaka clan could do, and Uchiha Fugaku didn't believe it.

This was not something Naruto found in Uchiha Itachi's brain. This was something Naruto learned from some notes about the analysis and insights of the Uchiha clan's Mangekyō Sharingan abilities that he found when he searched the Root base. As for the author, it was naturally our second-generation Hokage, Tobirama Senju.

The notes contained a rough analysis of the creation and use of the Uchiha clan's Mangekyō.

When Naruto saw the notes, he had some doubts about what would happen if he was given a pair of Eternal Mangekyō.

Will the Sharingan also come up with a powerful forbidden technique related to the Mangekyō? And Naruto's current Susanoo has also been modified based on the insights in it.

As long as one has sufficient chakra and strong chakra control ability, the consumption of pupil power can be reduced.

This is why Naruto dares to directly summon a 30-meter-long Gundam.

Moreover, Naruto

's current Sharingan can only summon a 50-meter-long Gundam at most, and it can't be too long, otherwise Naruto's pair of Mangekyō will be completely blind. It can only be said that Naruto's own Yang attribute can help the Mangekyō slowly restore its pupil power, but after draining the pupil power, no matter how strong Naruto's Yang attribute is, it can't prevent its fate of being blinded.

""It's not too late, Jiraiya."

Jiraiya looked at Gamahiro who turned into smoke and returned to Myoboku Mountain not long after he appeared, and he had no other options.

If Naruto didn't have the Mangekyō pupil in his eyes, Jiraiya could use the sound illusion of the two sages to fight him again.

The Uchiha clan's Sharingan itself has a high resistance to illusions, not to mention that Naruto's eyes are the Mangekyō Sharingan of the Uchiha clan's best illusionist.

In the three aspects of ninjutsu, body, and illusion, he could only suppress Naruto in the connection of the three aspects, but once he singled out one of them, he would have no advantage, so Jiraiya had to cancel the sage mode and surrender.

"I surrender, and you have proved yourself capable of facing the Nine-Tails, so it is time to give you the key. But I need a seat as an advisor."

Naruto also released Susanoo and smiled,"Have you finally figured out that you want to realize your own dream?"

"No! I just think that the child of prophecy should be you. I want a consultant position just to supervise your behavior, fearing that you will go astray. Although I can't be your disciple, I can still teach you some knowledge."

Jiraiya looked at Naruto confidently.

"It's up to you. There's nothing wrong with thinking that way."

Naruto answered Jiraiya speechlessly. He thought he would finally rely on his own efforts to achieve peace in the ninja world step by step. In the end, it was entrusted to his own hands. There are already quite a few teams behind him. When will a fellow traveler come? If this goes on, Naruto feels that his throne will not be able to escape.

"Is it true that such a prosperous age can only be achieved by taking one step at a time? Being a lonely emperor is not what I want!"

Naruto couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

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