"Master, you are really amazing! You can even defeat one of the three ninjas easily."

Xiao Li rushed to Naruto with stars in his eyes, and said excitedly.

Jiraiya, who was being compared, felt embarrassed when he heard this, but when he thought of Naruto's powerful strength, he felt that losing was not a shameful thing. Naruto

's paper strength is so strong that Jiraiya thinks that perhaps only the first Hokage Senju Hashirama can be compared to the current Naruto.

Although Jiraiya gave Naruto many opportunities when attacking, Jiraiya thought that Naruto was also holding back a lot of strength when attacking. It can be seen from the fact that Naruto has not shown any signs of weakness until now.

""Okay, I will teach you my new training after I have mastered it thoroughly, so that you can become as strong as me."

Naruto comforted his enthusiastic disciple.

"Sage Mode? Naruto"

Jiraiya asked Naruto with a little confusion

"Good! You can understand it this way"


What is that?���His friends all looked at Naruto in confusion.

"It is a ninjutsu similar to Jiraiya's transformation mode just now. It can greatly enhance a person's ability in three aspects: ninjutsu, tai, and genjutsu, and can also gain powerful perception ability."

"Just like I could sense the sudden appearance of the giant toad just now."

"But we can also do it with the perception of Qi! What is the difference between the two?!"

Shikamaru said the key, which is what these friends want to know.

"This is different. The perception provided by this Sage Mode is all-round perception, which can perceive all nearby objects, while Qi can only perceive the breath of living things."

"There are too many strange ninjutsu in the ninja world. Puppetry alone can restrain the perception of Qi. If the puppet attacks, we can only rely on our reaction to deal with it."

"Indeed! Although I don't know what you practiced to improve so quickly, but more skills are better than less, and one more perception ability means that you can avoid a lot of crises."

Jiraiya looked at these young people of the new generation of Konoha and put forward his own suggestions. With so many powerful green leaves, Jiraiya didn't want them to die easily.

"Thank you for your teachings, Master Jiraiya!"

Shikamaru and the others also responded respectfully. Although Naruto was their good friend and could be exempted from many etiquettes, they still had to be polite to Jiraiya.

"Fugaku and Shikaku, you two advisors, please arrange for Jiraiya to become the advisor of the new one. He will be your colleague in the future!"

Naruto instructed the few people who had been the audience for so long.

"As you command, Hokage-sama."

"Then you should continue to practice well! In the future, I need you to be able to suppress a shadow-level person like me."

"Don't worry! Naruto, you have taught us so many things. If we can't meet your requirements, it would be a shame for your resources."

Shikamaru smiled and responded to Naruto

"I won't give up on catching up with you, but you haven't practiced much recently, so it's only a matter of time before I catch up with you."

"Being overconfident is not a good thing! Sasuke, keep going, I look forward to your growth."

After that, Naruto took Jiraiya and the others back to the Hokage's office. There were so many government affairs that they had to review them quickly, and those aunts were going to ask him for people again. (Except for the Inuzuka clan)

"By the way, Tenten, how is your Flying Thunder God training going?"Uchiha Sasuke asked. Naruto often assigns him some tasks, so he doesn't know much about everyone's training.

"It's OK! Sometimes I can still use it.

Tiantian scratched his head awkwardly. He had learned this ninjutsu for more than half a year, but it sometimes worked and sometimes didn't. Besides, other people said he was gifted. It was really embarrassing.

"Is it that powerful? To be honest, I also want to learn it, but I don’t seem to have the talent. I have learned how to use the space rune, but I really can’t figure out what the feeling of space is!"

Uchiha Sasuke was depressed when he thought of this. Naruto used Flying Thunder God to appear and disappear without a trace every day, which satisfied Sasuke's initial fantasy of being a ninja. And he learned that he could return home to be with his family even when he was on a mission. It was extremely convenient, but he just couldn't learn it.

"Flying Thunder God is indeed very useful, but let's learn some of our family's signature ninjutsu! Those may be what we should really learn."

Shikamaru advised everyone not to be too obsessed with Flying Thunder God. Naruto has already arranged a path for Tenten and Rock Lee, and the path of their big families is actually very clear.

Naruto gave out Flying Thunder God to select people with or without this talent. Naruto knew from his memory that Tenten was good at using summoning scrolls, so he guessed that Tenten should have some spatial talent.

Naruto was not wrong. Tenten did have the talent, but he was the only one who had this talent. Shikamaru, Sasuke and Shino did not have this talent. Naruto felt that he could learn this ninjutsu thanks to his father's good genes.

After returning to the Hokage's office, Naruto took a look at what important things had happened recently.

"Hokage-sama, the daimyo is very dissatisfied with you for not accepting his appointment for a long time, and has sent people to spread the rumor that you are not worthy of the position of Hokage. Although there is no such rumor in Konoha, it is still widely circulated in the Land of Fire."

Nara Shikaku reported the important matters as usual

"As long as they don't reach out to Konoha, we don't have to worry about them, but once they reach out to my territory, I will have a reason to send troops."

Naruto smiled sinisterly, looking at the direction of the Land of Fire as if he were a fat sheep.

""Naruto, what are you going to do? My living ancestor, you better restrain yourself!"

Jiraiya was a little helpless when he saw Naruto like this. Naruto should be the typical type who only responds to hard things and not soft things. It is difficult for those who can't beat Naruto to change his mind.

"I just think my territory is too small and I want it to be bigger. The Land of Fire in the hands of the Daimyo is a good place."

Naruto didn't care that Jiraiya knew his thoughts. As long as he couldn't beat him and didn't have a good reason, what would it matter if he knew?

"What are you going to do?"

Jiraiya really couldn't change Naruto's mind, but he might be able to provide another way to achieve this effect and reduce the killing.

"The political elite and the defense forces were all destroyed, leaving no one behind."

Naruto didn't care about the talents in the Fire Nation, and under that system, it was difficult for talented people to climb up unless they had strong connections.

"What about the lower-level officials?"

Jiraiya was also dissatisfied with the daimyo. He was powerful and had been collecting intelligence for many years. He must have known that the daimyo exploited the people.

However, there were still many local officials who cared about the people. Jiraiya only wanted to protect these people. As for the daimyo and the powerful, he didn't want to care about their lives.

As long as they were powerful, they would look down on them, but they would still bow their heads for a living.

"It depends on the situation. If the people have a good impression of it, they will stay. But if it is the same as above, then the only outcome is death."

"I didn't expect you to not object to my attack on the daimyo's mansion. Can you tell me the reason?"

Naruto was curious about this, and he thought Jiraiya would also oppose him!

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